Site Map
2018 Election Coverage
- 2018 Wisconsin Fall Election – Uncontested Seats
- 2018 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendum Results
- 2nd Assembly Candidate Shae Sortwell speaks about marijuana reform
- 4th Assembly District: Marijuana Q&A with Republican David Steffen of Howard
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- A look at one marijuana referendum on the ballot
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Candidate Barbara Dittrich supports CBD but opposes products with THC
- Democrat Lee Snodgrass view on marijuana
- Democrat Rep. Gordon Hintz statements about cannabis reform
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Freshman Republican Assembly Reps 2018 Election and Campaign Statements
- Gae Magnafici Discuss Their Views on Various Topics
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Information on Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendums in 2018
- Kalan Haywood campaign statements on marijuana
- Legislative candidates Swearingen, Meier, emphasize differences
- Loren Oldenburg campaign statement on marijuana
- Rep John Nygren does not support marijuana reform under any conditions!
- Rep John Spiros (R-Marshfield) pre-2018 election marijuana Q & A
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Republican Candidate Assembly 28 Gae Magnafici View on Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Jesse James campaign interview supports medical marijuana
- Republican from Neenah Rohrkaste answers marijuana reform question
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Republican Ron Tusler 2018 campaign statements about marijuana reform
- Republican Tony Kurtz would be open to medical marijuana if hemp ineffective
- Robyn Vining (D) Wauwatosa – 2018 Candidate Interview
- Senator Nass and Rep. August have selective hearing on marijuana reform
- Senator Roger Roth 2018 Marijuana Statements
- Shae Sortwell (R) 2018 Candidate Position
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Tony Kurtz campaign statements on marijuana reform
- Wisconsin Legislative Scorecard 2017
2020 Election Coverage
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- 78th Assembly Primary: Slamka (D) to challenge Subeck (D)
- 82nd Assembly District Double Primary
- 85 Assembly Primary: LaFave (D) vs Johnson (D)
- Aaron Wojciechowski (D) vs Dan Feyen (R) for Senate District 18
- Aaron Perry (D) to challenge Scott Allen (R)
- Abigail Lowery (D) vs Stephen W. Ratzlaff, Jr (I) vs John Jagler (R)
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- Alan DeYoung (D) to challenge Chuck Wichgers (R)
- Alciro Deacon (R) vs LaTonya Johnson (D) for Senate 6
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Angel Sanchez (R) Assembly District 8 Candidate Statements
- Assembly District 11 Democratic Candidate Cannabis Interviews
- Assembly District 14 Republican Candidates Marijuana Interviews
- Assembly District 17 Democrat Candidate Positions on Cannabis
- Assembly District 29 Candidate Positions on Marijuana
- Assembly District 48: Democrat Candidates views about cannabis reform
- Assembly District 55 Republican Candidates Position on Marijuana
- Assembly District 76 Democrat Candidate Statements
- August Schutz (D) vs Robert Wittke (R)
- Beth Drew (R) to challenge Don Vruwink (D) for AD 43
- Brian Giles (D) vs Republican Primary Winner
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Candidates for Assembly District 89 Views on Marijuana Reform: Nygren (R), Rich (R), Jaeger (D)
- Charlene Charlie Warner (D) to challenge Warren Petryk
- Charles Walker (R) to challenge Jodi Emerson (D) for AD 91
- Chris Kapsner (D) to challenge Rob Summerfield (R)
- Christian Saldivar (D) Assembly District 9 Candidate Statements
- Christian Saldivar (D) to challenge Marisabel Cabrera (D) in primary
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Congressional District 5 Republican Primary: Fitzgerald vs DeTemple
- Crystal Miller (R) to challenge Tod Ohnstad (D) for AD 65
- Dan Kapanke (R) vs Brad Pfaff (D) for Senate 32
- Dan Schierl (D) vs Rachael Cabral-Guevara (R) for AD 55
- David Dahlke (R) to challenge Dave Considine (D) for AD 81
- Deb Andraca (D) to challenge Jim Ott (R)
- Deb Silvers (D) to challenge Kevin Petersen (R)
- Democrat State Assembly Candidates – 2020 Cannabis Support Summary
- Dennis Walton (I) to challenge Kalan Haywood (D) for AD 16
- Diana Lawrence (D) to challenge David Murphy (R) for AD 56
- Don Herman (R-Oshkosh) Candidate Position on Marijuana
- Don Herman (R) to challenge Gordon Hintz (D) for AD 54
- Dr. Kristin Lyerly (D) to challenge John Macco (R)
- Drew Kirsteatter (R) vs Kristina Shelton (D) for AD 90
- DuWayne Severson (R) vs Sue Conley (D) for AD 44
- Ed Hibsch (R) to challenge Tip McGuire (D) for AD 64
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Elizabeth Lochner-Abel (D) to challenge Amy Loundenbeck
- Emily Berge (D) to challenge Jesse James (R)
- Emily Siegrist (D) to challenge Dan Knodl (R) for AD 24
- Emily Voight (D) to challenge Ron Tusler (R)
- Eric Beach (R) vs Lee Snodgrass (D) for 57th Assembly District
- Erik Brooks (D) to challenge Jessie Rodriguez (R) for AD 21
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Izzy Nevarez (D) to challenge Mark Born (R)
- Jeff Johnson (D) to challenge Patrick Snyder (R) for AD 85
- Jessica Katzenmeyer (D) to challenge Joe Sanfelippo (R)
- Joel Jacobsen (D) vs Robin Vos (R)
- John Ellenson (D) vs David Armstrong (R) for AD 75
- Jonathon Hansen (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R) for Senate 30
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Josefine Jaynes (D): Assembly District 96 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- Julie Schroeder (D) to challenge Jeremy Thiesfeldt (R)
- Katherine Gaulke (D) to challenge Tyler August (R)
- Kathy Hinkfuss (D) vs Dave Steffen (R)
- Kerry Trask (D) to challenge Paul Tittl (R) for AD 25
- Kim Butler (D) challenges Gae Magnafici (R)
- Kim Delorit Jensen (D) to challenge Joel Kitchens (R)
- Kim Smith (D) to challenge Sondy Pope (D) in primary for the 80th Assembly
- Kirk Bangstad (D) to challenge Rob Swearingen (R)
- Kriss Marion (D) to challenge Todd Novak (R)
- Kristina Shelton for State Assembly – District 90 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- Leroy Brown (I) 94th Assembly District Candidate Cannabis Statement
- Mark Kiley (D) to challenge Shae Sortwell (R)
- Mark Waldon (D) to challenge Tony Kurtz (R)
- Mary Lynne Donohue (D) to challenge Terry Katsma (R)
- Mason Becker (D) to challenge Cody Horlacher (R)
- Melisa Arndt (D) to challenge Jon Plumer (R) for AD 42
- Melissa Winker (D) to challenge Barbara Dittrich (R)
- Neal Plotkin (D) to challenge Alberta Darling (R) for Senate 8
- NORML Launches “Smoke the Vote” To Prepare For 2020 Election
- Orlando Owens (R) vs Dora Drake (D) for AD 11
- Patrick Hull (R) Candidate for 76 Assembly Interview on Cannabis
- Paul Piotrowski (D) to challenge Patrick Testin (R) for Senate 24
- Phil Anderson (R) to challenge Jimmy Anderson (D) for AD 47
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican State Assembly Candidates – 2020 Cannabis Support Summary
- Richard Sarnwick (D) to challenge Gary Tauchen (R)
- Rob Ochoa (R) to challenge Adam Neylon (R) in primary for the 98th seat
- Samuel Anderson (R) vs Samba Baldeh (D) for AD 48
- Sara Rodriguez (D) to challenge Rob Hutton (R) for AD 13
- Sarah Yacoub (D) to challenge Shannon Zimmerman (R)
- Sargent (D), McKinney (D) and Barker (R) Senate 16 Candidate Marijuana Positions
- Senate 26 Candidate Kelda Roys Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate 26 Candidate Nada Elmikashfi Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate 32 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana
- Senate District 28 Candidates Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate District 30 Candidates Views on Marijuana Reform
- Senate District 6 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senators not up for re-election likely to continue prohibition in 2021-22
- Shaun Murphy-Lopez (D) to challenge Travis Tranel (R)
- Simon Moesch (D) or Richard Sarnwick (D) vs Gary Tauchen (R)
- Smoke the Vote Project Almost Complete, here are the no shows.
- Smoke the Vote Scorecard Video Summary
- Stafsholt (R) and Link (R) Battle Primary to Face Schachtner (D) in Senate 10
- State Senate 26 Candidate Interviews
- State Senate and Assembly Primary Races for August 11, 2020
- Supreme Moore Omokunde (D) vs Abie Eisenbach (R) for AD 17
- Syliva Ortiz-Velez (D) Assembly District 8 Candidate Statements
- Tawny Gustina (R) to challenge Mark Spreitzer (D) for AD 45
- Terry Lyon (R) Cannabis Campaign Statements
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Uncontested Senate Races for Nov 2020 are good and bad
- Uncontested Wisconsin Assembly Races in 2020
- Upcoming deadline for voter registration October 14th
- Victoria Fueger (R)to challenge Dianne Hesselbein (D) for AD 79
- Vote Absentee in 2020!
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- William “Will” Leverson (R) to challenge Greta Neubauer (D) for AD 66
- Wisconsin State Senate Candidates for 2020: How they broke down on adult use and medical
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
2022 Election Coverage
- 2021-22 Wisconsin state Senate – Members occupations
- Adam Jarchow enters Attorney General Race
- Marijuana Report on the Senators Up For Election in 2022
- Marquette Law School Marijuana Poll Results
- Pfaff and Doyle want your vote, but are MIA on legalization
- Rebecca Kleefisch on pot as a potential Gov candidate
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
2024 Competitive Assembly Races
- AD 1 Swagel to primary Kitchens, Paplham to face winner
- AD 14: Tenorio (D) vs Engstrand (R) vs Shevey (I)
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) Assembly seat in jeopardy
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) vs David Marstellar (D)
- AD 22: Melotik (R) vs Glasstein (D)
- AD 26: Amy Binsfeld (R) vs Joe Sheehan (D)
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- AD 46: Fitzgerald (D) vs Quimby (R)
- AD 49: Travis Tranel (R) vs Scott Walker, MD (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Garbe (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Grabe (D)
- AD 53: Shukoski (D) vs Kaufert (R)
- AD 54: Incumbent Lori Palmeri (D) vs Tim Paterson
- AD 60: O’Connor (R) vs Lavrenz (D)
- AD 61: LuAnn Bird (D) vs Bob Donovan (R)
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- AD 65: DeSmidt (D) vs Gonzalez (R)
- AD 66: Incumbent Neubauer (D) vs DeGroot (R)
- AD 71: Miresse (D) vs Pahmeier (R)
- AD 82 Allen (R), Reilly (D) vs D’Amico (D)
- AD 85: Patrick Snyder (R) vs Yee Leng Xiong (D)
- AD 88: Welch (D) vs Franklin (R)
- AD 89: Ryan Spaude (D) vs Patrick Buckley (R)
- AD 90: Amaad Rivera Wagner (D) vs Jessica Henderson (R)
- AD 91: Emerson (D) vs Skinner (R)
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- AD 94: Incumbent Doyle (D) vs Huebsch (R)
- AD 95: Incumbent Billings (D) vs Schnitzler (R)
- Bird (D) vs Donovan (R) in 61st AD rematch
- Is Shannon Zimmerman (R) Safe in AD30
- LTE: Duane Shukoski is right for AD 53
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Top Ten Assembly Races in 2024
2024 Election Coverage
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- 53rd Assembly District Analysis
- 85 & 87 Assembly District and Snyder (R) moves
- 88th Assembly District becomes competitive
- ACLU of Wisconsin Candidate Questionnaires
- AD 1 Swagel to primary Kitchens, Paplham to face winner
- AD 11 Primary: Taylor (D) vs Heredia (D)
- AD 12 Will Williford go unchallenged in the primary
- AD 12: Russell Goodwin (D) vs Deanna Alexander (I)
- AD 13 Primary: Michalski (R) vs Granger (R), winner to face Vining (D)
- AD 14: Tenorio (D) vs Engstrand (R) vs Shevey (I)
- AD 15: Adam Neylon (R) vs Sarah Harrison (D)
- AD 19 Primary: Clancy (D) vs Anderson (D)
- AD 2: Sortwell (R) vs Saunders (D)
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) Assembly seat in jeopardy
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) vs David Marstellar (D)
- AD 22: Melotik (R) vs Glasstein (D)
- AD 26: Amy Binsfeld (R) vs Joe Sheehan (D)
- AD 27 Katsma (R) leaves, Brill (R) enters
- AD 27: Lindee Brill (R) vs Kay Ladson (D)
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- AD 31: August (R) vs Henderson (D)
- AD 33: Robin Vos (R), Kelly Clark (I), Alan Kupsik (D)
- AD 34: Rob Swearingen (R) vs Dennis Nitzel (D)
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- AD 37 Primary : Born (R) vs Rydzewski (R); Bates awaits
- AD 39: Chris Gordon (D) vs Alex Dallman (R)
- AD 4 and 6 Behnke, Steffen, Schmidt and let’s go Benson!
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- AD 42: McCarville (D) vs Witherspoon (R)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- AD 46: Fitzgerald (D) vs Quimby (R)
- AD 47 Primary: Maldonado (D) vs Udell (D)
- AD 48: Andrew Hysell (D) vs Lisa Rubrich (R)
- AD 49 Tranel (R) silent, so is challenger
- AD 49: Travis Tranel (R) vs Scott Walker, MD (D)
- AD 5 Sampson (D) to challenge Goeben (R)
- AD 5: Karen Kirsch (D) vs Lee Whiting (R)
- AD 50: Jenna Jacobson (D) vs Richard Johnson (R)
- AD 51 Harlow (D) and Grabe (D) race to challenge Novak (R)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Garbe (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Grabe (D)
- AD 52: Incumbent Lee Snodgrass (D) vs Chad Cooke (R)
- AD 53: Shukoski (D) vs Kaufert (R)
- AD 54: Incumbent Lori Palmeri (D) vs Tim Paterson
- AD 55 Primary: Gustafson (R), Schraa (R) and Kehoe (D)
- AD 55: Gustafson (R) vs Kehoe (D)
- AD 56: David “Kratom” Murphy (R) vs Emily Tseffos (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- AD 60: O’Connor (R) vs Lavrenz (D)
- AD 61: LuAnn Bird (D) vs Bob Donovan (R)
- AD 62: Winner is Cruz (D) AD 63: Winner is Wittke (R)
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- AD 65 Primary: Flood (D) vs DeSmidt (D)
- AD 65: DeSmidt (D) vs Gonzalez (R)
- AD 66: Incumbent Neubauer (D) vs DeGroot (R)
- AD 69 Primary: Hurd (R) vs Lori Voss (R) winner to face Halls (D) Kelley (I)
- AD 71: Miresse (D) vs Pahmeier (R)
- AD 73: Angela Stroud (D) vs Frank Kostka (R)
- AD 74: Chanz Green (R) vs Jeanne Bruce (D)
- AD 77: Renuka Mayadev (D) is Unopposed
- AD 8 Primary: Ortiz-Velez (D) vs Murguia (D)
- AD 82 Allen (R), Reilly (D) vs D’Amico (D)
- AD 85: Patrick Snyder (R) vs Yee Leng Xiong (D)
- AD 86: Incumbent John Spiros (R) vs John Small (D)
- AD 88: Welch (D) vs Franklin (R)
- AD 89: Ryan Spaude (D) vs Patrick Buckley (R)
- AD 9: Priscilla Prado (D) vs Ryan Antczak (R)
- AD 90: Amaad Rivera Wagner (D) vs Jessica Henderson (R)
- AD 91: Emerson (D) vs Skinner (R)
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- AD 93 Primary: Phelps (D) vs Butler (D), Rolbiecki (R) on deck
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- AD 94: Incumbent Doyle (D) vs Huebsch (R)
- AD 95: Incumbent Billings (D) vs Schnitzler (R)
- AD 96 Primary: Johnson (D) vs Campbell (D)
- AD 96: Oldenberg (R) vs Johnson
- AD 98 Primary: Pridemore (R), Piwowarczyk (R), Schmechel (D)
- AD3 Tusler vs Bodden primary, who to face winner?
- Assembly District 26 in Sheboygan up for grabs
- Assembly District 42 chases off the GOP
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Bird (D) vs Donovan (R) in 61st AD rematch
- Brady Coulthard (D) – Assembly District 14
- Caden Berg (D) and Joe Plouff (D) want to challenge Rep. Clint Moses (R)
- Can Rep. Steve Doyle defend his turf AD94
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Conley (D) in AD 44 retires, Roe and Myers announce
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- Green Bay & AD 90 will get new face
- Incumbent overlap under new maps
- Is Shannon Zimmerman (R) Safe in AD30
- Kenosha Residents for Cannabis Reform Spring Candidate Guide 2024
- LRB-2858/1: relating to: medical cannabis, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
- LTE: Duane Shukoski is right for AD 53
- Magnafici retires, Duke and Kline announce
- New 89th Assembly District Competitive
- NORML Smoke the Vote Guide Inaccurate
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Press Release: 2024 Election Coverage
- Primary Battles of the 2024 Election
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Senate 10: Incumbent Stafsholt (R) vs Hambleton (D)
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senate 14: Ballweg (R) vs Keyeski (D)
- Senate 16: Agard (D) leaves and Ratcliff (D) enters
- Senate 18: Alfheim (D) Carman (D) Phillips (R) Yang (R)
- Senate 2: Kelly Peterson (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R)
- Senate 20 Primary: Feyen (R) vs Ramthun (R) with Rapp (D)
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Senate 28: Bradley (R) vs Lach (D)
- Senate 30: Wall (D) vs Rafter (R)
- Senate 32 Pfaff (D) challenged by Klein (R)
- Senate 8: Stroebel (R) vs Habush Sinykin (D)
- Senate Districts not up for election in 2024
- Senator Agard Retires, who will lead?
- Thank you candidates and sponsors for the Oct 5th Event
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor 3 Tall Pines
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ellis Dee Smoke Shop
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Crown Extracts
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Thumb Alternatives
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Web Design, serving the USA
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ignite Dispensary & Cigar
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Kirk Everson from Everson & Richards, LLP Law Offices
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Original Shirtface
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor R. Cole Hemp
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Top Ten Assembly Races in 2024
- Will Paul Tittl (R) face a primary challenger
- WisconsinEye Candidate Interviews Lack Marijuana Question
2024 Wisconsin Election Coverage Sponsors
- Press Release: 2024 Election Coverage
- Thank you candidates and sponsors for the Oct 5th Event
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor 3 Tall Pines
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ellis Dee Smoke Shop
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Crown Extracts
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Thumb Alternatives
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Web Design, serving the USA
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ignite Dispensary & Cigar
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Kirk Everson from Everson & Richards, LLP Law Offices
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Original Shirtface
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor R. Cole Hemp
Action Alerts
- 2021-22 Recreational / Medical Marijuana Bill open for co-sponsorship
- Citizen Input need for City of Oshkosh Decriminalization
- Decriminalize Marijuana – AB 130 / SB 164
- LRB-2858/1: relating to: medical cannabis, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
- Make Marijuana a Priority in Wisconsin
- Oppose Senate Bill 440 – Increased Penalties for Butane Hash Oil
- Petition to form The Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- So Long, and Thanks for all the Activism
- Support The MORE Act: Federal Cannabis Reform
- The People’s Voice Act
Action Needed
- 2020 Print Your Own Petition Form Available
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- 33rd Assembly Rep Cory Horlacher Marijuana Survey
- 4th Assembly Rep David Steffen Marijuana Survey
- 72nd Assembly Rep Scott Krug Marijuana Survey
- A December to Remember with statewide NORML meetings and events
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- Activist Actions – December Edition
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- Americans for Safe Access Director begins petition drive in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Ask Obama about cannabis jobs via Twitter Townhall Meeting July 6th.
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Ask Wisconsin Public Radio to discuss Marijuana Law Reform
- Ask your Wisconsin State Senator and State Assembly Representative to Sponsor or Co-Sponsor A Medical Cannabis Act
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Budget Cuts Could Force Wisconsin to Decriminalize 25 grams or less by July 1, 2013
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Cannabis Reform Lobby Day is Feb. 21, 2019
- CARERS Act Gains Momentum
- Chapter Founder urges supporters to call their elected officials to co-sponsor by Dec 22
- Congress Votes To Protect Legal Marijuana, now onto the Senate
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Dana Beal Sentencing Hearing on Sept 20th
- Day of Action in Memory of Aaron Borcherdt
- Decade of Excellence – Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of NORML
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Decriminalize Cannabis Petition Drive in Oshkosh
- Decriminalize Oshkosh Campaign to Resume this Fall
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Do you have a story to share?
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Donate to your local NORML chapter
- Donations Needed for the Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Fund!
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- February 15th draws aim for Wisconsin cannabis reformist to meet again in Milwaukee area
- Federal: Bipartisan Coalition Introduces the Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act of 2015
- Fibromyalgia patients urged to attend July and August meetings
- Fox Valley anticipating meeting on July 19th
- Free Membership with College ID during the THC Tour at UW-Oshkosh Campus
- Funding Needed for Decriminalize Oshkosh
- Green Bay Activist Rally planned for April 6th
- Green Man comes to Oshkosh to help end federal marijuana prohibition rally with sign contest
- Happy Birthday Northern Wisconsin NORML!
- Help Celebrate Our 3rd Anniversary
- Help Celebrate Our 7th Anniversary
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- I’m NORML are you? (First Video Segment)
- Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Rally expected in Green Bay
- Is My Medicine Legal Yet? planned to be asked to legislators at Gov. Walker State of State address Tuesday Feb 1st
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- It’s our 5th Anniversary!
- Join the steering committee
- Justice for Marijuana Consumers promises Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate
- Keep BUD in the Budget!
- La Crosse attempts to reform marijuana laws again
- La Crosse Common Council off the pot for another six months
- La Crosse marijuana reform draws heat from police
- La Crosse Medical Marijuana Advisory Referendum begins collecting signatures
- Last Call for Signature Sheets before Lobby Day
- Legislation to End Workplace Discrimination Against Cannabis Consumers
- Light Up Your Activism and Drop a $4.20 Money Bomb to N.O.R.M.L.
- Lunch with Lamar Smith done NORML style
- Make Marijuana Reform a Priority in Wisconsin Petition
- Manitowoc area supporter hopes to re-activate in his area
- Marathon County Board to Vote on Placing Medicinal Marijuana Question on November Election Ballot
- Marijuana Ordinance Moves to La Crosse City Council
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- Medical Marijuana Petition targeting committee members
- Milwaukee Area to kick off 2011 with a new NORML chapter
- Milwaukee marijuana supporters set second meeting date for January 17th
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- Neal Plotkin (D) to challenge Alberta Darling (R) for Senate 8
- New Kiva Loan: Rositas Del Ocho Group
- New Milwaukee City Attorney asked to stop cannabis prosecutions by ACLU and WJI
- NORML Chapters Organize State Lobby Days for Marijuana Law Reforms
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Northern Wisconsin NORML Founder Interviewed about recent medical cannabis legislation in Wisconsin
- Northern Wisconsin NORML participates in the first Willie Nelson Teapot Party Meetups
- Oct 17-18, 2015 event to include pie by the slice with hemp seed sprinkles
- Our newest activist tool ‘mobileNORML’ ready to create a buzz in your community
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Petri to visit Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Watertown, Juneau, Manitowoc, Chilton, Menasha, Winneconne, Friendship, Wautoma, Montello and Green Lake Jan 29th-Feb 3rd
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Press Release: THC Tour comes to Wausau June 7th, 2014
- Press Release: Wausau NORML Meeting
- Public Meeting August 10th, 2015 coordinates with NORML membership drive
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. John Spiros 86th Assembly District Spring Marijuana Survey
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Fitzgerald’s district shows support for marijuana
- Senator Olsen expected to address medical marijuana activists at December 21st meeting
- Senator Patrick Testin Dec 16, 2019 Listening Sessions
- Send Rich to the NORML Conference and Lobby Day in Washington D.C.
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- Signature contest ending at next meeting on August 17th
- Smoke the Vote Project Almost Complete, here are the no shows.
- Social Media Activism Storm: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos
- Social Media Activism Storm: Attorney General Josh Kaul
- Social Media Activism Storm: State Senator Alberta Darling
- Social Media Activism Storm: State Senator Scott Fitzgerald
- Social Media Activism Storm: Wisconsin State Assembly Member Joe Sanfelippo
- Sturgeon Bay: Vote YES On April 2nd!
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Support NORML By Donating Monthly
- Tell AG Kaul to Stop Prosecuting Minor Marijuana Possession Cases
- Thank Republican Petri for his vote on HR 5326 and urge his continued support of cannabis reform
- The Industrial Hemp Farming Act Press Release
- Tuesday Tea Time schedule for February 23rd
- Vintage Flintstones commercial selling Winston Cigarettes reminds me that laws change everyday
- Virtual Public Hearing July 23 – Industrial Hemp
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Volunteers Needed for Field Work in Shawano County
- Wausau Wisconsin Willie Nelson Teapot Party meets December 15th as part of National movement
- Welcome our newest activist team member NORML Alia
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- Winnebago County Marijuana Referendum for Nov 2020 gains traction
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Sign Up
- Wisconsin Democrats Elect Leadership for 2021-22 Legislative Session
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin is ripe for marijuana reform says marijuana activist
- Wisconsin marijuana activists prompt more letters to the editors supporting hemp cannabis.
- Wisconsin marijuana initiatives listed among Top Ten Marijuana Victories in 2010 by The Huffington Post
- Wisconsin needs to catch up
- Wisconsin NORML Lobby Day in Madison – March 1st, 2017
- Wisconsin: Legislation Introduced to Regulate Marijuana
- Wisconsin: Take Action Today!
- Wood County Activism Alert
- 2013 Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting produced many great ideas
- 2015 Joint State Tour Promotional Flyer
- 2020 Print Your Own Petition Form Available
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- 33rd Assembly Rep Cory Horlacher Marijuana Survey
- A December to Remember with statewide NORML meetings and events
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- Activist Actions – December Edition
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- Americans for Safe Access Director begins petition drive in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Appleton Area Activists Light Up Signature Campaign
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Become A Part Of The Change!
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Broke into the High Times “Pot 40”
- Cannabis Reform Lobby Day is Feb. 21, 2019
- CARERS Act Gains Momentum
- Chapter Founder urges supporters to call their elected officials to co-sponsor by Dec 22
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Dana Beal Sentencing Hearing on Sept 20th
- Day of Action in Memory of Aaron Borcherdt
- Decade of Excellence – Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of NORML
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Decriminalize Oshkosh Campaign to Resume this Fall
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Donate to your local NORML chapter
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- Eau Claire NORML Country Jam Planning Meeting on July 14th
- Fibromyalgia patients urged to attend July and August meetings
- Field Activist produces high activity in target districts
- Free Membership with College ID during the THC Tour at UW-Oshkosh Campus
- Green Bay Activist Rally planned for April 6th
- Happy Birthday Northern Wisconsin NORML!
- Happy Birthday to NORML Alia
- Help Celebrate Our 3rd Anniversary
- Help Celebrate Our 7th Anniversary
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Help NORML Provide the Answers to Energy at an Expo in Oshkosh
- How NORML should I be?
- How To Stay NORML
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- I’m NORML are you? (First Video Segment)
- In Loving Memory My Grandson, Field Activist NORML Aaron.
- Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Rally expected in Green Bay
- Insights, observations and comments by NORML Rich
- Introducing NORML AmyBeth: Mom, Wife, Student, Leader and Activist
- Introduction to a Field Activist NORML Sarah
- It’s our 5th Anniversary!
- January 12th marks the first meeting of the year
- Jay Selthofner Addressing the 2012 WI MN Joint Libertarian Convention
- Join the steering committee
- Justice For All
- Keep BUD in the Budget!
- La Crosse attempts to reform marijuana laws again
- Last Call for Signature Sheets before Lobby Day
- Light Up Your Activism and Drop a $4.20 Money Bomb to N.O.R.M.L.
- Marathon County Board to Vote on Placing Medicinal Marijuana Question on November Election Ballot
- March meeting set for Thursday March 8th 2012 in Appleton
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- Membership Options and Signature Forms Explained by NORML Jay
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- My First 24 hours as a commissioned activist team member
- New Milwaukee City Attorney asked to stop cannabis prosecutions by ACLU and WJI
- New Website Tracks Politicians and Celebrities Who Support Legalizing Marijuana
- NORML Aaron Activist Actions are Arousing Awareness
- NORML Activism
- NORML Chapters Organize State Lobby Days for Marijuana Law Reforms
- NORML Launches “Smoke the Vote” To Prepare For 2020 Election
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Oct 17-18, 2015 event to include pie by the slice with hemp seed sprinkles
- Oshkosh shelves petition to cut pot fines despite advocates meeting signature goal
- Our newest activist tool ‘mobileNORML’ ready to create a buzz in your community
- Patients Out of Time: Resolution to De-Schedule Cannabis
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Pie By The Slice Booth is more than a baked sale
- Police say legal marijuana impacting drug traffickers
- Press Conference Expected Oct 3rd, 2013 for the Wisconsin Medical Cannabis Act
- Press Release: Participants Needed for Medical Marijuana Migration and Relocation Research
- Press Release: Tues, Oct 11th, 2011, 5:00pm Awareness March for support of Industrial Hemp Cannabis
- Press Release: Wausau NORML Meeting
- Product Giveaway at July 12th, 2012 Meeting
- Prohibition and Legalization Economics 101 Discussed on WPR Ben Merens
- Public Meeting August 10th, 2015 coordinates with NORML membership drive
- Radical Rant – The Drug War Racial Disparity in Pictures with Wisconsin Example
- Registration for Webinar on June 30th
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. John Spiros 86th Assembly District Spring Marijuana Survey
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Send Rich to the NORML Conference and Lobby Day in Washington D.C.
- Sept 28th 2017 Lobby Day / Constituent Visiting Day
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- So Long, and Thanks for all the Activism
- Social Media Activism Storm: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos
- Social Media Activism Storm: Attorney General Josh Kaul
- Social Media Activism Storm: State Senator Alberta Darling
- Social Media Activism Storm: State Senator Scott Fitzgerald
- Social Media Activism Storm: Wisconsin State Assembly Member Joe Sanfelippo
- Statewide NORML meetings expected during week of October 10th
- Sturgeon Bay: Vote YES On April 2nd!
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Support NORML By Donating Monthly
- Tax and Cannabis
- Tell AG Kaul to Stop Prosecuting Minor Marijuana Possession Cases
- Thank Republican Petri for his vote on HR 5326 and urge his continued support of cannabis reform
- Thank You to Representative Robin Vos
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
- Tuesday Tea Time schedule for February 23rd
- Virtual Public Hearing July 23 – Industrial Hemp
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Volunteers Needed for Field Work in Shawano County
- We Are Not In Colorado Anymore Toto!
- We Need To Stand Behind Our Vote
- Welcome NORML Brian to the team, serving up activism in Green Bay
- Welcome our newest activist team member NORML Alia
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana: NORML Kim
- Why I think Cannabis should be legal
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- Winnebago County Marijuana Referendum for Nov 2020 gains traction
- WisCannabis: A Virtual Town Hall 4/23
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin and Minnesota Chapters of NORML table at Joint WI/MN Libertarian Conference
- Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Sign Up
- Wisconsin Democrats Elect Leadership for 2021-22 Legislative Session
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin is ripe for marijuana reform says marijuana activist
- Wisconsin needs to catch up
- Wisconsin NORML Lobby Day in Madison – March 1st, 2017
- Wisconsin: Legislation Introduced to Regulate Marijuana
- Wood County Activism Alert
- Wood County: Vote YES On April 2nd, 2019!
Activist Actions
- 2020 Print Your Own Petition Form Available
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- 33rd Assembly Rep Cory Horlacher Marijuana Survey
- 72nd Assembly Rep Scott Krug Marijuana Survey
- A December to Remember with statewide NORML meetings and events
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- Activist Actions – December Edition
- Activist Actions – July Edition
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- Americans for Safe Access Director begins petition drive in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Appleton Area Activists Light Up Signature Campaign
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Broke into the High Times “Pot 40”
- Cannabis Reform Lobby Day is Feb. 21, 2019
- Chapter Founder urges supporters to call their elected officials to co-sponsor by Dec 22
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Congress Votes To Protect Legal Marijuana, now onto the Senate
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Dana Beal Sentencing Hearing on Sept 20th
- Day of Action in Memory of Aaron Borcherdt
- Decade of Excellence – Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of NORML
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Decriminalize Oshkosh Campaign to Resume this Fall
- Democrats Spreitzer and Ringhand hold online listening session April 1
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Donations Needed for the Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Fund!
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- Field Activist produces high activity in target districts
- Fox Valley anticipating meeting on July 19th
- Free Membership with College ID during the THC Tour at UW-Oshkosh Campus
- GOP Assembly Rep Rob Swearingen 2019 Spring Budget Survey Marijuana Reform Results
- Green Bay Activist Rally planned for April 6th
- Happy Birthday Northern Wisconsin NORML!
- Haunted House Group Outing Planned for Sat October 27th, 2012
- Help Celebrate Our 7th Anniversary
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Rally expected in Green Bay
- Introduction to a Field Activist NORML Sarah
- Join the steering committee
- La Crosse attempts to reform marijuana laws again
- La Crosse marijuana reform draws heat from police
- Last Call for Signature Sheets before Lobby Day
- Light Up Your Activism and Drop a $4.20 Money Bomb to N.O.R.M.L.
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- Mt. Horeb Open Mic Night with Sen. Jon Erpenback
- My First 24 hours as a commissioned activist team member
- New Milwaukee City Attorney asked to stop cannabis prosecutions by ACLU and WJI
- NORML Aaron Activist Actions are Arousing Awareness
- NORML Chapters Organize State Lobby Days for Marijuana Law Reforms
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- NORML Members Take DC by Storm
- Oct 17-18, 2015 event to include pie by the slice with hemp seed sprinkles
- Oshkosh shelves petition to cut pot fines despite advocates meeting signature goal
- Our newest activist tool ‘mobileNORML’ ready to create a buzz in your community
- Paul Armentano: Wisconsin’s marijuana impairment laws need a fix
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Pie By The Slice Booth is more than a baked sale
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Press Release: Tues, Oct 11th, 2011, 5:00pm Awareness March for support of Industrial Hemp Cannabis
- Press Release: Wausau NORML Meeting
- Registration for Webinar on June 30th
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Sept 28th 2017 Lobby Day / Constituent Visiting Day
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- Smoke the Vote Project Almost Complete, here are the no shows.
- So Long, and Thanks for all the Activism
- Social Media Activism Storm: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos
- Social Media Activism Storm: Attorney General Josh Kaul
- Social Media Activism Storm: State Senator Alberta Darling
- Social Media Activism Storm: State Senator Scott Fitzgerald
- Social Media Activism Storm: Wisconsin State Assembly Member Joe Sanfelippo
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Support NORML By Donating Monthly
- Tax and Cannabis
- Tell AG Kaul to Stop Prosecuting Minor Marijuana Possession Cases
- Thank You to Representative Robin Vos
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
- Virtual Public Hearing July 23 – Industrial Hemp
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Volunteers Needed for Field Work in Shawano County
- Wausau Area looking to become more NORML
- Welcome our newest activist team member NORML Alia
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana: NORML Kim
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- WI State Senator Scott Fitzgerald opposes Medical Cannabis despite voters wishes.
- Winnebago County Marijuana Referendum for Nov 2020 gains traction
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin and Minnesota Chapters of NORML table at Joint WI/MN Libertarian Conference
- Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Sign Up
- Wisconsin Democrats Elect Leadership for 2021-22 Legislative Session
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin NORML Lobby Day in Madison – March 1st, 2017
- Wisconsin: Legislation Introduced to Regulate Marijuana
- Wood County Activism Alert
- Wood County: Vote YES On April 2nd, 2019!
Activist Kit
- 2020 Print Your Own Petition Form Available
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- Field Activist produces high activity in target districts
- Green Bay Activist Rally planned for April 6th
- Help Celebrate Our 7th Anniversary
- Light Up Your Activism and Drop a $4.20 Money Bomb to N.O.R.M.L.
- Membership Options and Signature Forms Explained by NORML Jay
- Product Giveaway at July 12th, 2012 Meeting
- Registration for Webinar on June 30th
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- Winnebago County Marijuana Referendum for Nov 2020 gains traction
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin needs to catch up
- “Antigone,” a documentary in progress, Includes Wisconsin Sentencing Hearing of Dana Beal
- 2013 Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting produced many great ideas
- 2020 Print Your Own Petition Form Available
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- A Cannabis Fair planned for July 23rd in Kendall Wisconsin
- Activist Actions – December Edition
- Activist Actions – July Edition
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- Americans for Safe Access Director begins petition drive in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Ask Obama about cannabis jobs via Twitter Townhall Meeting July 6th.
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Cannabis clothing creates conversations
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Dana Beal Interview
- Dana Beal Sentencing Hearing on Sept 20th
- Day of Action in Memory of Aaron Borcherdt
- Decade of Excellence – Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of NORML
- Decriminalize Oshkosh Campaign to Resume this Fall
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Disabled Veteran and NORML Jay Team Up at A Cannabis Fair in Kendall
- Do you have a story to share?
- Do your NORML thing.
- Don’t Hassle The “Thof”
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Donate to your local NORML chapter
- Donations Needed for the Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Fund!
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- Eau Claire area seeks to become officially NORML
- Effective Tabling Tips
- End of February will see three meetings for NORML throughout Wisconsin
- February 15th draws aim for Wisconsin cannabis reformist to meet again in Milwaukee area
- Field Activist produces high activity in target districts
- Fox Valley anticipating meeting on July 19th
- Free Membership with College ID during the THC Tour at UW-Oshkosh Campus
- Gavel’s Stare
- Green Man comes to Oshkosh to help end federal marijuana prohibition rally with sign contest
- Happy Birthday Northern Wisconsin NORML!
- Happy Birthday to NORML Alia
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Help Celebrate Our 7th Anniversary
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- How NORML should I be?
- How To Stay NORML
- In Loving Memory My Grandson, Field Activist NORML Aaron.
- In memory of an activist, Rick A. Andersen
- Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Rally expected in Green Bay
- Insights, observations and comments by NORML Rich
- Introducing NORML AmyBeth: Mom, Wife, Student, Leader and Activist
- Introduction to a Field Activist NORML Sarah
- Is My Medicine Legal Yet? planned to be asked to legislators at Gov. Walker State of State address Tuesday Feb 1st
- Join the steering committee
- Juror Education Card can be an effective marijuana activists tool
- Justice For All
- Keep the online Twitter Petition going, tweet President Obama to pardon medical marijuana prisoners.
- La Crosse marijuana reform draws heat from police
- La Crosse Medical Marijuana Advisory Referendum begins collecting signatures
- Light Up Your Activism and Drop a $4.20 Money Bomb to N.O.R.M.L.
- Lindy: “No Knock Raid” – a song about the drug war’s deadliest tactic
- Lobbying video and action alert from Vote Hemp
- Lunch with Lamar Smith done NORML style
- Manitowoc area supporter hopes to re-activate in his area
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- Medical Cannabis Meeting at Bad River Casino
- Membership Options and Signature Forms Explained by NORML Jay
- Milwaukee marijuana supporters set second meeting date for January 17th
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- New Milwaukee City Attorney asked to stop cannabis prosecutions by ACLU and WJI
- NORML Activism
- NORML Chapters Organize State Lobby Days for Marijuana Law Reforms
- NORML Heather Joins The Field Activist Team
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- NORML Members Take DC by Storm
- NORML Valentine’s Day Card asks legislators to find it in their hearts to support marijuana reform.
- Our newest activist tool ‘mobileNORML’ ready to create a buzz in your community
- Outreach Meeting and Expo scheduled in Marinette
- People Against Marijuana Prohibition
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Pie By The Slice Booth is more than a baked sale
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Protesters promoting pot prevail
- Public Meeting August 10th, 2015 coordinates with NORML membership drive
- Registration for Webinar on June 30th
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. John Spiros 86th Assembly District Spring Marijuana Survey
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Saint Of The Green
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Selthofner brings area NORML leaders together
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Sept 28th 2017 Lobby Day / Constituent Visiting Day
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- So Long, and Thanks for all the Activism
- Social Media Activism Storm: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos
- Social Media Activism Storm: Attorney General Josh Kaul
- Social Media Activism Storm: State Senator Scott Fitzgerald
- Social Media Activism Storm: Wisconsin State Assembly Member Joe Sanfelippo
- Southeastern Wisconsin marijuana activists set to meet on January 31, 2011.
- Support NORML By Donating Monthly
- Tax and Cannabis
- Teapot Party and NORML mixer created a buzz in Berlin about marijuana reform.
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
- Three Conditions That Will Never be the Same Because Of Weed
- To protest or not to protest, or is that a parade?
- Tuesday Tea Time schedule for February 23rd
- Virtual Public Hearing July 23 – Industrial Hemp
- Volunteers Needed for Field Work in Shawano County
- Wausau Area looking to become more NORML
- Welcome NORML Brian to the team, serving up activism in Green Bay
- Welcome our newest activist team member NORML Alia
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana: NORML Kim
- Why I advocate for medicinal marijuana
- Why I think Cannabis should be legal
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- Winnebago County Marijuana Referendum for Nov 2020 gains traction
- WisCannabis: A Virtual Town Hall 4/23
- Wisconsin and Minnesota Chapters of NORML table at Joint WI/MN Libertarian Conference
- Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Sign Up
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin is ripe for marijuana reform says marijuana activist
- Wisconsin needs to catch up
- Wisconsin NORML Lobby Day in Madison – March 1st, 2017
- Wisconsin: Legislation Introduced to Regulate Marijuana
- Wood County Activism Alert
Adams County
- 72nd Assembly Rep Scott Krug Marijuana Survey
- AD 39: Chris Gordon (D) vs Alex Dallman (R)
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- AD 71: Miresse (D) vs Pahmeier (R)
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Paul Piotrowski (D) to challenge Patrick Testin (R) for Senate 24
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Zero Tolerance for marijuana in Wisconsin Dells
- Adults See Alcohol, Cigarettes Riskier Than Marijuana
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- DWI court saves
- Is marijuana a liability?
- Ken Burns’s Prohibition — coming to PBS the Fall of 2011
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Retired Surgeon editorial on alcohol and marijuana
- Rob Swearingen and the Tavern League playing ball
- Run Johnny Run from Kentucky to Wisconsin will the ‘King Of Pot’ be caught?
- Support behind closed doors more NORML than you know.
- Tavern owner offers opinions and observations
- Tax and Cannabis
- We’ll drink to that – Article by Steve Prestegard
- 2018 Wisconsin Marijuana Referendum Results
- 2020 – A Year In Review
- 2020 Print Your Own Petition Form Available
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- 3rd Annual Free Fishing Day Celebration and Potluck Picnic set for Sun. June 3rd, 2012
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- Abigail Lowery (D) vs Stephen W. Ratzlaff, Jr (I) vs John Jagler (R)
- Activist Actions – December Edition
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- Americans for Safe Access Director begins petition drive in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Appleton Area Rally to Target Senator Roger Roth
- Appleton Meeting Feb 6, 2020
- Ask Obama about cannabis jobs via Twitter Townhall Meeting July 6th.
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- Author Educates About Anarchism in Anarcho Grow, Pura Vida in Costa Rica
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Bloated, failed spending
- Bob Marley Birthday Bash with TUGG and Natty Nation at Cavalier in La Crosse Feb 13
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Chapter Co-Founder helps make the WI/MN Libertarian Convention a little more NORML
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman March 2020 Town Hall Meetings – Cancelled
- Congressman Tom Petri found throughout 6th District in January 2012
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Dana Beal Sentencing Hearing on Sept 20th
- Debut Novel Anarcho Grow by T.A. Sedlak expected to be A New Voice For The Young
- Decade of Excellence – Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of NORML
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Decriminalize Cannabis Petition Drive in Oshkosh
- Democrat Senator Bewley elected second in command
- DOJ Launches New Data Dashboards
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Donate to your local NORML chapter
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- Dr. Kristin Lyerly (D) to challenge John Macco (R)
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- Eau Claire area seeks to become officially NORML
- Eau Claire NORML Country Jam Planning Meeting on July 14th
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Fellowship hour and meeting planned for December 8th
- Food, Fellowship and Monthly Meeting Schedule from Sept 12th, 2013
- Fox Valley anticipating meeting on July 19th
- Governor Walker Signs Farm Freedom Act into Law
- Green Man comes to Oshkosh to help end federal marijuana prohibition rally with sign contest
- Happy Birthday Northern Wisconsin NORML!
- Happy Birthday to NORML Alia
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Harvest Fest Fashion Show planned for Oct 1st
- Haunted House Group Outing Planned for Sat October 27th, 2012
- Heads vs. Feds: The Debate to Legalize Marijuana comes to UW-Oshkosh and UW-Fox Valley
- Help Celebrate Our 7th Anniversary
- Help Celebrate Our Fourth (4th) Anniversary
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Rally expected in Green Bay
- Industrial Hemp Booth at Answers to Energy Spring Expo in Oshkosh
- Insights, observations and comments by NORML Rich
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- It’s our 5th Anniversary!
- Jim Sensenbrenner July 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Jim Sensenbrenner September 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Join NORML at the October meeting in Appleton on Thursday Oct 10, 2013
- Join the NORML Monthly Meeting in Appleton on November 8th, 2012
- Join us Sept 15th in Appleton to plan the journey to harvest fest
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Katherine Gaulke (D) to challenge Tyler August (R)
- La Crosse attempts to reform marijuana laws again
- La Crosse marijuana reform draws heat from police
- Light Up Your Activism and Drop a $4.20 Money Bomb to N.O.R.M.L.
- Make Marijuana Reform a Priority in Wisconsin Petition
- Manitowoc area supporter hopes to re-activate in his area
- March meeting set for Thursday March 8th 2012 in Appleton
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- Medical Cannabis Meeting at Bad River Casino
- Meeting to be held in Appleton on Thursday July 11th, 2013
- Membership Options and Signature Forms Explained by NORML Jay
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Milwaukee Press Club Marijuana Forum Planned for Feb 3, 2020
- Milwaukee: Mayor Signs Ordinance Making Marijuana Possession Offenses A $50 Fine
- Monthly Meeting Announcement: Thursday June 12th, 2014 Appleton
- Mt. Horeb Open Mic Night with Sen. Jon Erpenback
- New Milwaukee City Attorney asked to stop cannabis prosecutions by ACLU and WJI
- NORML Jay hits the Wisconsin Public Airways
- NORML Launches “Smoke the Vote” To Prepare For 2020 Election
- NORML Meeting announced for Thursday August 9th in Appleton
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Northern Wisconsin NORML Founder Interviewed about recent medical cannabis legislation in Wisconsin
- Outreach Meeting and Expo scheduled in Marinette
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Pie By The Slice Booth is more than a baked sale
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Press Release: Forum on Legalizing Marijuana
- Press Release: THC Tour comes to Wausau June 7th, 2014
- Pro-marijuana Author Says NO To Legalization
- Public Meeting Thursday February 13th in Appleton
- Registration for Webinar on June 30th
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Milw and Oak Creek Listening Sessions
- Rep. John Spiros 86th Assembly District Spring Marijuana Survey
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican John Spiros from Marshfield District 86 Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical cannabis
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- So Long, and Thanks for all the Activism
- Social Media Activism Storm: State Senator Alberta Darling
- Support needed for Senate Bill 3501, The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011
- Thank Republican Petri for his vote on HR 5326 and urge his continued support of cannabis reform
- The Industrial Hemp Farming Act Press Release
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
- Tuesday Tea Time schedule for February 23rd
- Uncontested Senate Races for Nov 2020 are good and bad
- Virtual Public Hearing July 23 – Industrial Hemp
- Volunteers Needed for Field Work in Shawano County
- Vote Absentee in 2020!
- Wausau Area looking to become more NORML
- Welcome our newest activist team member NORML Alia
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana: NORML Kim
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- WI State Senator Scott Fitzgerald opposes Medical Cannabis despite voters wishes.
- Will Wisconsin Hemp Heros champion marijuana reform?
- Winnebago County Marijuana Referendum for Nov 2020 gains traction
- WisCannabis: A Virtual Town Hall 4/23
- Wisconsin awards Charlotte Figi posthumous citation
- Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Sign Up
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin Medical Society may adopt new medical marijuana guidelines
- Wisconsin NORML announces first public meeting
- Wisconsin NORML Lobby Day in Madison – March 1st, 2017
- Wisconsin: Hemp Pilot Program Signed Into Law
- Wood County Activism Alert
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Ashland County
- AD 73: Angela Stroud (D) vs Frank Kostka (R)
- AD 74: Chanz Green (R) vs Jeanne Bruce (D)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Superior City Council votes to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Barron County
- John Ellenson (D) vs David Armstrong (R) for AD 75
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Bayfield County
- AD 73: Angela Stroud (D) vs Frank Kostka (R)
- AD 74: Chanz Green (R) vs Jeanne Bruce (D)
- Democrat Senator Bewley elected second in command
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Ben Masel
- Been Around – Tribute Poem to Ben Masel
- Ben Masel adds Industrial Hemp education to THC Tour
- Ben Masel and Mason Tvert speaking at Madison Hemp Fest Saturday Oct 2, 2010
- Ben Masel talking hemp and cannabis on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Ben Masel, October 17, 1954 – April 30, 2011
- Hempstalk 2010: Ben Masel – Industrial Hemp
- Keep the online Twitter Petition going, tweet President Obama to pardon medical marijuana prisoners.
- Madison Council resolution designates April 20 “Ben Masel Day”
- Memorial for Ben Masel in Madison on May 4th
- Past, present and future inspirations come from teachers
- Regional leaders for marijuana reform meet in Berlin
- THC Tour educated about hemp by Ben Masel
- Wisconsin marijuana activists honored by National NORML
- Author Educates About Anarchism in Anarcho Grow, Pura Vida in Costa Rica
- Debut Novel Anarcho Grow by T.A. Sedlak expected to be A New Voice For The Young
- Little Black Book of Marijuana by Toke of the Town author Steve Elliot
- NORML Rich reviews “The Pot Book”
- Pro-marijuana Author Says NO To Legalization
- Too High To Fail hit Wisconsin Public Radio
Brown County
- 4th Assembly District: Marijuana Q&A with Republican David Steffen of Howard
- 4th Assembly Rep David Steffen Marijuana Survey
- 88th Assembly District becomes competitive
- AD 1 Swagel to primary Kitchens, Paplham to face winner
- AD 2: Sortwell (R) vs Saunders (D)
- AD 4 and 6 Behnke, Steffen, Schmidt and let’s go Benson!
- AD 5 Sampson (D) to challenge Goeben (R)
- AD 88: Welch (D) vs Franklin (R)
- AD 89: Ryan Spaude (D) vs Patrick Buckley (R)
- AD 90: Amaad Rivera Wagner (D) vs Jessica Henderson (R)
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Candidates for Assembly District 89 Views on Marijuana Reform: Nygren (R), Rich (R), Jaeger (D)
- Candidates in the 89th Assembly District Special Election
- City of De Pere Alderman making cannabis reform an agenda
- Congressman Mike Gallagher says Wisconsin needs to legalize cannabis and don’t wait for the feds to do it
- Dr. Kristin Lyerly (D) to challenge John Macco (R)
- Drew Kirsteatter (R) vs Kristina Shelton (D) for AD 90
- Green Bay Activist Rally planned for April 6th
- Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Rally expected in Green Bay
- Information on Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendums in 2018
- Jonathon Hansen (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R) for Senate 30
- Kathy Hinkfuss (D) vs Dave Steffen (R)
- Kim Delorit Jensen (D) to challenge Joel Kitchens (R)
- Kristina Shelton for State Assembly – District 90 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- Mark Kiley (D) to challenge Shae Sortwell (R)
- New 89th Assembly District Competitive
- Rally planned for Green Bay May 26th & May 29th
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 2: Kelly Peterson (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R)
- Senate 30: Wall (D) vs Rafter (R)
- Senate District 30 Candidates Views on Marijuana Reform
- Shae Sortwell (R) 2018 Candidate Position
- Simon Moesch (D) or Richard Sarnwick (D) vs Gary Tauchen (R)
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Volunteers Needed for Field Work in Shawano County
- Welcome NORML Brian to the team, serving up activism in Green Bay
Burnett County
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Stafsholt (R) and Link (R) Battle Primary to Face Schachtner (D) in Senate 10
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- 01-09-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 02-13-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 03-13-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 04-10-2014 Meeting Agenda for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 05-08-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 05-10-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 06-12-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 06-14-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-09-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-10-2015 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 09-13-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 10-05-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
- 10-11-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 11-09-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
- 12-12-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 42nd State Assembly District in Wisconsin agrees with medical marijuana, in theory
- 4Legacy to assist Selthofner and his cannabis legacy in Ripon
- 9-21-2010 Northern Wisconsin NORML Meeting Minutes
- A cannabis eye view of politics as unusual
- A marijuana concert is music with a message
- A Visit To Colorado’s Booming Cannabis Industry
- All industries would receive a boost from legal marijuana for states leading the way
- ASSIGNMENT 13: Legalize marijuana in Wisconsin? Activists look to puff up support following election
- Blockhead to bust out hashpipe at political concert in Ripon
- Candidate Selthofner cruzin’ at Berlin Street Cruzers Car Show
- CARERS Act Gains Momentum
- Chapter Co-Founder helps make the WI/MN Libertarian Convention a little more NORML
- Colorado cannabis job market and state tax revenue
- Congress: Over 25 Percent Of House Members Sign On To Marijuana Banking Act
- Crime and Courts: Marijuana gets a trade association, but Wisconsin needs a lobbyist
- Dave Sky performing at 2nd Annual Free 420 Concert
- Decriminalize Oshkosh Campaign to Resume this Fall
- Effective Tabling Tips
- Fairs, festivals, pirates and politics
- Federal Legislation To Facilitate Interstate Marijuana Commerce Introduced
- Federal: Bipartisan Coalition Introduces the Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act of 2015
- Gene’s Update from the Field
- Gubernatorial Candidate endorses Selthofner's stimulus sense on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Happy Birthday to NORML Alia
- Hemp gas (bio-diesel) adds fuel to fire of pending marijuana legislation
- Hemp History Week set for 2011
- House Committee on Small Business Holds Hearing On Cannabis
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- I Support Cannabusiness
- Isthmus thinks the grass should be greener
- Jay’s speech at Madison Harvest Festival on Saturday
- Justice for Marijuana Consumers promises Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate
- K2, One Mother’s Reality
- Lunch with Lamar Smith done NORML style
- Marijuana leads to cure for food pantry shortages
- Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced in Wisconsin
- My Memorial Day
- New Kiva Loan: El Sanctuario Group
- New Kiva Loan: Oem Puon
- New Kiva Loan: Rositas Del Ocho Group
- New Website Tracks Politicians and Celebrities Who Support Legalizing Marijuana
- NORML Rich reviews “The Pot Book”
- Not For Ourselves Alone: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
- Our newest activist tool ‘mobileNORML’ ready to create a buzz in your community
- P.U.N. creating hip-hop politics @ Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Concert
- Police will ask Appleton retailers to eradicate drug paraphernalia
- Reader believes in legalizing marijuana (Waushara Argus edited version)
- Reader believes we need a change in leadership
- Remembering when hemp was king in Wisconsin
- Selthofner celebrates with friends at campaign concert
- Senators Vote For Marijuana Banking Reform
- Send Rich to the NORML Conference and Lobby Day in Washington D.C.
- Signs indicate marijuana reform is coming to Wisconsin
- SMOKES to deliver smoking performance for Wisconsin politician
- Social Media Activism Storm: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos
- Tangerine Dream wins 2010 High Times Cannabis Cup
- Teapot Party and NORML mixer created a buzz in Berlin about marijuana reform.
- The House Just Stripped Medical Marijuana States Of Protection From The DEA
- The Long, Good Run of Harmony Cafe
- The MORE Act HR 3884 / S.2227
- The view from SE WI NORML at the Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival
- Waushara Argus confused by primary elections, Berlin Journal is not!
- Welcome NORML Brian to the team, serving up activism in Green Bay
- Welcome our newest activist team member NORML Alia
- What is Weed? A Plant of Moderation for the Nation
- Who will supply marijuana to states that go legal?
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana by Steve Q (Guest Blog)
- Wisconsin – A Hub for Cannabis Innovation by Rep. Sargent
- Wisconsin and Minnesota Chapters of NORML table at Joint WI/MN Libertarian Conference
- Wisconsin AP reports US Senate Candidate Ron Johnson OPPOSES legalizing marijuana
- Wisconsin Cannabis Candidate hosts marijuana concert with SMOKES
- Wisconsin DOJ revises stance on CBD production, possession and distribution
- Wisconsin Hemp Expo March 9, 2018 in Milwaukee
Calumet County
- AD3 Tusler vs Bodden primary, who to face winner?
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Emily Voight (D) to challenge Ron Tusler (R)
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Kerry Trask (D) to challenge Paul Tittl (R) for AD 25
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
Canna Business
- 01-09-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 02-13-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 03-13-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 04-10-2014 Meeting Agenda for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 05-08-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 05-10-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 06-12-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 06-14-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-09-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-10-2015 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 09-13-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 10-05-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
- 10-11-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 11-09-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
- 12-12-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 42nd State Assembly District in Wisconsin agrees with medical marijuana, in theory
- 4Legacy to assist Selthofner and his cannabis legacy in Ripon
- 9-21-2010 Northern Wisconsin NORML Meeting Minutes
- A cannabis eye view of politics as unusual
- A marijuana concert is music with a message
- A Visit To Colorado’s Booming Cannabis Industry
- All industries would receive a boost from legal marijuana for states leading the way
- ASSIGNMENT 13: Legalize marijuana in Wisconsin? Activists look to puff up support following election
- Blockhead to bust out hashpipe at political concert in Ripon
- Candidate Selthofner cruzin’ at Berlin Street Cruzers Car Show
- CARERS Act Gains Momentum
- Chapter Co-Founder helps make the WI/MN Libertarian Convention a little more NORML
- Colorado cannabis job market and state tax revenue
- Congress: Over 25 Percent Of House Members Sign On To Marijuana Banking Act
- Crime and Courts: Marijuana gets a trade association, but Wisconsin needs a lobbyist
- Dave Sky performing at 2nd Annual Free 420 Concert
- Decriminalize Oshkosh Campaign to Resume this Fall
- Effective Tabling Tips
- Fairs, festivals, pirates and politics
- Federal Legislation To Facilitate Interstate Marijuana Commerce Introduced
- Federal: Bipartisan Coalition Introduces the Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act of 2015
- Gene’s Update from the Field
- Gubernatorial Candidate endorses Selthofner's stimulus sense on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Happy Birthday to NORML Alia
- Hemp gas (bio-diesel) adds fuel to fire of pending marijuana legislation
- Hemp History Week set for 2011
- House Committee on Small Business Holds Hearing On Cannabis
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- I Support Cannabusiness
- Isthmus thinks the grass should be greener
- Jay’s speech at Madison Harvest Festival on Saturday
- Justice for Marijuana Consumers promises Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate
- K2, One Mother’s Reality
- Lunch with Lamar Smith done NORML style
- Marijuana leads to cure for food pantry shortages
- Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced in Wisconsin
- My Memorial Day
- New Kiva Loan: El Sanctuario Group
- New Kiva Loan: Oem Puon
- New Kiva Loan: Rositas Del Ocho Group
- New Website Tracks Politicians and Celebrities Who Support Legalizing Marijuana
- NORML Rich reviews “The Pot Book”
- Not For Ourselves Alone: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
- Our newest activist tool ‘mobileNORML’ ready to create a buzz in your community
- P.U.N. creating hip-hop politics @ Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Concert
- Police will ask Appleton retailers to eradicate drug paraphernalia
- Reader believes in legalizing marijuana (Waushara Argus edited version)
- Reader believes we need a change in leadership
- Remembering when hemp was king in Wisconsin
- Selthofner celebrates with friends at campaign concert
- Senators Vote For Marijuana Banking Reform
- Send Rich to the NORML Conference and Lobby Day in Washington D.C.
- Signs indicate marijuana reform is coming to Wisconsin
- SMOKES to deliver smoking performance for Wisconsin politician
- Social Media Activism Storm: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos
- Tangerine Dream wins 2010 High Times Cannabis Cup
- Teapot Party and NORML mixer created a buzz in Berlin about marijuana reform.
- The House Just Stripped Medical Marijuana States Of Protection From The DEA
- The Long, Good Run of Harmony Cafe
- The MORE Act HR 3884 / S.2227
- The view from SE WI NORML at the Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival
- Waushara Argus confused by primary elections, Berlin Journal is not!
- Welcome NORML Brian to the team, serving up activism in Green Bay
- Welcome our newest activist team member NORML Alia
- What is Weed? A Plant of Moderation for the Nation
- Who will supply marijuana to states that go legal?
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana by Steve Q (Guest Blog)
- Wisconsin – A Hub for Cannabis Innovation by Rep. Sargent
- Wisconsin and Minnesota Chapters of NORML table at Joint WI/MN Libertarian Conference
- Wisconsin AP reports US Senate Candidate Ron Johnson OPPOSES legalizing marijuana
- Wisconsin Cannabis Candidate hosts marijuana concert with SMOKES
- Wisconsin DOJ revises stance on CBD production, possession and distribution
- Wisconsin Hemp Expo March 9, 2018 in Milwaukee
- A Visit To Colorado’s Booming Cannabis Industry
- Activism 101: Why Is Letter Writing Important?
- Federal Legislation To Facilitate Interstate Marijuana Commerce Introduced
- Federal: Bipartisan Coalition Introduces the Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act of 2015
- GOP Assembly Rep Michael Schraa 2019 Spring Survey Results
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- I Support Cannabusiness
- LRB-0435 Talking Points
- Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced in Wisconsin
- NORML Chapters Organize State Lobby Days for Marijuana Law Reforms
- Representative Scott Allen Circulates Letter Advocating Cannabis Research
- Scott Fitzgerald will run for Congress
- Senators Vote For Marijuana Banking Reform
- The MORE Act HR 3884 / S.2227
- Why I support Medical Marijuana
- Why I think Cannabis should be legal
- Wisconsin: Legislature Asked To Clarify Patchwork Of Marijuana Laws
- ACT 4 (2017 Senate Bill 10) Possession of Cannabidiol CBD
- Report: Many Commercially Marketed CBD Products Tainted with Psychoactive Adulterants
- Wisconsin awards Charlotte Figi posthumous citation
- Wisconsin CBD Vendors, Producers and Growers invited to area expo
- Wisconsin DOJ revises stance on CBD production, possession and distribution
- Wisconsin WSIC / DOJ Memo on CBD
Chippewa County
- AD 91: Emerson (D) vs Skinner (R)
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- Caden Berg (D) and Joe Plouff (D) want to challenge Rep. Clint Moses (R)
- Chris Kapsner (D) to challenge Rob Summerfield (R)
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Rob Summerfield looking at marijuana reform
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Clark County
- AD 69 Primary: Hurd (R) vs Lori Voss (R) winner to face Halls (D) Kelley (I)
- Brian Giles (D) vs Republican Primary Winner
- Emily Berge (D) to challenge Jesse James (R)
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Press Release: Wausau NORML Meeting
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Wausau Area looking to become more NORML
- Wausau gets set for NORML on Wed November 9th
- Wisconsin needs to catch up
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Columbia County
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- AD 37 Primary : Born (R) vs Rydzewski (R); Bates awaits
- AD 39: Chris Gordon (D) vs Alex Dallman (R)
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- AD 42: McCarville (D) vs Witherspoon (R)
- Assembly District 42 chases off the GOP
- Congressman Glenn Grothman March 2020 Town Hall Meetings – Cancelled
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- David Dahlke (R) to challenge Dave Considine (D) for AD 81
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Melisa Arndt (D) to challenge Jon Plumer (R) for AD 42
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Sargent (D), McKinney (D) and Barker (R) Senate 16 Candidate Marijuana Positions
- Senate 14: Ballweg (R) vs Keyeski (D)
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Zero Tolerance for marijuana in Wisconsin Dells
- “420” Free Concert in the Park planned for Green Lake on April 20th.
- 4/20 celebration in La Crosse featuring Mouse Pocket, Undead Mariners and T.U.G.G.
- 4/20 Fest in Milwaukee to feature Recalcitrant, Undercover Organism and more
- 420 Concert in Park expected snow out, moved to indoor venue
- A marijuana concert is music with a message
- A Royal Clark rocks the 420 Concert in Green Lake
- Blazin BBQ by SE Wisconsin NORML set for Sunday August 14th
- Bob Marley Birthday Bash with TUGG and Natty Nation at Cavalier in La Crosse Feb 13
- Dave Sky performing at 2nd Annual Free 420 Concert
- Free 420 Concert in the Park in Green Lake Wisconsin Press Release
- WHYS Radio Benefit “420 Party” at House of Rock in Eau Claire
Crawford County
- AD 49 Tranel (R) silent, so is challenger
- AD 49: Travis Tranel (R) vs Scott Walker, MD (D)
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Dan Kapanke (R) vs Brad Pfaff (D) for Senate 32
- Josefine Jaynes (D): Assembly District 96 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- Senate 32 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana
Dane County
- 78th Assembly Primary: Slamka (D) to challenge Subeck (D)
- A December to Remember with statewide NORML meetings and events
- Abigail Lowery (D) vs Stephen W. Ratzlaff, Jr (I) vs John Jagler (R)
- AD 48: Andrew Hysell (D) vs Lisa Rubrich (R)
- AD 77: Renuka Mayadev (D) is Unopposed
- Assembly District 76 Democrat Candidate Statements
- Crime and Courts: Marijuana gets a trade association, but Wisconsin needs a lobbyist
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Information on Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendums in 2018
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- Kim Smith (D) to challenge Sondy Pope (D) in primary for the 80th Assembly
- Patrick Hull (R) Candidate for 76 Assembly Interview on Cannabis
- Phil Anderson (R) to challenge Jimmy Anderson (D) for AD 47
- Reefer Madison: Majority of City Council proposes easing local marijuana laws
- Rep. Barbara Dittrich of District 38 2019 Marijuana Survey Question Results
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Samuel Anderson (R) vs Samba Baldeh (D) for AD 48
- Sargent (D), McKinney (D) and Barker (R) Senate 16 Candidate Marijuana Positions
- Senate 26 Candidate Kelda Roys Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate 26 Candidate Nada Elmikashfi Position on Marijuana Reform
- Sept 28th 2017 Lobby Day / Constituent Visiting Day
- Terry Lyon (R) Cannabis Campaign Statements
- Todd Menzel (R) Candidate 13th Senate District: Stance on Cannabis Reform
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Victoria Fueger (R)to challenge Dianne Hesselbein (D) for AD 79
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin NORML announces first public meeting
- 2017-2018 Wisconsin Marijuana Legislation Information
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Budget Cuts Could Force Wisconsin to Decriminalize 25 grams or less by July 1, 2013
- Can Goyke find his Republican? Vos, Loudenbeck and Kerkman “Just Say No”
- City of Antigo passes ordinance to decriminalize small amount of marijuana
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Decriminalize Oshkosh Campaign to Resume this Fall
- Double veto by Mayor is overridden by La Crosse City Council for marijuana decriminalization.
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Hemp sales to generate big money for public companies
- I Support Cannabusiness
- Justice For All
- La Crosse attempts to reform marijuana laws again
- La Crosse Common Council off the pot for another six months
- La Crosse Common Council votes to decriminalize marijuana possession
- La Crosse Decriminalizes Small Amount of Marijuana Possession
- La Crosse gets set to decriminalize small amount of marijuana
- La Crosse marijuana reform draws heat from police
- La Crosse Mayor vetoed marijuana decriminalization initiative
- LRB-5228 Bipartisan Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana circulated for co-sponsorship
- Marijuana Ordinance Moves to La Crosse City Council
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Public Enemy Number One
- Ravaged by Drug Prohibition
- Reefer Madison: Majority of City Council proposes easing local marijuana laws
- Rep. Sortwell and Rep. Mursau support 1% THC in Hemp
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- Republicans Jarchow, Bernier, Kitchens, Kooyenga, Tittle and Schraa push marijuana decriminalization
- Rob Summerfield looking at marijuana reform
- Rock County marijuana possession fines slashed
- Saint Of The Green
- Superior City Council votes to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
- Tell AG Kaul to Stop Prosecuting Minor Marijuana Possession Cases
- Tony Evers to propose pot decriminalization in budget
- Why I support Medical Marijuana
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
- 2018 Wisconsin Fall Election – Uncontested Seats
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- 78th Assembly Primary: Slamka (D) to challenge Subeck (D)
- 82nd Assembly District Double Primary
- 85 Assembly Primary: LaFave (D) vs Johnson (D)
- Aaron Wojciechowski (D) vs Dan Feyen (R) for Senate District 18
- Aaron Perry (D) to challenge Scott Allen (R)
- Abigail Lowery (D) vs Stephen W. Ratzlaff, Jr (I) vs John Jagler (R)
- AD 11 Primary: Taylor (D) vs Heredia (D)
- AD 12: Russell Goodwin (D) vs Deanna Alexander (I)
- AD 19 Primary: Clancy (D) vs Anderson (D)
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 42: McCarville (D) vs Witherspoon (R)
- AD 47 Primary: Maldonado (D) vs Udell (D)
- AD 48: Andrew Hysell (D) vs Lisa Rubrich (R)
- AD 5: Karen Kirsch (D) vs Lee Whiting (R)
- AD 50: Jenna Jacobson (D) vs Richard Johnson (R)
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- AD 73: Angela Stroud (D) vs Frank Kostka (R)
- AD 77: Renuka Mayadev (D) is Unopposed
- AD 8 Primary: Ortiz-Velez (D) vs Murguia (D)
- AD 9: Priscilla Prado (D) vs Ryan Antczak (R)
- Alan DeYoung (D) to challenge Chuck Wichgers (R)
- Alciro Deacon (R) vs LaTonya Johnson (D) for Senate 6
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Assembly District 11 Democratic Candidate Cannabis Interviews
- Assembly District 17 Democrat Candidate Positions on Cannabis
- Assembly District 29 Candidate Positions on Marijuana
- Assembly District 42 chases off the GOP
- Assembly District 48: Democrat Candidates views about cannabis reform
- Assembly District 76 Democrat Candidate Statements
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- August Schutz (D) vs Robert Wittke (R)
- Beth Drew (R) to challenge Don Vruwink (D) for AD 43
- Brian Giles (D) vs Republican Primary Winner
- Can Goyke find his Republican? Vos, Loudenbeck and Kerkman “Just Say No”
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Candidates for Assembly District 89 Views on Marijuana Reform: Nygren (R), Rich (R), Jaeger (D)
- Candidates in the 89th Assembly District Special Election
- Charlene Charlie Warner (D) to challenge Warren Petryk
- Charles Walker (R) to challenge Jodi Emerson (D) for AD 91
- Chris Kapsner (D) to challenge Rob Summerfield (R)
- Christian Saldivar (D) Assembly District 9 Candidate Statements
- Christian Saldivar (D) to challenge Marisabel Cabrera (D) in primary
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Conley (D) in AD 44 retires, Roe and Myers announce
- Crystal Miller (R) to challenge Tod Ohnstad (D) for AD 65
- Dan Kapanke (R) vs Brad Pfaff (D) for Senate 32
- Dan Schierl (D) vs Rachael Cabral-Guevara (R) for AD 55
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- David Dahlke (R) to challenge Dave Considine (D) for AD 81
- Deb Andraca (D) to challenge Jim Ott (R)
- Deb Silvers (D) to challenge Kevin Petersen (R)
- Democrat Lee Snodgrass view on marijuana
- Democrat Senator Bewley elected second in command
- Democrat State Assembly Candidates – 2020 Cannabis Support Summary
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Democrats Spreitzer and Ringhand hold online listening session April 1
- Dennis Walton (I) to challenge Kalan Haywood (D) for AD 16
- Diana Lawrence (D) to challenge David Murphy (R) for AD 56
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Don Herman (R) to challenge Gordon Hintz (D) for AD 54
- Dr. Kristin Lyerly (D) to challenge John Macco (R)
- Drew Kirsteatter (R) vs Kristina Shelton (D) for AD 90
- DuWayne Severson (R) vs Sue Conley (D) for AD 44
- Ed Hibsch (R) to challenge Tip McGuire (D) for AD 64
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Elizabeth Lochner-Abel (D) to challenge Amy Loundenbeck
- Emily Berge (D) to challenge Jesse James (R)
- Emily Siegrist (D) to challenge Dan Knodl (R) for AD 24
- Emily Voight (D) to challenge Ron Tusler (R)
- Eric Beach (R) vs Lee Snodgrass (D) for 57th Assembly District
- Erik Brooks (D) to challenge Jessie Rodriguez (R) for AD 21
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Izzy Nevarez (D) to challenge Mark Born (R)
- Jeff Johnson (D) to challenge Patrick Snyder (R) for AD 85
- Jessica Katzenmeyer (D) to challenge Joe Sanfelippo (R)
- Joel Jacobsen (D) vs Robin Vos (R)
- John Ellenson (D) vs David Armstrong (R) for AD 75
- Jonathon Hansen (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R) for Senate 30
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Josefine Jaynes (D): Assembly District 96 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- Julie Schroeder (D) to challenge Jeremy Thiesfeldt (R)
- Kalan Haywood campaign statements on marijuana
- Katherine Gaulke (D) to challenge Tyler August (R)
- Kathy Hinkfuss (D) vs Dave Steffen (R)
- Kerry Trask (D) to challenge Paul Tittl (R) for AD 25
- Kim Butler (D) challenges Gae Magnafici (R)
- Kim Delorit Jensen (D) to challenge Joel Kitchens (R)
- Kim Smith (D) to challenge Sondy Pope (D) in primary for the 80th Assembly
- Kirk Bangstad (D) to challenge Rob Swearingen (R)
- Kriss Marion (D) to challenge Todd Novak (R)
- Kristina Shelton for State Assembly – District 90 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- Leroy Brown (I) 94th Assembly District Candidate Cannabis Statement
- LRB-5228 Bipartisan Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana circulated for co-sponsorship
- Mark Kiley (D) to challenge Shae Sortwell (R)
- Mark Waldon (D) to challenge Tony Kurtz (R)
- Mary Lynne Donohue (D) to challenge Terry Katsma (R)
- Mason Becker (D) to challenge Cody Horlacher (R)
- Medical Marijuana Committee Members 2019-20 Smoke the Vote Grades
- Melisa Arndt (D) to challenge Jon Plumer (R) for AD 42
- Melissa Winker (D) to challenge Barbara Dittrich (R)
- Neal Plotkin (D) to challenge Alberta Darling (R) for Senate 8
- Occupations of Wisconsin Senators and Assembly Reps and stance on cannabis reform
- Orlando Owens (R) vs Dora Drake (D) for AD 11
- Patrick Hull (R) Candidate for 76 Assembly Interview on Cannabis
- Paul Piotrowski (D) to challenge Patrick Testin (R) for Senate 24
- Phil Anderson (R) to challenge Jimmy Anderson (D) for AD 47
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Rep. Neubauer: Statement on Governor Evers’ plan to legalize medical marijuana and decriminalize marijuana
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Rep. Spreitzer and Sen. Ringhand Announce Brodhead Listening Session Feb 4
- Richard Sarnwick (D) to challenge Gary Tauchen (R)
- Robyn Vining (D) Wauwatosa – 2018 Candidate Interview
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Samuel Anderson (R) vs Samba Baldeh (D) for AD 48
- Sara Rodriguez (D) to challenge Rob Hutton (R) for AD 13
- Sarah Yacoub (D) to challenge Shannon Zimmerman (R)
- Sargent (D), McKinney (D) and Barker (R) Senate 16 Candidate Marijuana Positions
- Senate 16: Agard (D) leaves and Ratcliff (D) enters
- Senate 26 Candidate Kelda Roys Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate 26 Candidate Nada Elmikashfi Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate 32 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana
- Senate District 28 Candidates Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate District 30 Candidates Views on Marijuana Reform
- Senate District 6 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senators not up for re-election likely to continue prohibition in 2021-22
- Shaun Murphy-Lopez (D) to challenge Travis Tranel (R)
- Simon Moesch (D) or Richard Sarnwick (D) vs Gary Tauchen (R)
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- Stafsholt (R) and Link (R) Battle Primary to Face Schachtner (D) in Senate 10
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- State Rep. Evan Goyke (18th District) on legalizing marijuana
- State Senate 26 Candidate Interviews
- Supreme Moore Omokunde (D) vs Abie Eisenbach (R) for AD 17
- Syliva Ortiz-Velez (D) Assembly District 8 Candidate Statements
- Tawny Gustina (R) to challenge Mark Spreitzer (D) for AD 45
- Tip McGuire campaign statements on marijuana laws
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Uncontested Senate Races for Nov 2020 are good and bad
- Uncontested Wisconsin Assembly Races in 2020
- Victoria Fueger (R)to challenge Dianne Hesselbein (D) for AD 79
- William “Will” Leverson (R) to challenge Greta Neubauer (D) for AD 66
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin awards Charlotte Figi posthumous citation
- Wisconsin Democrats Elect Leadership for 2021-22 Legislative Session
- Wisconsin Legislative Scorecard 2017
- Wisconsin State Senate Candidates for 2020: How they broke down on adult use and medical
- “Antigone,” a documentary in progress, Includes Wisconsin Sentencing Hearing of Dana Beal
- A NORML Life DVD Documentary and video trailer
- Dana Beal’s Testimony During Sentencing Hearing
- Did You Know: War on Drugs Edition
- EBHPP Capitol Briefing: What the Evidence Says (and Doesn’t) About Medical Marijuana
- Ken Burns’s Prohibition — coming to PBS the Fall of 2011
- National Geographic Channel: Marijuana Nation Video
- Press Release: Bringing It Home Industrial Hemp Documentary screen to be held Nov 9th, 2013 at Appleton, Wisconsin Public Library
- When We Grow, This Is What We Can Do Video
Dodge County
- Aaron Wojciechowski (D) vs Dan Feyen (R) for Senate District 18
- Abigail Lowery (D) vs Stephen W. Ratzlaff, Jr (I) vs John Jagler (R)
- AD 37 Primary : Born (R) vs Rydzewski (R); Bates awaits
- AD 48: Andrew Hysell (D) vs Lisa Rubrich (R)
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Congressional District 5 Republican Primary: Fitzgerald vs DeTemple
- Izzy Nevarez (D) to challenge Mark Born (R)
- Jim Sensenbrenner July 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Jim Sensenbrenner September 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Melisa Arndt (D) to challenge Jon Plumer (R) for AD 42
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Regional leaders for marijuana reform meet in Berlin
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. Mark Born co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 16: Agard (D) leaves and Ratcliff (D) enters
- Senator Fitzgerald’s district shows support for marijuana
- Todd Menzel (R) Candidate 13th Senate District: Stance on Cannabis Reform
Door County
- AD 1 Swagel to primary Kitchens, Paplham to face winner
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Congressman Mike Gallagher says Wisconsin needs to legalize cannabis and don’t wait for the feds to do it
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Egg Harbor, Sturgeon Bay approve marijuana referendum questions
- Kim Delorit Jensen (D) to challenge Joel Kitchens (R)
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
Douglas County
- AD 73: Angela Stroud (D) vs Frank Kostka (R)
- AD 74: Chanz Green (R) vs Jeanne Bruce (D)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Drug Reform
- “Antigone,” a documentary in progress, Includes Wisconsin Sentencing Hearing of Dana Beal
- A view on the drug war and social problems, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
- Action Alert: Sign the Petition to Give SB 377 a Public Hearing
- American Drug War: The Last White Hope: Pre Release Cut
- Cannabis and Brain Development
- City of Monona Wisconsin Marijuana Ordinance
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Drug war editorial indicates a patient approach more effective than criminal enforcement
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Heads vs. Feds: The Debate to Legalize Marijuana comes to UW-Oshkosh and UW-Fox Valley
- Introduction to a Field Activist NORML Sarah
- Joel Winnig and 2 other candidates receive public funding for Wisconsin Supreme Court primary election
- Juror Education Card can be an effective marijuana activists tool
- Kirk Bangstad (D) to challenge Rob Swearingen (R)
- LRB-0435 Talking Points
- LRB-5228 Bipartisan Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana circulated for co-sponsorship
- Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced in Wisconsin
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Northern Wisconsin NORML Founder Interviewed about recent medical cannabis legislation in Wisconsin
- Patients’ Lawsuit Forces Federal Gov’t to Answer 9-Year-Old Medical Marijuana Rescheduling Petition
- Police say legal marijuana impacting drug traffickers
- Prohibition and Legalization Economics 101 Discussed on WPR Ben Merens
- Republican Assembly Rep. John Macco calls out Fitzgerald on Medical Marijuana
- Retired Surgeon editorial on alcohol and marijuana
- Saint Of The Green
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Support behind closed doors more NORML than you know.
- Survey: Employers’ Attitudes Shifting Regarding Drug Testing for Cannabis
- Tax and Cannabis
- TMJ4 Sound Off’s about medical marijuana in Wisconsin
- Tony Evers to propose pot decriminalization in budget
- Why I support Medical Marijuana
- Wisconsin marijuana activists prompt more letters to the editors supporting hemp cannabis.
Drug War
- “Antigone,” a documentary in progress, Includes Wisconsin Sentencing Hearing of Dana Beal
- A view on the drug war and social problems, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
- American Drug War: The Last White Hope: Pre Release Cut
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Drug war editorial indicates a patient approach more effective than criminal enforcement
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Justice For All
- Kirk Bangstad (D) to challenge Rob Swearingen (R)
- Law Enforcement Against Prohibition comes to Lawrence University May 17th
- Lindy: “No Knock Raid” – a song about the drug war’s deadliest tactic
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- No prison for former Marquette County deputy Daniel Card
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Northern Wisconsin NORML Founder Interviewed about recent medical cannabis legislation in Wisconsin
- Northern Wisconsin NORML participates in the first Willie Nelson Teapot Party Meetups
- Police say legal marijuana impacting drug traffickers
- Rep. Nygren and Rep. Mursau: Hosts local law enforcement meeting
- Rep. Swearingen visits the Florence County Sheriff to talk Marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. John Macco calls out Fitzgerald on Medical Marijuana
- Retired Surgeon editorial on alcohol and marijuana
- Saint Of The Green
- Tax and Cannabis
- TMJ4 Sound Off’s about medical marijuana in Wisconsin
- Who will supply marijuana to states that go legal?
- Wisconsin Family Action Lobbying Against Marijuana Reform
Dunn County
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- AD 93 Primary: Phelps (D) vs Butler (D), Rolbiecki (R) on deck
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- Assembly District 29 Candidate Positions on Marijuana
- Caden Berg (D) and Joe Plouff (D) want to challenge Rep. Clint Moses (R)
- Charlene Charlie Warner (D) to challenge Warren Petryk
- Chris Kapsner (D) to challenge Rob Summerfield (R)
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Rob Summerfield looking at marijuana reform
- Senate 10: Incumbent Stafsholt (R) vs Hambleton (D)
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Stafsholt (R) and Link (R) Battle Primary to Face Schachtner (D) in Senate 10
- Wisconsin needs to catch up
Eau Claire County
- A Cannabis Fair planned for July 23rd in Kendall Wisconsin
- A December to Remember with statewide NORML meetings and events
- Activist Actions – July Edition
- AD 93 Primary: Phelps (D) vs Butler (D), Rolbiecki (R) on deck
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- Americans for Safe Access Director begins petition drive in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- ASSIGNMENT 13: Legalize marijuana in Wisconsin? Activists look to puff up support following election
- Carpool and Caravan, Eau Claire activists plan to attend marijuana festival July 23rd
- Charlene Charlie Warner (D) to challenge Warren Petryk
- Charles Walker (R) to challenge Jodi Emerson (D) for AD 91
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Eau Claire area seeks to become officially NORML
- Eau Claire Marijuana Activists announce musical supporters
- Eau Claire NORML Country Jam Planning Meeting on July 14th
- Eau Claire NORML utilizes the crowd at country jam festival
- Editorial questions if Wisconsin will ever see Green Acres of medical marijuana
- Emily Berge (D) to challenge Jesse James (R)
- Jacob Sieg shares experience of living through a No Knock Raid after discovering medical marijuana would save his life.
- Reefer Madness: 2005 Edition The Movie Musical presented in Eau Claire Nov 11-14, 2010
- Regional leaders for marijuana reform meet in Berlin
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Rob Summerfield looking at marijuana reform
- Schedule for THC Tour at UW-Oshkosh
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- WHYS Radio Benefit “420 Party” at House of Rock in Eau Claire
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin needs to catch up
- All industries would receive a boost from legal marijuana for states leading the way
- Did You Know: War on Drugs Edition
- Farmers deserve more credit, Nelson says
- First hemp house built in United States
- Harvest Fest Fashion Show planned for Oct 1st
- Hemp declared illegal to save corporate profits
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- Other uses for marijuana besides ingestion
- Prohibition and Legalization Economics 101 Discussed on WPR Ben Merens
- Tax and Cannabis
- Wisconsin – A Hub for Cannabis Innovation by Rep. Sargent
- A gift from nature
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- Bloated, failed spending
- BUDGET BATTLE: Legalize marijuana, and then tax its use
- Clearing the smoke
- Colorado cannabis job market and state tax revenue
- Don't get high – get real. Article by Tim Lyke, Ripon Commonwealth Press
- Drug war editorial indicates a patient approach more effective than criminal enforcement
- DWI court saves
- Editorial from retired cop enforces retired surgeons stance on marijuana
- Editorial questions if Wisconsin will ever see Green Acres of medical marijuana
- Editorial: Wisconsin must reform or we will be left in the smoke!
- Farmers deserve more credit, Nelson says
- Feingold's experience reason to vote for him, reader says in Waushara Argus Newspapers
- Gavel’s Stare
- Hemp declared illegal to save corporate profits
- How NORML should I be?
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Introducing NORML AmyBeth: Mom, Wife, Student, Leader and Activist
- Is marijuana a liability?
- Letter to the Editor, printed May 27 2010 regarding Hemp History Week
- Letter to the Editor: Voting is a Grave Responsibility
- Local costs, lunacy of drug war
- Marijuana editorial was off-base
- Marijuana is safer than alcohol, reader says (Waushara Argus Edited Version)
- Marijuana issue is 'no laughing matter'
- Medical Marijuana Smoking Accessories The Clip vs The Bong
- Meeting will explore truth about Cannabis plant
- My Memorial Day
- Not For Ourselves Alone: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
- Other uses for marijuana besides ingestion
- Posting links with great information……completely NORML!
- Protesters promoting pot prevail
- Public Enemy Number One
- Push to legalize medical marijuana
- Ravaged by Drug Prohibition
- Reader believes in legalizing marijuana (Waushara Argus edited version)
- Reader believes we need a change in leadership
- Reader hopes for marijuana legalization letter in Waushara Argus
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Retired Surgeon editorial on alcohol and marijuana
- Selthofner shows courage, conviction
- Selthofner will offer green jobs
- Senator Alberta Darling (R) fails again
- Senator Van Wanggaard editorial on marijuana reform
- Spend resources with wisdom
- State Needs To Legalize Medical Marijuana
- Stereotypes: Are You Breaking The Mold Or Reinforcing It?
- Support behind closed doors more NORML than you know.
- Support Selthofner, Marijuana reform
- Tavern owner offers opinions and observations
- Tax and Cannabis
- Time to reeducate ourselves
- Unignorable benefits
- Vote for the candidate, not for the political party
- We’ll drink to that – Article by Steve Prestegard
- Who will supply marijuana to states that go legal?
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana by Steve Q (Guest Blog)
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana: NORML Kim
- Why I advocate for medicinal marijuana
- Why I support Medical Marijuana
- Wisconsin – A Hub for Cannabis Innovation by Rep. Sargent
- Wisconsin GOP Says No To Cannabis Reform. Increases Budget For Corrections.
- Wisconsin is ripe for marijuana reform says marijuana activist
- Wisconsin marijuana activists prompt more letters to the editors supporting hemp cannabis.
- Wisconsin woman wiser about pot
Election Info
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- 78th Assembly Primary: Slamka (D) to challenge Subeck (D)
- 82nd Assembly District Double Primary
- 85 Assembly Primary: LaFave (D) vs Johnson (D)
- Aaron Wojciechowski (D) vs Dan Feyen (R) for Senate District 18
- Aaron Perry (D) to challenge Scott Allen (R)
- Abigail Lowery (D) vs Stephen W. Ratzlaff, Jr (I) vs John Jagler (R)
- Alan DeYoung (D) to challenge Chuck Wichgers (R)
- Alciro Deacon (R) vs LaTonya Johnson (D) for Senate 6
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Angel Sanchez (R) Assembly District 8 Candidate Statements
- Assembly District 11 Democratic Candidate Cannabis Interviews
- Assembly District 14 Republican Candidates Marijuana Interviews
- Assembly District 17 Democrat Candidate Positions on Cannabis
- Assembly District 29 Candidate Positions on Marijuana
- Assembly District 48: Democrat Candidates views about cannabis reform
- Assembly District 55 Republican Candidates Position on Marijuana
- Assembly District 76 Democrat Candidate Statements
- August Schutz (D) vs Robert Wittke (R)
- Beth Drew (R) to challenge Don Vruwink (D) for AD 43
- Brian Giles (D) vs Republican Primary Winner
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Candidates for Assembly District 89 Views on Marijuana Reform: Nygren (R), Rich (R), Jaeger (D)
- Candidates in the 89th Assembly District Special Election
- Charlene Charlie Warner (D) to challenge Warren Petryk
- Charles Walker (R) to challenge Jodi Emerson (D) for AD 91
- Chris Kapsner (D) to challenge Rob Summerfield (R)
- Christian Saldivar (D) Assembly District 9 Candidate Statements
- Christian Saldivar (D) to challenge Marisabel Cabrera (D) in primary
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Congressional District 5 Republican Primary: Fitzgerald vs DeTemple
- Crystal Miller (R) to challenge Tod Ohnstad (D) for AD 65
- Dan Kapanke (R) vs Brad Pfaff (D) for Senate 32
- Dan Schierl (D) vs Rachael Cabral-Guevara (R) for AD 55
- David Dahlke (R) to challenge Dave Considine (D) for AD 81
- Deb Andraca (D) to challenge Jim Ott (R)
- Deb Silvers (D) to challenge Kevin Petersen (R)
- Democrat State Assembly Candidates – 2020 Cannabis Support Summary
- Dennis Walton (I) to challenge Kalan Haywood (D) for AD 16
- Diana Lawrence (D) to challenge David Murphy (R) for AD 56
- Don Herman (R-Oshkosh) Candidate Position on Marijuana
- Don Herman (R) to challenge Gordon Hintz (D) for AD 54
- Dr. Kristin Lyerly (D) to challenge John Macco (R)
- Drew Kirsteatter (R) vs Kristina Shelton (D) for AD 90
- DuWayne Severson (R) vs Sue Conley (D) for AD 44
- Ed Hibsch (R) to challenge Tip McGuire (D) for AD 64
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Elizabeth Lochner-Abel (D) to challenge Amy Loundenbeck
- Emily Berge (D) to challenge Jesse James (R)
- Emily Siegrist (D) to challenge Dan Knodl (R) for AD 24
- Emily Voight (D) to challenge Ron Tusler (R)
- Eric Beach (R) vs Lee Snodgrass (D) for 57th Assembly District
- Erik Brooks (D) to challenge Jessie Rodriguez (R) for AD 21
- Freshman Republican Assembly Reps 2018 Election and Campaign Statements
- Izzy Nevarez (D) to challenge Mark Born (R)
- Jeff Johnson (D) to challenge Patrick Snyder (R) for AD 85
- Jessica Katzenmeyer (D) to challenge Joe Sanfelippo (R)
- Joel Jacobsen (D) vs Robin Vos (R)
- John Ellenson (D) vs David Armstrong (R) for AD 75
- Jonathon Hansen (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R) for Senate 30
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Josefine Jaynes (D): Assembly District 96 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- Julie Schroeder (D) to challenge Jeremy Thiesfeldt (R)
- Katherine Gaulke (D) to challenge Tyler August (R)
- Kathy Hinkfuss (D) vs Dave Steffen (R)
- Kerry Trask (D) to challenge Paul Tittl (R) for AD 25
- Kim Butler (D) challenges Gae Magnafici (R)
- Kim Delorit Jensen (D) to challenge Joel Kitchens (R)
- Kim Smith (D) to challenge Sondy Pope (D) in primary for the 80th Assembly
- Kirk Bangstad (D) to challenge Rob Swearingen (R)
- Kriss Marion (D) to challenge Todd Novak (R)
- Kristina Shelton for State Assembly – District 90 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- Leroy Brown (I) 94th Assembly District Candidate Cannabis Statement
- Mark Kiley (D) to challenge Shae Sortwell (R)
- Mark Waldon (D) to challenge Tony Kurtz (R)
- Mary Lynne Donohue (D) to challenge Terry Katsma (R)
- Mason Becker (D) to challenge Cody Horlacher (R)
- Melisa Arndt (D) to challenge Jon Plumer (R) for AD 42
- Melissa Winker (D) to challenge Barbara Dittrich (R)
- Neal Plotkin (D) to challenge Alberta Darling (R) for Senate 8
- Orlando Owens (R) vs Dora Drake (D) for AD 11
- Patrick Hull (R) Candidate for 76 Assembly Interview on Cannabis
- Paul Piotrowski (D) to challenge Patrick Testin (R) for Senate 24
- Phil Anderson (R) to challenge Jimmy Anderson (D) for AD 47
- Republican State Assembly Candidates – 2020 Cannabis Support Summary
- Richard Sarnwick (D) to challenge Gary Tauchen (R)
- Rob Ochoa (R) to challenge Adam Neylon (R) in primary for the 98th seat
- Robyn Vining (D) Wauwatosa – 2018 Candidate Interview
- Samuel Anderson (R) vs Samba Baldeh (D) for AD 48
- Sara Rodriguez (D) to challenge Rob Hutton (R) for AD 13
- Sarah Yacoub (D) to challenge Shannon Zimmerman (R)
- Sargent (D), McKinney (D) and Barker (R) Senate 16 Candidate Marijuana Positions
- Senate 26 Candidate Kelda Roys Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate 26 Candidate Nada Elmikashfi Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate 32 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana
- Senate District 28 Candidates Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate District 30 Candidates Views on Marijuana Reform
- Senate District 6 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana Reform
- Shaun Murphy-Lopez (D) to challenge Travis Tranel (R)
- Simon Moesch (D) or Richard Sarnwick (D) vs Gary Tauchen (R)
- Smoke the Vote Project Almost Complete, here are the no shows.
- Stafsholt (R) and Link (R) Battle Primary to Face Schachtner (D) in Senate 10
- State Senate 26 Candidate Interviews
- Supreme Moore Omokunde (D) vs Abie Eisenbach (R) for AD 17
- Syliva Ortiz-Velez (D) Assembly District 8 Candidate Statements
- Tawny Gustina (R) to challenge Mark Spreitzer (D) for AD 45
- Terry Lyon (R) Cannabis Campaign Statements
- Todd Menzel (R) Candidate 13th Senate District: Stance on Cannabis Reform
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Uncontested Senate Races for Nov 2020 are good and bad
- Uncontested Wisconsin Assembly Races in 2020
- Upcoming deadline for voter registration October 14th
- Victoria Fueger (R)to challenge Dianne Hesselbein (D) for AD 79
- William “Will” Leverson (R) to challenge Greta Neubauer (D) for AD 66
- Wisconsin Democrats Elect Leadership for 2021-22 Legislative Session
- “From the Land” Event in Green Lake, WI Oct 16th and 17th
- Democratic Party Picnic in Berlin, WI on 9/11
- League of Women Voters hope for high turn out
- Marijuana Panel Discussion June 28th, 2021
- Prevention Network of Washington County: Marijuana Education Forum
- Prohibitionist Ben Cort is coming to Lodi, WI
- Thank you candidates and sponsors for the Oct 5th Event
- Wisconsin Cannabis Expo coming to Madison and Milwaukee
- “420” Free Concert in the Park planned for Green Lake on April 20th.
- “War On Drugs” 40th Annversary protest at Controlled Substance Board
- 2013 Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting produced many great ideas
- 2015 Joint State Tour Promotional Flyer
- 2019 Joint Fundraiser and Baked Sale
- 3rd Annual Free Fishing Day Celebration and Potluck Picnic set for Sun. June 3rd, 2012
- 4/20 celebration in La Crosse featuring Mouse Pocket, Undead Mariners and T.U.G.G.
- 4/20 Fest in Milwaukee to feature Recalcitrant, Undercover Organism and more
- 420 Concert in Park expected snow out, moved to indoor venue
- 47th Annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Fest 2017
- A Cannabis Fair planned for July 23rd in Kendall Wisconsin
- A December to Remember with statewide NORML meetings and events
- Activist Actions – December Edition
- Activist Actions – July Edition
- Activists plan to visit Congressman Petri during April 2012 Town Hall Meetings
- Al “Goodheart” Baker at the 41st Annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival
- Americans for Safe Access Director begins petition drive in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Annual Elections to be held at next meeting on May 9th, 2013
- Annual Fundraiser Fueled By Pie
- Annual NORML Baked Sale planned for Oct 15th and 16th, 2016
- Appleton Area Activists Light Up Signature Campaign
- Appleton meeting announced for Thursday Sept 13th, 2012
- Appleton Meeting Feb 6, 2020
- Ask Obama about cannabis jobs via Twitter Townhall Meeting July 6th.
- Ask your Wisconsin State Senator and State Assembly Representative to Sponsor or Co-Sponsor A Medical Cannabis Act
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- Baked Sale “Pie By The Slice” at From The Land Festival
- Ballweg takes 41st district primary
- Blazin BBQ by SE Wisconsin NORML set for Sunday August 14th
- Bob Marley Birthday Bash with TUGG and Natty Nation at Cavalier in La Crosse Feb 13
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Cannabis Reform Lobby Day is Feb. 21, 2019
- Carpool and Caravan, Eau Claire activists plan to attend marijuana festival July 23rd
- Central US Hemp Growers Conference and Expo Feb 26 and 27th in Madison, Wisconsin
- Chapter Co-Founder helps make the WI/MN Libertarian Convention a little more NORML
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Coming of Age: 2011 NORML Conference April 21st – 23rd
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman March 2020 Town Hall Meetings – Cancelled
- Dana Beal Sentencing Hearing on Sept 20th
- Debate, Food, Fellowship and Monthly Meeting scheduled for April 12th in Appleton
- Decade of Excellence – Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of NORML
- Decriminalize Oshkosh Campaign to Resume this Fall
- Democrats Spreitzer and Ringhand hold online listening session April 1
- Disc Golf Tournament set to raise funds for Harvest Fest
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Donations Needed for the Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Fund!
- Eau Claire NORML Country Jam Planning Meeting on July 14th
- Eau Claire NORML utilizes the crowd at country jam festival
- EBHPP Capitol Briefing: What the Evidence Says (and Doesn’t) About Medical Marijuana
- February 15th draws aim for Wisconsin cannabis reformist to meet again in Milwaukee area
- Fellowship hour and meeting planned for December 8th
- Food, Fellowship and Monthly Meeting Schedule from Sept 12th, 2013
- Food, Fellowship and Monthly Meeting Scheduled for October 11th
- Fox Valley anticipating meeting on July 19th
- Free 420 Concert in the Park in Green Lake Wisconsin Press Release
- Free Membership with College ID during the THC Tour at UW-Oshkosh Campus
- Green Bay Activist Rally planned for April 6th
- Green Man comes to Oshkosh to help end federal marijuana prohibition rally with sign contest
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Harvest Fest Fashion Show planned for Oct 1st
- Haunted House Group Outing Planned for Sat October 27th, 2012
- Heads vs. Feds: The Debate to Legalize Marijuana comes to UW-Oshkosh and UW-Fox Valley
- Help Celebrate Our 3rd Anniversary
- Help Celebrate Our 7th Anniversary
- Help NORML Provide the Answers to Energy at an Expo in Oshkosh
- Hemp History Week set for 2011
- Hemp History Week with Northern Wisconsin NORML
- Hemp Industries Association invites potential members to Madison Feb 26 2018
- Industrial Hemp and Medical Marijuana Rally expected in Green Bay
- Industrial Hemp Booth at Answers to Energy Spring Expo in Oshkosh
- Informational Flyer for Central US Hemp Growers Conference
- Is My Medicine Legal Yet? planned to be asked to legislators at Gov. Walker State of State address Tuesday Feb 1st
- Jacki Rickert inspires Cannabis Activists at the Kendall Cannabis Fair.
- Jacob Sieg shares experience of living through a No Knock Raid after discovering medical marijuana would save his life.
- January 12th marks the first meeting of the year
- Jay Selthofner Addressing the 2012 WI MN Joint Libertarian Convention
- Jay’s speech at Madison Harvest Festival on Saturday
- Join NORML at the December meeting in Appleton on Thursday Dec 12th, 2013
- Join NORML at the October meeting in Appleton on Thursday Oct 10, 2013
- Join the steering committee
- Join us Sept 15th in Appleton to plan the journey to harvest fest
- Joint State Tour to Washington and Oregon November 6-9, 2015
- La Crosse to hold 420 Concert with SSDP and marijuana advocates at the Root Note
- Last Call for Signature Sheets before Lobby Day
- Law Enforcement Against Prohibition comes to Lawrence University May 17th
- Light Up Your Activism and Drop a $4.20 Money Bomb to N.O.R.M.L.
- Lobby Day Set for September 15th, 2015
- Madison Marijuana March returns to Mifflin St. Block Party April 30
- Making the Wisconsin State Square for the Cannabis Quilt Project
- March meeting set for Thursday March 8th 2012 in Appleton
- Marijuana March in Milwaukee May 7th
- Meeting to be held in Appleton on Thursday July 11th, 2013
- Meeting will explore truth about Cannabis plant
- Memorial for Ben Masel in Madison on May 4th
- Michigan NORML 1st Quarter Meeting 2012
- Mieko Hester Perez “Marijuana Saved My Son’s Life'” coming to Berlin WI T.H.C. Tour
- Milwaukee marijuana supporters set second meeting date for January 17th
- Milwaukee Press Club Marijuana Forum Planned for Feb 3, 2020
- Milwaukee Press Club: Behind the Headlines – Should Wisconsin Legalize Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes?
- Milwaukee set for Global Marijuana March on Sat May 4th, 2013
- Monthly Meeting May 17th, 2011 for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- Monthly Meeting on Thursday May 10th
- Monthly NORML Meeting August 14th, 2014
- Mt. Horeb Open Mic Night with Sen. Jon Erpenback
- New Blues Crew to perform at The Cannabis Fair in Kendall
- NORML heads to UW-Oshkosh on Dec 7th
- NORML Meeting announced for Thursday August 9th in Appleton
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- NORML Meeting scheduled for Aug 8th, 2013
- NORML teams up with DNR to promote free fishing weekend June 4th
- NORML to table at Slighlty Stoopid concert in Milwuakee
- NORML to Welcome Teapot Party Founder Willie Nelson to Wisconsin
- NORML Valentine’s Day Card asks legislators to find it in their hearts to support marijuana reform.
- NORML Women’s Alliance of Wisconsin announces first meeting for October 1st, 2012
- Northern WI NORML recognizes National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
- Northern Wisconsin NORML mixer with Wisconsin Teapot Party scheduled for January 18th, 2011
- November 2012 Public Meeting Video Archive
- Our newest activist tool ‘mobileNORML’ ready to create a buzz in your community
- Outreach Meeting and Expo scheduled in Marinette
- Pie By The Slice Booth is more than a baked sale
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Press Conference Expected Oct 3rd, 2013 for the Wisconsin Medical Cannabis Act
- Press Conference Schedule for LRB-0188, Legalizing Marijuana in Wisconsin
- Press Release: Bringing It Home Industrial Hemp Documentary screen to be held Nov 9th, 2013 at Appleton, Wisconsin Public Library
- Press Release: Forum on Legalizing Marijuana
- Press Release: Participants Needed for Medical Marijuana Migration and Relocation Research
- Press Release: Protest the current federal and Wisconsin marijuana laws in Oshkosh, WI on 7-29-11
- Press Release: Tues, Oct 11th, 2011, 5:00pm Awareness March for support of Industrial Hemp Cannabis
- Press Release: Wausau NORML Meeting
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Product Giveaway at July 12th, 2012 Meeting
- Public Meeting August 10th, 2015 coordinates with NORML membership drive
- Rally planned for Green Bay May 26th & May 29th
- Rally Planned near UW-Oshkosh campus on Fri Sept 7th
- Registration for Webinar on June 30th
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Milw and Oak Creek Listening Sessions
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Schedule for THC Tour at UW-Oshkosh
- Sen. Olsen and Rep. Ripp plan joint listening sessions and activists plan to light up the questions
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- September 2012 Public Meeting Video Archive
- Signature contest ending at next meeting on August 17th
- Spirits soaring high in Berlin
- Start 2014 off with a NORML meeting on January 9th in Appleton
- Statewide NORML meetings expected during week of October 10th
- Surprise, Surprise, Giveaways!
- Teapot Party and NORML mixer created a buzz in Berlin about marijuana reform.
- The Cannabis Fair featured Awards and Announcements
- The view from SE WI NORML at the Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival
- Tomah 420 Signature Drive
- Tuesday Tea Time schedule for February 23rd
- Video of Medical Cannabis Refugee and Tax Plan Advocate speaking on the THC Tour
- Visit the NORML Booth and Table at Big Green Fest in Kimberly August 18th
- Watch Dana Beal speaking at UW Oshkosh for the THC Tour
- Wausau gets set for NORML on Wed November 9th
- Wausau Wisconsin Willie Nelson Teapot Party meets December 15th as part of National movement
- WBAY News – Pre-Interview with Jay Selthofner at Oshkosh, WI Forum on the failed Drug War
- What Fibromyalgia Is Not……
- WHYS Radio Benefit “420 Party” at House of Rock in Eau Claire
- Wi Cannabis Expo Planned for Feb 8, 2020
- WI Cannabis Expo Speaker Schedule Released
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- WisCannabis: A Virtual Town Hall 4/23
- Wisconsin and Minnesota Chapters of NORML table at Joint WI/MN Libertarian Conference
- Wisconsin Cannabis Candidate hosts marijuana concert with SMOKES
- Wisconsin CBD Vendors, Producers and Growers invited to area expo
- Wisconsin Hemp Expo March 9, 2018 in Milwaukee
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin marijuana initiatives listed among Top Ten Marijuana Victories in 2010 by The Huffington Post
- Wisconsin NORML announces first public meeting
- Wisconsin State Cannabis Lobby Day, SAVE THE DATE! January 16th, 2013
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Florence County
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Florence County Opposition Resolution to state marijuana reform
- Kirk Bangstad (D) to challenge Rob Swearingen (R)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Fond du Lac County
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- Aaron Wojciechowski (D) vs Dan Feyen (R) for Senate District 18
- Activists plan to visit Congressman Petri during April 2012 Town Hall Meetings
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- Decriminalize Cannabis Petition Drive in Oshkosh
- Decriminalize Oshkosh Campaign to Resume this Fall
- Green Lake man announces candidacy for 41st District
- Heads vs. Feds: The Debate to Legalize Marijuana comes to UW-Oshkosh and UW-Fox Valley
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Julie Schroeder (D) to challenge Jeremy Thiesfeldt (R)
- Marijuana referendum on Nov. 6 ballot a no-go for Fond du Lac County residents
- Melisa Arndt (D) to challenge Jon Plumer (R) for AD 42
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Oshkosh shelves petition to cut pot fines despite advocates meeting signature goal
- Press Release: Protest the current federal and Wisconsin marijuana laws in Oshkosh, WI on 7-29-11
- Regional leaders for marijuana reform meet in Berlin
- Rep. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) 2019 Spring Survey Results
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Senate 20 Primary: Feyen (R) vs Ramthun (R) with Rapp (D)
- Senator Feyen has conditions for backing medical pot
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- WBAY News – Pre-Interview with Jay Selthofner at Oshkosh, WI Forum on the failed Drug War
Forest County
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Kirk Bangstad (D) to challenge Rob Swearingen (R)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Free Fishing Day
- 3rd Annual Free Fishing Day Celebration and Potluck Picnic set for Sun. June 3rd, 2012
- Green Lake, Wisconsin – celebrate Free Fishing Weekend at Playground Park with a Potluck Picnic
- NORML teams up with DNR to promote free fishing weekend June 4th
- Northern WI NORML Potluck Picnic tomorrow in Green Lake!
- Northern Wisconsin NORML’s free fishing event was fun!
- Potluck picnic creates buzz about free fishing weekend in Wisconsin
- 2015 Joint State Tour Promotional Flyer
- 3rd Annual Free Fishing Day Celebration and Potluck Picnic set for Sun. June 3rd, 2012
- Annual Fundraiser Fueled By Pie
- Disc Golf Tournament set to raise funds for Harvest Fest
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Donations Needed for the Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Fund!
- Effective Tabling Tips
- Funding Needed for Decriminalize Oshkosh
- Gene’s Update from the Field
- Green Bay Activist Rally planned for April 6th
- Happy Birthday to NORML Alia
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Help Celebrate Our 3rd Anniversary
- Help Celebrate Our 7th Anniversary
- Introducing NORML AmyBeth: Mom, Wife, Student, Leader and Activist
- Manitowoc area supporter hopes to re-activate in his area
- Marijuana leads to cure for food pantry shortages
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- New Blues Crew to perform at The Cannabis Fair in Kendall
- Oct 17-18, 2015 event to include pie by the slice with hemp seed sprinkles
- Our newest activist tool ‘mobileNORML’ ready to create a buzz in your community
- Patients Out of Time: Resolution to De-Schedule Cannabis
- Public Meeting August 10th, 2015 coordinates with NORML membership drive
- Support NORML By Donating Monthly
- Support Northern Wisconsin NORML on Giving Tuesday
- Surprise, Surprise, Giveaways!
- Welcome our newest activist team member NORML Alia
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana: NORML Kim
Grant County
- AD 49 Tranel (R) silent, so is challenger
- AD 49: Travis Tranel (R) vs Scott Walker, MD (D)
- AD 51 Harlow (D) and Grabe (D) race to challenge Novak (R)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Garbe (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Grabe (D)
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Shaun Murphy-Lopez (D) to challenge Travis Tranel (R)
Green County
- AD 50: Jenna Jacobson (D) vs Richard Johnson (R)
- Kim Smith (D) to challenge Sondy Pope (D) in primary for the 80th Assembly
- Rep. Spreitzer and Sen. Ringhand Announce Brodhead Listening Session Feb 4
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Tawny Gustina (R) to challenge Mark Spreitzer (D) for AD 45
Green Lake County
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- Activists plan to visit Congressman Petri during April 2012 Town Hall Meetings
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- Baked Sale “Pie By The Slice” at From The Land Festival
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- County Fairs allow open forum on marijuana
- Decade of Excellence – Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of NORML
- Green Lake man announces candidacy for 41st District
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Marijuana is safer than alcohol, reader says (Waushara Argus Edited Version)
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Oct 17-18, 2015 event to include pie by the slice with hemp seed sprinkles
- Regional leaders for marijuana reform meet in Berlin
- Rep. Joan Ballweg (R-Markesan) 2019 Spring Survey Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senator Olsen expected to address medical marijuana activists at December 21st meeting
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- WBAY News – Pre-Interview with Jay Selthofner at Oshkosh, WI Forum on the failed Drug War
Guest Blogs
- Activist Poem – Green Blues
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- Americans for Safe Access Director begins petition drive in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Author Educates About Anarchism in Anarcho Grow, Pura Vida in Costa Rica
- But is it NORML?
- City of De Pere Alderman making cannabis reform an agenda
- Closing the Drug War Box
- Debut Novel Anarcho Grow by T.A. Sedlak expected to be A New Voice For The Young
- Do you have a story to share?
- Don't get high – get real. Article by Tim Lyke, Ripon Commonwealth Press
- DWI court saves
- Eau Claire Marijuana Activists announce musical supporters
- Eau Claire NORML Country Jam Planning Meeting on July 14th
- Gavel’s Stare
- How NORML should I be?
- How To Stay NORML
- In Loving Memory My Grandson, Field Activist NORML Aaron.
- Introducing NORML AmyBeth: Mom, Wife, Student, Leader and Activist
- Local costs, lunacy of drug war
- LTE: Marijuana use shouldn’t be criminal
- LTE: Vote Democrat, legalize medical marijuana
- LTE: Wisconsin should legalize cannabis
- Meeting will explore truth about Cannabis plant
- My Memorial Day
- NORML Aaron Activist Actions are Arousing Awareness
- NORML Launches “Smoke the Vote” To Prepare For 2020 Election
- Paul Armentano: Wisconsin’s marijuana impairment laws need a fix
- People Against Marijuana Prohibition
- Posting links with great information……completely NORML!
- Public Enemy Number One
- Ravaged by Drug Prohibition
- Senator Nass and Rep. August have selective hearing on marijuana reform
- Spend resources with wisdom
- Support behind closed doors more NORML than you know.
- Tax and Cannabis
- The view from SE WI NORML at the Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival
- Time to reeducate ourselves
- Unignorable benefits
- Volunteers Needed for Field Work in Shawano County
- What Fibromyalgia Is Not……
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana by Steve Q (Guest Blog)
- Why I advocate for medicinal marijuana
- Wisconsin – A Hub for Cannabis Innovation by Rep. Sargent
- Wisconsin woman wiser about pot
Harvest Fest
- 47th Annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Fest 2017
- Al “Goodheart” Baker at the 41st Annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival
- Disc Golf Tournament set to raise funds for Harvest Fest
- Do your NORML thing.
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Harvest Fest Fashion Show planned for Oct 1st
- Join us Sept 15th in Appleton to plan the journey to harvest fest
- Marijuana Harvest Fest in Madison
- Oct 1 2011 – Video of Jay Selthofner speaking at Madison Harvest Fest
- Oct 2 2011 – Video of Jay Selthofner speaking at Madison Harvest Fest
- The view from SE WI NORML at the Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Festival
- 2017-2018 Wisconsin Marijuana Legislation Information
- A gift from nature
- A Visit To Colorado’s Booming Cannabis Industry
- Activism 101: Why Is Letter Writing Important?
- Call To Action: Support AB 220 to Legalize Cannabis
- Cannabis and Brain Development
- First hemp house built in United States
- GOP Assembly Rep Michael Schraa 2019 Spring Survey Results
- Governor Walker Signs Farm Freedom Act into Law
- Happy “After” Hemp Week
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Harvest Fest Fashion Show planned for Oct 1st
- Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity (RL32725 Summary)
- Hemp gas (bio-diesel) adds fuel to fire of pending marijuana legislation
- Hemp sales to generate big money for public companies
- Hemps Notorious Cousin video by North Shore Cartoon.
- I Support Cannabusiness
- Industrial Hemp Booth at Answers to Energy Spring Expo in Oshkosh
- Legislators back industrial hemp bill
- Making the Wisconsin State Square for the Cannabis Quilt Project
- Northern Wisconsin NORML participates in the first Willie Nelson Teapot Party Meetups
- Oct 17-18, 2015 event to include pie by the slice with hemp seed sprinkles
- Other uses for marijuana besides ingestion
- Popular Mechanics Article A New Billion Dollar Crop
- Remembering when hemp was king in Wisconsin
- Representative Scott Allen Circulates Letter Advocating Cannabis Research
- Scott Fitzgerald will run for Congress
- Thank You to Representative Robin Vos
- The Industrial Hemp Farming Act Press Release
- The MORE Act HR 3884 / S.2227
- The Toke Before Christmas – Cartoon Parody
- Virtual Public Hearing July 23 – Industrial Hemp
- What is Weed? A Plant of Moderation for the Nation
- Wisconsin DOJ revises stance on CBD production, possession and distribution
- Wisconsin marijuana activists prompt more letters to the editors supporting hemp cannabis.
- Wisconsin: Hemp Pilot Program Signed Into Law
- Wisconsin: Legislature Asked To Clarify Patchwork Of Marijuana Laws
Hemp History Week
- Are our elected officials missing hemp history week?
- Happy “After” Hemp Week
- Hemp History Week set for 2011
- Hemp History Week with Northern Wisconsin NORML
- Letter to the Editor, printed May 27 2010 regarding Hemp History Week
- Lobbying video and action alert from Vote Hemp
- Popular Mechanics Article A New Billion Dollar Crop
Hemp Poems
- Activist Poem – Green Blues
- Been Around – Tribute Poem to Ben Masel
- Don’t Hassle The “Thof”
- Frosty The Grow-man
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Jimmy and The Man
- Justice For All
- King Of Pain
- Saint Of The Green
- Seed Spangled Banner
- The Joke’s On Everyone
- This Bill This Time / JRMMA
- Victim Of The Insane – Medical Marijuana Poem
- What is Weed? A Plant of Moderation for the Nation
- A Cannabis Fair planned for July 23rd in Kendall Wisconsin
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Introduction to a Field Activist NORML Sarah
- Is My Medicine Legal Yet? planned to be asked to legislators at Gov. Walker State of State address Tuesday Feb 1st
- Saint Of The Green
- This Bill This Time / JRMMA
- Wisconsin Activism Page featured on The Weed Blog
Industrial Hemp
- 2017 Wisconsin Act 100 – State Industrial Hemp Program Information
- A gift from nature
- Are our elected officials missing hemp history week?
- Baked Sale “Pie By The Slice” at From The Land Festival
- Could California legalizing marijuana under Prop 19 lead to hemp in Wisconsin?
- First hemp house built in United States
- Happy “After” Hemp Week
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Harvest Fest Fashion Show planned for Oct 1st
- Help NORML Provide the Answers to Energy at an Expo in Oshkosh
- Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity (RL32725 Summary)
- Hemp declared illegal to save corporate profits
- Hemps Notorious Cousin video by North Shore Cartoon.
- Industrial Hemp Booth at Answers to Energy Spring Expo in Oshkosh
- Letter to the Editor, printed May 27 2010 regarding Hemp History Week
- Making the Wisconsin State Square for the Cannabis Quilt Project
- Northern Wisconsin NORML participates in the first Willie Nelson Teapot Party Meetups
- Other uses for marijuana besides ingestion
- Press Release: Bringing It Home Industrial Hemp Documentary screen to be held Nov 9th, 2013 at Appleton, Wisconsin Public Library
- Republicans in Sheboygan share platform of Industrial Hemp
- Saint Of The Green
- Support needed for Senate Bill 3501, The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011
- Testin, Kurtz Predict Wisconsin Will Be Top Hemp Producer Within a Decade
- The Industrial Hemp Farming Act Press Release
- Traveling biodiesel processor making home grown fuel
- Virtual Public Hearing July 23 – Industrial Hemp
- We’ll drink to that – Article by Steve Prestegard
- Wisconsin awards Charlotte Figi posthumous citation
- Wisconsin DOJ revises stance on CBD production, possession and distribution
- Wisconsin marijuana activists prompt more letters to the editors supporting hemp cannabis.
- Wisconsin WSIC / DOJ Memo on CBD
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- “Antigone,” a documentary in progress, Includes Wisconsin Sentencing Hearing of Dana Beal
- 2nd Assembly Candidate Shae Sortwell speaks about marijuana reform
- 4th Assembly District: Marijuana Q&A with Republican David Steffen of Howard
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- Amy Loudenbeck, Mark Spreitzer, Andy Jorgensen, Deb Kolste, Dan Kilkenny, Brian Fitzgerald, and Janis Ringhand Candidate Forum
- Assembly District 76 Democrat Candidate Statements
- ASSIGNMENT 13: Legalize marijuana in Wisconsin? Activists look to puff up support following election
- Ben Masel talking hemp and cannabis on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Candidate Barbara Dittrich supports CBD but opposes products with THC
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Dana Beal Interview
- Dana Beal’s Testimony During Sentencing Hearing
- Democrat Lee Snodgrass view on marijuana
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Do you have a story to share?
- EBHPP Capitol Briefing: What the Evidence Says (and Doesn’t) About Medical Marijuana
- Executive Director of Northern Wisconsin NORML interviewed on The Cannabis Agenda
- Gae Magnafici Discuss Their Views on Various Topics
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Interview with Barney Farnk on MSNBC on June 24th
- John Nygren 2019 Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Loren Oldenburg campaign statement on marijuana
- Milwaukee Press Club: Behind the Headlines – Should Wisconsin Legalize Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes?
- National Geographic Channel: Marijuana Nation Video
- NORML Jay featured on Activist Agenda with Radical Russ Belville
- NORML Jay hits the Wisconsin Public Airways
- Northern Wisconsin NORML Founder Interviewed about recent medical cannabis legislation in Wisconsin
- Press Release: New Executive Director and Media Contact
- Rep John Nygren and Sen Alberta Darling gut marijuana reform from budget
- Rep John Nygren does not support marijuana reform under any conditions!
- Rep John Spiros (R-Marshfield) pre-2018 election marijuana Q & A
- Rep. Amy Loudenbeck, R-Clinton open to medical marijuana?
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Assembly Rep. John Macco calls out Fitzgerald on Medical Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Assembly 28 Gae Magnafici View on Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Jesse James campaign interview supports medical marijuana
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican from Neenah Rohrkaste answers marijuana reform question
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Republican Rep. Kerkman statements on marijuana reform
- Republican Senator Howard Marklein stance on marijuana reform.
- Republican Tony Kurtz would be open to medical marijuana if hemp ineffective
- Rob Summerfield looking at marijuana reform
- Sara Rodriguez (D) to challenge Rob Hutton (R) for AD 13
- Selthofner back on The Cannabis Agenda Podcast #34 October 17th, 2010
- Sen Bewley, Rep Quinn and Rep Milroy Weigh In On Marijuana Legalization
- Senate 32 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana
- Senate District 30 Candidates Views on Marijuana Reform
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Stroebel: “Decriminalization is Legalization”
- State Senate Leaders Fitzgerald (R) and Bewley (D) Reflect on 2019
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Tip McGuire campaign statements on marijuana laws
- TMJ4 Sound Off’s about medical marijuana in Wisconsin
- Todd Menzel (R) Candidate 13th Senate District: Stance on Cannabis Reform
- Tony Kurtz campaign statements on marijuana reform
- Too High To Fail hit Wisconsin Public Radio
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
- WisCannabis: A Virtual Town Hall 4/23
Iowa County
- AD 51 Harlow (D) and Grabe (D) race to challenge Novak (R)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Garbe (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Grabe (D)
- Dana Beal Sentencing Hearing on Sept 20th
- David Dahlke (R) to challenge Dave Considine (D) for AD 81
- Kim Smith (D) to challenge Sondy Pope (D) in primary for the 80th Assembly
- Kriss Marion (D) to challenge Todd Novak (R)
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
Iron County
- AD 74: Chanz Green (R) vs Jeanne Bruce (D)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Jacki Rickert
- A Cannabis Fair planned for July 23rd in Kendall Wisconsin
- Ask your Wisconsin State Senator and State Assembly Representative to Sponsor or Co-Sponsor A Medical Cannabis Act
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Jacki Rickert inspires Cannabis Activists at the Kendall Cannabis Fair.
- Northern Wisconsin NORML Founder Interviewed about recent medical cannabis legislation in Wisconsin
- Saint Of The Green
- The Cannabis Fair featured Awards and Announcements
- This Bill This Time / JRMMA
- Wisconsin Activism Page featured on The Weed Blog
Jackson County
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Paul Piotrowski (D) to challenge Patrick Testin (R) for Senate 24
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Jay Selthofner
- 4Legacy to assist Selthofner and his cannabis legacy in Ripon
- A cannabis eye view of politics as unusual
- A marijuana concert is music with a message
- A Royal Clark ready to rock @ Classics Sports Bar in Ripon, WI on the 18th
- Activist Actions – December Edition
- Are our elected officials missing hemp history week?
- ASSIGNMENT 13: Legalize marijuana in Wisconsin? Activists look to puff up support following election
- Attention Music Lovers – Historic Marijuana Themed Concert in Ripon, WI
- Blockhead to bust out hashpipe at political concert in Ripon
- Candidate for governor visits area to discuss marijuana reform
- Candidate Selthofner cruzin’ at Berlin Street Cruzers Car Show
- Candidates, others outline health challenges as reported by Portage Daily Register
- Clearing the smoke
- County Fairs allow open forum on marijuana
- Disabled Veteran and NORML Jay Team Up at A Cannabis Fair in Kendall
- Don’t Hassle The “Thof”
- Donations Needed for the Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Fund!
- English teacher finds inspiration in students
- Fairs, festivals, pirates and politics
- Green Lake man announces candidacy for 41st District
- Gubernatorial Candidate endorses Selthofner's stimulus sense on Wisconsin Public Radio
- Idiopath pounding stage in Ripon for campaign concert
- Jay Selthofner Addressing the 2012 WI MN Joint Libertarian Convention
- Jay’s speech at Madison Harvest Festival on Saturday
- Letter to the Editor: Voting is a Grave Responsibility
- Listen: The West Side, March 25, 2019
- Marijuana advocate will challenge Ballweg for District 41
- Markesan AugustFest reveals support for Selthofner
- Meet My Friend: Jay Selthofner, running for WI State Assembly, District 41
- NORML Jay hits the Wisconsin Public Airways
- Northern Wisconsin NORML Founder Interviewed about recent medical cannabis legislation in Wisconsin
- Oct 1 2011 – Video of Jay Selthofner speaking at Madison Harvest Fest
- Oct 2 2011 – Video of Jay Selthofner speaking at Madison Harvest Fest
- Police will ask Appleton retailers to eradicate drug paraphernalia
- Reader believes we need a change in leadership
- Roadkill Dinnerfest provides feast and fear for ears for rural Wisconsin
- Selthofner back on The Cannabis Agenda Podcast #34 October 17th, 2010
- Selthofner campaign brings hemp cannabis to From the Land Festival
- Selthofner celebrates with friends at campaign concert
- Selthofner shows courage, conviction
- Selthofner will offer green jobs
- SMOKES to deliver smoking performance for Wisconsin politician
- State Assembly candidate Selthofner attends Ripon Cookie Daze
- Support Selthofner, Marijuana reform
- Vote for a candidate who embodies integrity
- Vote for Jay Selthofner in WI Assembly District 41 in November 2010!
- Vote for the candidate, not for the political party
- Waushara Area Chamber of Commerce dunks Selthofner campaign
- Waushara Argus confused by primary elections, Berlin Journal is not!
- Wisconsin Gubernatorial and State Assembly Candidate endorse full legalization of marijuana
- Wisconsin is ripe for marijuana reform says marijuana activist
- Wisconsin State Assembly Candidate creates conversations about cannabis
Jefferson County
- 33rd Assembly Rep Cory Horlacher Marijuana Survey
- Abigail Lowery (D) vs Stephen W. Ratzlaff, Jr (I) vs John Jagler (R)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- AD 46: Fitzgerald (D) vs Quimby (R)
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Congressional District 5 Republican Primary: Fitzgerald vs DeTemple
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- Jim Sensenbrenner July 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Jim Sensenbrenner September 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Mason Becker (D) to challenge Cody Horlacher (R)
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Regional leaders for marijuana reform meet in Berlin
- Rep. Barbara Dittrich of District 38 2019 Marijuana Survey Question Results
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 16: Agard (D) leaves and Ratcliff (D) enters
- Senator Fitzgerald’s district shows support for marijuana
- Todd Menzel (R) Candidate 13th Senate District: Stance on Cannabis Reform
- A Cannabis Fair planned for July 23rd in Kendall Wisconsin
- Ask your Wisconsin State Senator and State Assembly Representative to Sponsor or Co-Sponsor A Medical Cannabis Act
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Saint Of The Green
- The Cannabis Fair featured Awards and Announcements
- This Bill This Time / JRMMA
- Wisconsin Activism Page featured on The Weed Blog
Juneau County
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley
- AD 41: Incumbent Tony Kurtz (R) vs Julia Henley (D)
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Mark Waldon (D) to challenge Tony Kurtz (R)
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zero Tolerance for marijuana in Wisconsin Dells
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Kenosha County
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- AD 65 Primary: Flood (D) vs DeSmidt (D)
- AD 65: DeSmidt (D) vs Gonzalez (R)
- Crystal Miller (R) to challenge Tod Ohnstad (D) for AD 65
- Ed Hibsch (R) to challenge Tip McGuire (D) for AD 64
- Kenosha Residents for Cannabis Reform Spring Candidate Guide 2024
- Rep. Samantha Kerkman Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Rep. Kerkman statements on marijuana reform
- Senator Van Wanggaard editorial on marijuana reform
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- Tip McGuire campaign statements on marijuana laws
La Crosse County
- AD 94: Incumbent Doyle (D) vs Huebsch (R)
- AD 95: Incumbent Billings (D) vs Schnitzler (R)
- AD 96 Primary: Johnson (D) vs Campbell (D)
- AD 96: Oldenberg (R) vs Johnson
- Bob Marley Birthday Bash with TUGG and Natty Nation at Cavalier in La Crosse Feb 13
- Can Rep. Steve Doyle defend his turf AD94
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Dan Kapanke (R) vs Brad Pfaff (D) for Senate 32
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Double veto by Mayor is overridden by La Crosse City Council for marijuana decriminalization.
- Information on Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendums in 2018
- La Crosse attempts to reform marijuana laws again
- La Crosse Common Council off the pot for another six months
- La Crosse Common Council votes to decriminalize marijuana possession
- La Crosse County Board puts marijuana referendum on ballot
- La Crosse Decriminalizes Small Amount of Marijuana Possession
- La Crosse gets set to decriminalize small amount of marijuana
- La Crosse marijuana reform draws heat from police
- La Crosse Mayor vetoed marijuana decriminalization initiative
- La Crosse Medical Marijuana Advisory Referendum begins collecting signatures
- La Crosse to hold 420 Concert with SSDP and marijuana advocates at the Root Note
- Leroy Brown (I) 94th Assembly District Candidate Cannabis Statement
- LTE: Wisconsin should legalize cannabis
- Marijuana Ordinance Moves to La Crosse City Council
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 32 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana
- Senate 32 Pfaff (D) challenged by Klein (R)
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
Lafayette County
- AD 51 Harlow (D) and Grabe (D) race to challenge Novak (R)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Garbe (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Grabe (D)
- Kriss Marion (D) to challenge Todd Novak (R)
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
Langlade County
- City of Antigo passes ordinance to decriminalize small amount of marijuana
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Information on Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendums in 2018
- Introducing NORML AmyBeth: Mom, Wife, Student, Leader and Activist
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Wausau Area looking to become more NORML
- Wausau gets set for NORML on Wed November 9th
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- 11 Years since Wisconsin held a public hearing on marijuana reform
- 2013 Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting produced many great ideas
- 2017-2018 Wisconsin Marijuana Legislation Information
- 2021-22 Recreational / Medical Marijuana Bill open for co-sponsorship
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- ACT 4 (2017 Senate Bill 10) Possession of Cannabidiol CBD
- Action Alert: Sign the Petition to Give SB 377 a Public Hearing
- Activist Actions – December Edition
- Ask your Wisconsin State Senator and State Assembly Representative to Sponsor or Co-Sponsor A Medical Cannabis Act
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Call To Action: New Bills on Hemp AB 206 / SB188
- Chapter Founder urges supporters to call their elected officials to co-sponsor by Dec 22
- City of Monona Wisconsin Marijuana Ordinance
- Decriminalize Marijuana – AB 130 / SB 164
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Help NORML Provide the Answers to Energy at an Expo in Oshkosh
- Hemp as an Agricultural Commodity (RL32725 Summary)
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- Keep BUD in the Budget!
- Legislation to End Workplace Discrimination Against Cannabis Consumers
- LRB-5228 Bipartisan Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana circulated for co-sponsorship
- Lunch with Lamar Smith done NORML style
- Medical Marijuana Committee Members 2019-20 Smoke the Vote Grades
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Members of Congress to Introduce Historic Legislation Ending Marijuana Prohibition
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- NORML Chapters Organize State Lobby Days for Marijuana Law Reforms
- Oppose Senate Bill 440 – Increased Penalties for Butane Hash Oil
- Press Conference Schedule for LRB-0188, Legalizing Marijuana in Wisconsin
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Sortwell authors Jury Nullification Bill
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican led medical marijuana bill expected in Wisconsin
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republicans Jarchow, Bernier, Kitchens, Kooyenga, Tittle and Schraa push marijuana decriminalization
- Republicans present legalization bill, choose wrong plant
- Senators not up for re-election likely to continue prohibition in 2021-22
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Support needed for Senate Bill 3501, The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2011
- Support The MORE Act: Federal Cannabis Reform
- Thank Republican Petri for his vote on HR 5326 and urge his continued support of cannabis reform
- The Industrial Hemp Farming Act Press Release
- Virtual Public Hearing July 23 – Industrial Hemp
- Wisconsin Assembly and Senate Committee Member Target Districts
- Wisconsin GOP lawmakers consider bill to boost local prosecution of marijuana possession cases
- Wisconsin WSIC / DOJ Memo on CBD
Letters to Editor
- A gift from nature
- Are our elected officials missing hemp history week?
- Bloated, failed spending
- BUDGET BATTLE: Legalize marijuana, and then tax its use
- Clearing the smoke
- Closing the Drug War Box
- Do you have a story to share?
- Don't get high – get real. Article by Tim Lyke, Ripon Commonwealth Press
- DWI court saves
- Editorial from retired cop enforces retired surgeons stance on marijuana
- Editorial questions if Wisconsin will ever see Green Acres of medical marijuana
- Editorial: Wisconsin must reform or we will be left in the smoke!
- Farmers deserve more credit, Nelson says
- Former prosecutor: Marijuana isn’t the problem
- Happy “After” Hemp Week
- Is marijuana a liability?
- Letter to Editor: Marijuana is Medicine
- Letter to the Editor, printed May 27 2010 regarding Hemp History Week
- Letter to the Editor: Learn more about the medical marijuana bill in state legislature
- Letter to the editor: Rezkalla and Rozar weigh in on marijuana
- Letter to the Editor: Voting is a Grave Responsibility
- Local costs, lunacy of drug war
- LTE: Duane Shukoski is right for AD 53
- LTE: Marijuana use shouldn’t be criminal
- LTE: Vote Democrat, legalize medical marijuana
- LTE: Wisconsin should legalize cannabis
- Marijuana editorial was off-base
- Marijuana is safer than alcohol, reader says (Waushara Argus Edited Version)
- Marijuana issue is 'no laughing matter'
- My Memorial Day
- Paul Armentano: Wisconsin’s marijuana impairment laws need a fix
- Push to legalize medical marijuana
- Reader believes in legalizing marijuana (Waushara Argus edited version)
- Reader believes we need a change in leadership
- Reader hopes for marijuana legalization letter in Waushara Argus
- Selthofner will offer green jobs
- Senator Nass and Rep. August have selective hearing on marijuana reform
- Spend resources with wisdom
- State Needs To Legalize Medical Marijuana
- Support Selthofner, Marijuana reform
- Tavern owner offers opinions and observations
- Tax and Cannabis
- Time to reeducate ourselves
- Unignorable benefits
- Vote for a candidate who embodies integrity
- Vote for the candidate, not for the political party
- We’ll drink to that – Article by Steve Prestegard
- Why I advocate for medicinal marijuana
- Wisconsin woman wiser about pot
- Chapter Co-Founder helps make the WI/MN Libertarian Convention a little more NORML
- Debate, Food, Fellowship and Monthly Meeting scheduled for April 12th in Appleton
- Jay Selthofner Addressing the 2012 WI MN Joint Libertarian Convention
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Samuel Anderson (R) vs Samba Baldeh (D) for AD 48
- Wisconsin and Minnesota Chapters of NORML table at Joint WI/MN Libertarian Conference
Lincoln County
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Press Release: Wausau NORML Meeting
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Wausau Area looking to become more NORML
- Wausau gets set for NORML on Wed November 9th
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- 11 Years since Wisconsin held a public hearing on marijuana reform
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- ASSIGNMENT 13: Legalize marijuana in Wisconsin? Activists look to puff up support following election
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- City of Monona Wisconsin Marijuana Ordinance
- Colorado cannabis job market and state tax revenue
- Crime and Courts: Marijuana gets a trade association, but Wisconsin needs a lobbyist
- Dana Beal Sentencing Hearing on Sept 20th
- Day of Action in Memory of Aaron Borcherdt
- Democrat State Assembly Candidates – 2020 Cannabis Support Summary
- DOJ Launches New Data Dashboards
- Donations Needed for the Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Fund!
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- EBHPP Capitol Briefing: What the Evidence Says (and Doesn’t) About Medical Marijuana
- Effective Tabling Tips
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Freshman Republican Assembly Reps 2018 Election and Campaign Statements
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Jim Sensenbrenner September 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Keep BUD in the Budget!
- Last Call for Signature Sheets before Lobby Day
- Lobby Day Set for September 15th, 2015
- Lobbying video and action alert from Vote Hemp
- Medical Marijuana Committee Members 2019-20 Smoke the Vote Grades
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- New Milwaukee City Attorney asked to stop cannabis prosecutions by ACLU and WJI
- NORML Chapters Organize State Lobby Days for Marijuana Law Reforms
- NORML Jay hits the Wisconsin Public Airways
- NORML Launches “Smoke the Vote” To Prepare For 2020 Election
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- NORML Valentine’s Day Card asks legislators to find it in their hearts to support marijuana reform.
- Occupations of Wisconsin Senators and Assembly Reps and stance on cannabis reform
- Patients Out of Time: Resolution to De-Schedule Cannabis
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Press Release: New Executive Director and Media Contact
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Mary Felzkowski Medical Marijuana Info
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Swearingen visits the Florence County Sheriff to talk Marijuana
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Sarah Yacoub (D) to challenge Shannon Zimmerman (R)
- Sen Bewley, Rep Quinn and Rep Milroy Weigh In On Marijuana Legalization
- Senators not up for re-election likely to continue prohibition in 2021-22
- Send Rich to the NORML Conference and Lobby Day in Washington D.C.
- Sept 28th 2017 Lobby Day / Constituent Visiting Day
- Smoke the Vote Scorecard Video Summary
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Uncontested Senate Races for Nov 2020 are good and bad
- Uncontested Wisconsin Assembly Races in 2020
- Wisconsin Family Action Lobbying Against Marijuana Reform
Madison NORML
- 2013 Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting produced many great ideas
- 47th Annual Great Midwest Marijuana Harvest Fest 2017
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Last Call for Signature Sheets before Lobby Day
- Madison Marijuana March returns to Mifflin St. Block Party April 30
- Reefer Madison: Majority of City Council proposes easing local marijuana laws
- Saint Of The Green
- Schedule for THC Tour at UW-Oshkosh
- Senator Fitzgerald’s district shows support for marijuana
- Sept 28th 2017 Lobby Day / Constituent Visiting Day
- Wisconsin Activism Page featured on The Weed Blog
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin Medical Society may adopt new medical marijuana guidelines
- Wisconsin Medical Society to receive second dose of medical marijuana as prescribed by NORML supporters
- Wisconsin NORML Lobby Day in Madison – March 1st, 2017
- Wisconsin State Cannabis Lobby Day, SAVE THE DATE! January 16th, 2013
Manitowoc County
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- Activists plan to visit Congressman Petri during April 2012 Town Hall Meetings
- AD 2: Sortwell (R) vs Saunders (D)
- AD 27: Lindee Brill (R) vs Kay Ladson (D)
- AD3 Tusler vs Bodden primary, who to face winner?
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Kerry Trask (D) to challenge Paul Tittl (R) for AD 25
- Kim Delorit Jensen (D) to challenge Joel Kitchens (R)
- Manitowoc area supporter hopes to re-activate in his area
- Mark Kiley (D) to challenge Shae Sortwell (R)
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Shae Sortwell (R) 2018 Candidate Position
- Tittl, LeMahieu talk medical marijuana
- Will Paul Tittl (R) face a primary challenger
Marathon County
- 85 & 87 Assembly District and Snyder (R) moves
- 85 Assembly Primary: LaFave (D) vs Johnson (D)
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- AD 85: Patrick Snyder (R) vs Yee Leng Xiong (D)
- AD 86: Incumbent John Spiros (R) vs John Small (D)
- Brian Giles (D) vs Republican Primary Winner
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Information on Wisconsin County Marijuana Referendums in 2018
- Introduction to a Field Activist NORML Sarah
- Let voters weigh in on medical pot
- LTE: Vote Democrat, legalize medical marijuana
- Marathon County Board to Vote on Placing Medicinal Marijuana Question on November Election Ballot
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Press Release: THC Tour comes to Wausau June 7th, 2014
- Press Release: Wausau NORML Meeting
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Regional leaders for marijuana reform meet in Berlin
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. John Spiros 86th Assembly District Spring Marijuana Survey
- Rep. Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Wausau Area looking to become more NORML
- Wausau gets set for NORML on Wed November 9th
- Wausau Wisconsin Willie Nelson Teapot Party meets December 15th as part of National movement
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- 2017-2018 Wisconsin Marijuana Legislation Information
- A Heart Felt Thanks To Those In Our Legislature Working For Change
- Action Alert: Sign the Petition to Give SB 377 a Public Hearing
- Activism 101: Why Is Letter Writing Important?
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- Ask your Wisconsin State Senator and State Assembly Representative to Sponsor or Co-Sponsor A Medical Cannabis Act
- Call To Action: Support AB 220 to Legalize Cannabis
- Gallup: Record Number Of Americans Say They Have Tried Marijuana
- GOP Assembly Rep Michael Schraa 2019 Spring Survey Results
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- I Support Cannabusiness
- Introduction to a Field Activist NORML Sarah
- Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced in Wisconsin
- Menominee Tribe to hold marijuana referendum
- Mt. Horeb Open Mic Night with Sen. Jon Erpenback
- NORML Chapters Organize State Lobby Days for Marijuana Law Reforms
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Oshkosh shelves petition to cut pot fines despite advocates meeting signature goal
- Representative Scott Allen Circulates Letter Advocating Cannabis Research
- Retired Surgeon editorial on alcohol and marijuana
- Run Johnny Run from Kentucky to Wisconsin will the ‘King Of Pot’ be caught?
- Saint Of The Green
- Scott Fitzgerald will run for Congress
- Senators Vote For Marijuana Banking Reform
- Tax and Cannabis
- The MORE Act HR 3884 / S.2227
- TMJ4 Sound Off’s about medical marijuana in Wisconsin
- Who will supply marijuana to states that go legal?
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana: NORML Kim
- Why I support Medical Marijuana
- Why I think Cannabis should be legal
- Wisconsin marijuana activists prompt more letters to the editors supporting hemp cannabis.
- Wisconsin: Governor Calls For Overhaul Of State’s Marijuana Policies
- Wisconsin: Legislature Asked To Clarify Patchwork Of Marijuana Laws
Marijuana Poems
- Activist Poem – Green Blues
- Been Around – Tribute Poem to Ben Masel
- Don’t Hassle The “Thof”
- Frosty The Grow-man
- Gavel’s Stare
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- In memory of an activist, Rick A. Andersen
- Jimmy and The Man
- Justice For All
- King Of Pain
- Ode To Alcoholism
- Saint Of The Green
- Seed Spangled Banner
- The Devil Came Up To Michigan
- The Joke’s On Everyone
- The Toke Before Christmas – Cartoon Parody
- This Bill This Time / JRMMA
- Twas the Night Before 420 Poem
- Victim Of The Insane – Medical Marijuana Poem
- What is Weed? A Plant of Moderation for the Nation
- Why I support Medical Marijuana
- Why plot seeds of hate when you can plant seeds of LOVE
- Ya Brah
Marijuana Reform
- 02-06-2020 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 2013 Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting produced many great ideas
- 2017-2018 Wisconsin Marijuana Legislation Information
- A Heart Felt Thanks To Those In Our Legislature Working For Change
- A Visit To Colorado’s Booming Cannabis Industry
- Activism 101: Why Is Letter Writing Important?
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- Ask your Wisconsin State Senator and State Assembly Representative to Sponsor or Co-Sponsor A Medical Cannabis Act
- Budget Cuts Could Force Wisconsin to Decriminalize 25 grams or less by July 1, 2013
- Call To Action: Support AB 220 to Legalize Cannabis
- Cannabis and Brain Development
- City of Monona Wisconsin Marijuana Ordinance
- GOP Assembly Rep Michael Schraa 2019 Spring Survey Results
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- I Support Cannabusiness
- Introduction to a Field Activist NORML Sarah
- Joel Winnig and 2 other candidates receive public funding for Wisconsin Supreme Court primary election
- La Crosse Common Council off the pot for another six months
- Marathon County Board to Vote on Placing Medicinal Marijuana Question on November Election Ballot
- Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced in Wisconsin
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Menominee Tribe to hold marijuana referendum
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- Monona, WI: Where the Fine for Marijuana Possession is Now $1
- NORML Chapters Organize State Lobby Days for Marijuana Law Reforms
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Oshkosh shelves petition to cut pot fines despite advocates meeting signature goal
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- Senator Stroebel: “Decriminalization is Legalization”
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- The MORE Act HR 3884 / S.2227
- UPDATE: Monona reduces marijuana possession charges
- Why I support Medical Marijuana
- Why I think Cannabis should be legal
- Wisconsin: Governor Calls For Overhaul Of State’s Marijuana Policies
Marinette County
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Candidates for Assembly District 89 Views on Marijuana Reform: Nygren (R), Rich (R), Jaeger (D)
- Candidates in the 89th Assembly District Special Election
- Congressman Mike Gallagher says Wisconsin needs to legalize cannabis and don’t wait for the feds to do it
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Jonathon Hansen (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R) for Senate 30
- Rep John Nygren does not support marijuana reform under any conditions!
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senate District 30 Candidates Views on Marijuana Reform
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
Marquette County
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- Activists plan to visit Congressman Petri during April 2012 Town Hall Meetings
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Melisa Arndt (D) to challenge Jon Plumer (R) for AD 42
- No prison for former Marquette County deputy Daniel Card
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Regional leaders for marijuana reform meet in Berlin
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
Medical Cannabis
- A Heart Felt Thanks To Those In Our Legislature Working For Change
- A Visit To Colorado’s Booming Cannabis Industry
- Action Alert: Sign the Petition to Give SB 377 a Public Hearing
- Activism 101: Why Is Letter Writing Important?
- Bipartisan Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced
- Call To Action: Support AB 220 to Legalize Cannabis
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Cannabis and Brain Development
- CARERS Act Gains Momentum
- Federal Drug Agency Head Calls For Expanded Medical Marijuana Research Supply
- GOP Assembly Rep Michael Schraa 2019 Spring Survey Results
- I Support Cannabusiness
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- LRB-2858/1: relating to: medical cannabis, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
- Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced in Wisconsin
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Menominee Tribe to hold marijuana referendum
- Oshkosh shelves petition to cut pot fines despite advocates meeting signature goal
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Representative Scott Allen Circulates Letter Advocating Cannabis Research
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican led medical marijuana bill expected in Wisconsin
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Scott Fitzgerald will run for Congress
- Senators To Feds: Do More To Facilitate Medical Marijuana Research
- The MORE Act HR 3884 / S.2227
Medical Marijuana
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- “Antigone,” a documentary in progress, Includes Wisconsin Sentencing Hearing of Dana Beal
- 2013 Wisconsin Cannabis Legislation Meeting produced many great ideas
- 2017-2018 Medical Marijuana Hopes Killed by Wisconsin Republicans
- 2017-2018 Wisconsin Marijuana Legislation Information
- A Heart Felt Thanks To Those In Our Legislature Working For Change
- A Visit To Colorado’s Booming Cannabis Industry
- Action Alert: Sign the Petition to Give SB 377 a Public Hearing
- Activism 101: Why Is Letter Writing Important?
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- Ask your Wisconsin State Senator and State Assembly Representative to Sponsor or Co-Sponsor A Medical Cannabis Act
- Bipartisan Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced
- Call To Action: Support AB 220 to Legalize Cannabis
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Cannabis and Brain Development
- CARERS Act Gains Momentum
- Dana Beal’s Testimony During Sentencing Hearing
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Federal Drug Agency Head Calls For Expanded Medical Marijuana Research Supply
- Fond du Lac drug users opting for jail to avoid probation and treatment programs
- Gavel’s Stare
- GOP Assembly Rep Michael Schraa 2019 Spring Survey Results
- How NORML should I be?
- I Support Cannabusiness
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Introduction to a Field Activist NORML Sarah
- Justice For All
- LRB-2858/1: relating to: medical cannabis, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
- Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced in Wisconsin
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Menominee Tribe to hold marijuana referendum
- Michigan NORML 1st Quarter Meeting 2012
- Mt. Horeb Open Mic Night with Sen. Jon Erpenback
- NORML Jay featured on Activist Agenda with Radical Russ Belville
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- NORML Valentine’s Day Card asks legislators to find it in their hearts to support marijuana reform.
- Northern WI NORML recognizes National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
- Northern Wisconsin NORML Founder Interviewed about recent medical cannabis legislation in Wisconsin
- Obama Administration Removes PHS Review Requirement For Marijuana Research Studies
- Oshkosh shelves petition to cut pot fines despite advocates meeting signature goal
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Representative Scott Allen Circulates Letter Advocating Cannabis Research
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican led medical marijuana bill expected in Wisconsin
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- Run From the Cure
- Saint Of The Green
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Scott Fitzgerald will run for Congress
- Senators To Feds: Do More To Facilitate Medical Marijuana Research
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- The MORE Act HR 3884 / S.2227
- Three Conditions That Will Never be the Same Because Of Weed
- TMJ4 Sound Off’s about medical marijuana in Wisconsin
- We’ll drink to that – Article by Steve Prestegard
- What Fibromyalgia Is Not……
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana by Steve Q (Guest Blog)
- Why I advocate for medical marijuana: NORML Kim
- Why I support Medical Marijuana
- Why I think Cannabis should be legal
- Wisconsin Medical Society may adopt new medical marijuana guidelines
Meeting Minutes & Videos
- 01-09-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 01-10-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 02-06-2020 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 02-09-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 02-13-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 03-13-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 03-14-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 04-10-2014 Meeting Agenda for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 04-11-2013 Meeting Video for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 05-08-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 05-09-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 05-10-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 06-06-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 06-12-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 06-14-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 07-10-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 07-11-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 07-12-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 07-19-2011 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-08-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-09-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-10-2015 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 08-14-2014 Meeting Video for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-17-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-17-2011 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 08-24-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-31-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 09-11-2014 Meeting Video for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 09-12-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 09-13-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 09-28-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 10-05-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
- 10-10-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 10-11-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 11-08-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 11-09-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
- 11-14-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 11-23-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
- 12-08-2011 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 12-12-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 12-13-2012 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 12-14-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
- 12-21-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 5-18-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 5-25-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 6-1-10 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 6-15-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 6-28-10 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 6-8-10 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 7-13-10 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 7-20-2010 Northern WI NORML Meeting Minutes
- 7-27-2010 Northern WI NORML Meeting Minutes
- 8-10-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 9-14-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
- 9-21-2010 Northern Wisconsin NORML Meeting Minutes
- Monthly Meeting May 17th, 2011 for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- The Long, Good Run of Harmony Cafe
- 02-06-2020 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 03-13-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 05-09-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-14-2014 Meeting Video for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 09-11-2014 Meeting Video for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 10-10-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 11-14-2013 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- A December to Remember with statewide NORML meetings and events
- Annual Elections to be held at next meeting on May 9th, 2013
- Appleton meeting announced for Thursday Sept 13th, 2012
- Appleton Meeting Feb 6, 2020
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- City of Appleton Marijuana Resolution Meeting October 14th
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Debate, Food, Fellowship and Monthly Meeting scheduled for April 12th in Appleton
- Democrats Spreitzer and Ringhand hold online listening session April 1
- Eau Claire NORML Country Jam Planning Meeting on July 14th
- Effective Tabling Tips
- End of February will see three meetings for NORML throughout Wisconsin
- Fellowship and Meeting set for Appleton on Thursday February 9th
- Food, Fellowship and Monthly Meeting Schedule from Sept 12th, 2013
- Food, Fellowship and Monthly Meeting Scheduled for October 11th
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- January 12th marks the first meeting of the year
- Join NORML at the December meeting in Appleton on Thursday Dec 12th, 2013
- Join NORML at the November meeting in Appleton on Thursday Nov 14, 2013
- Join NORML at the October meeting in Appleton on Thursday Oct 10, 2013
- Join the NORML Monthly Meeting in Appleton on November 8th, 2012
- Join us Sept 15th in Appleton to plan the journey to harvest fest
- March meeting set for Thursday March 8th 2012 in Appleton
- Medical Cannabis Meeting at Bad River Casino
- Meet NORML Aaron
- Meeting and Presentation on Out of State Medical Marijuana Cards scheduled for July 10th, 2014
- Meeting to be held in Appleton on Thursday July 11th, 2013
- Michigan NORML 1st Quarter Meeting 2012
- Monthly Meeting Announcement: Thursday June 12th, 2014 Appleton
- Monthly Meeting on Thursday May 10th
- Monthly NORML Meeting August 14th, 2014
- NORML Fellowship hour and monthly meeting Nov 13th, 2014
- NORML Meeting announced for Thursday August 9th in Appleton
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- NORML Meeting scheduled for Aug 8th, 2013
- NORML Women’s Alliance of Wisconsin announces first meeting for October 1st, 2012
- November 2012 Public Meeting Video Archive
- October 2012 Public Meeting Video Archive
- Product Giveaway at July 12th, 2012 Meeting
- Public Meeting August 10th, 2015 coordinates with NORML membership drive
- Public Meeting Thursday February 13th in Appleton
- Public Meeting Thursday May 8th in Appleton
- Regional leaders for marijuana reform meet in Berlin
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Milw and Oak Creek Listening Sessions
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- September 2012 Public Meeting Video Archive
- September 2015 Meeting, Sign Making and Pizza
- Start 2014 off with a NORML meeting on January 9th in Appleton
- The Long, Good Run of Harmony Cafe
- Volunteers Needed for Field Work in Shawano County
- WisCannabis: A Virtual Town Hall 4/23
- Wisconsin NORML announces first public meeting
Menomoniee County
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Congressman Mike Gallagher says Wisconsin needs to legalize cannabis and don’t wait for the feds to do it
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 2: Kelly Peterson (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Wausau Area looking to become more NORML
Milwaukee County
- 82nd Assembly District Double Primary
- A December to Remember with statewide NORML meetings and events
- AD 11 Primary: Taylor (D) vs Heredia (D)
- AD 12 Will Williford go unchallenged in the primary
- AD 12: Russell Goodwin (D) vs Deanna Alexander (I)
- AD 13 Primary: Michalski (R) vs Granger (R), winner to face Vining (D)
- AD 14: Tenorio (D) vs Engstrand (R) vs Shevey (I)
- AD 19 Primary: Clancy (D) vs Anderson (D)
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) Assembly seat in jeopardy
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) vs David Marstellar (D)
- AD 5: Karen Kirsch (D) vs Lee Whiting (R)
- AD 61: LuAnn Bird (D) vs Bob Donovan (R)
- AD 8 Primary: Ortiz-Velez (D) vs Murguia (D)
- AD 9: Priscilla Prado (D) vs Ryan Antczak (R)
- Alciro Deacon (R) vs LaTonya Johnson (D) for Senate 6
- Angel Sanchez (R) Assembly District 8 Candidate Statements
- Assembly District 11 Democratic Candidate Cannabis Interviews
- Assembly District 14 Republican Candidates Marijuana Interviews
- Assembly District 17 Democrat Candidate Positions on Cannabis
- Beth Drew (R) to challenge Don Vruwink (D) for AD 43
- Bird (D) vs Donovan (R) in 61st AD rematch
- Blazin BBQ by SE Wisconsin NORML set for Sunday August 14th
- Brady Coulthard (D) – Assembly District 14
- BUDGET BATTLE: Legalize marijuana, and then tax its use
- Christian Saldivar (D) Assembly District 9 Candidate Statements
- Christian Saldivar (D) to challenge Marisabel Cabrera (D) in primary
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Congressional District 5 Republican Primary: Fitzgerald vs DeTemple
- Deb Andraca (D) to challenge Jim Ott (R)
- Dennis Walton (I) to challenge Kalan Haywood (D) for AD 16
- Emily Siegrist (D) to challenge Dan Knodl (R) for AD 24
- Erik Brooks (D) to challenge Jessie Rodriguez (R) for AD 21
- February 15th draws aim for Wisconsin cannabis reformist to meet again in Milwaukee area
- Jessica Katzenmeyer (D) to challenge Joe Sanfelippo (R)
- Jim Sensenbrenner July 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Jim Sensenbrenner September 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Milwaukee Area to kick off 2011 with a new NORML chapter
- Milwaukee marijuana supporters set second meeting date for January 17th
- Milwaukee Press Club Marijuana Forum Planned for Feb 3, 2020
- Milwaukee set for Global Marijuana March on Sat May 4th, 2013
- Milwaukee: Mayor Signs Ordinance Making Marijuana Possession Offenses A $50 Fine
- Neal Plotkin (D) to challenge Alberta Darling (R) for Senate 8
- New Milwaukee City Attorney asked to stop cannabis prosecutions by ACLU and WJI
- NORML to table at Slighlty Stoopid concert in Milwuakee
- NORML to Welcome Teapot Party Founder Willie Nelson to Wisconsin
- Orlando Owens (R) vs Dora Drake (D) for AD 11
- Radical Rant – The Drug War Racial Disparity in Pictures with Wisconsin Example
- Rep. Jessie Rodriguez Milw and Oak Creek Listening Sessions
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Robyn Vining (D) Wauwatosa – 2018 Candidate Interview
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Sara Rodriguez (D) to challenge Rob Hutton (R) for AD 13
- Senate District 28 Candidates Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate District 6 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana Reform
- Southeastern Wisconsin marijuana activists set to meet on January 31, 2011.
- Southeastern Wisconsin NORML meets again on September 26th
- Supreme Moore Omokunde (D) vs Abie Eisenbach (R) for AD 17
- Syliva Ortiz-Velez (D) Assembly District 8 Candidate Statements
- Wi Cannabis Expo Planned for Feb 8, 2020
- WI Cannabis Expo Speaker Schedule Released
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin marijuana initiatives listed among Top Ten Marijuana Victories in 2010 by The Huffington Post
Monroe County
- AD 95: Incumbent Billings (D) vs Schnitzler (R)
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Dan Kapanke (R) vs Brad Pfaff (D) for Senate 32
- Josefine Jaynes (D): Assembly District 96 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- Mark Waldon (D) to challenge Tony Kurtz (R)
- Paul Piotrowski (D) to challenge Patrick Testin (R) for Senate 24
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Senate 32 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana
- Senate 32 Pfaff (D) challenged by Klein (R)
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- “420” Free Concert in the Park planned for Green Lake on April 20th.
- 4/20 celebration in La Crosse featuring Mouse Pocket, Undead Mariners and T.U.G.G.
- 4/20 Fest in Milwaukee to feature Recalcitrant, Undercover Organism and more
- A Royal Clark rocks the 420 Concert in Green Lake
- Alex Toast’s Marijuana Song
- Bob Marley Birthday Bash with TUGG and Natty Nation at Cavalier in La Crosse Feb 13
- Dave Sky performing at 2nd Annual Free 420 Concert
- Eau Claire Marijuana Activists announce musical supporters
- Friends of Jay Selthofner and warriors in many ways, Brok'n Arrow will jam in Ripon on Sept 18th
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Harvest Fest Fashion Show planned for Oct 1st
- Lindy: “No Knock Raid” – a song about the drug war’s deadliest tactic
- New Blues Crew to perform at The Cannabis Fair in Kendall
- NORML to table at Slighlty Stoopid concert in Milwuakee
- Northern Wisconsin NORML participates in the first Willie Nelson Teapot Party Meetups
- Northern Wisconsin NORML to table at the Big Green Sustainable Music Festival August 16, 2014
- The Commuter Exit to play at the Campaign Fundraiser Concert presented by the Friends of Jay Selthofner
- Toasted Marijuana Song
- WHYS Radio Benefit “420 Party” at House of Rock in Eau Claire
- Willie Nelson singing jail house blues in Hudspeth County Jail on marijuana charges
National NORML
- A NORML Life DVD Documentary and video trailer
- Coming of Age: 2011 NORML Conference April 21st – 23rd
- Congress Votes To Protect Legal Marijuana, now onto the Senate
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws celebrates 40 years
- NORML Members Take DC by Storm
- Paul Armentano: Wisconsin’s marijuana impairment laws need a fix
- Report: Many Commercially Marketed CBD Products Tainted with Psychoactive Adulterants
- Saint Of The Green
- Smoke the Vote Scorecard Video Summary
- Survey: Employers’ Attitudes Shifting Regarding Drug Testing for Cannabis
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- 11 Years since Wisconsin held a public hearing on marijuana reform
- 2019 Year in Review according to our blog content
- 2020 – A Year In Review
- 2021-22 Wisconsin state Senate – Members occupations
- 33rd Assembly Rep Cory Horlacher Marijuana Survey
- 4th Assembly Rep David Steffen Marijuana Survey
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- 78th Assembly Primary: Slamka (D) to challenge Subeck (D)
- 82nd Assembly District Double Primary
- 85 & 87 Assembly District and Snyder (R) moves
- 85 Assembly Primary: LaFave (D) vs Johnson (D)
- 88th Assembly District becomes competitive
- A look at one marijuana referendum on the ballot
- Aaron Wojciechowski (D) vs Dan Feyen (R) for Senate District 18
- Aaron Perry (D) to challenge Scott Allen (R)
- Abigail Lowery (D) vs Stephen W. Ratzlaff, Jr (I) vs John Jagler (R)
- ACLU of Wisconsin Candidate Questionnaires
- Activist Actions – December Edition
- AD 11 Primary: Taylor (D) vs Heredia (D)
- AD 12: Russell Goodwin (D) vs Deanna Alexander (I)
- AD 13 Primary: Michalski (R) vs Granger (R), winner to face Vining (D)
- AD 14: Tenorio (D) vs Engstrand (R) vs Shevey (I)
- AD 15: Adam Neylon (R) vs Sarah Harrison (D)
- AD 2: Sortwell (R) vs Saunders (D)
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) Assembly seat in jeopardy
- AD 21: Jessie Rodriguez (R) vs David Marstellar (D)
- AD 26: Amy Binsfeld (R) vs Joe Sheehan (D)
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- AD 31: August (R) vs Henderson (D)
- AD 33: Robin Vos (R), Kelly Clark (I), Alan Kupsik (D)
- AD 34: Rob Swearingen (R) vs Dennis Nitzel (D)
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- AD 39: Chris Gordon (D) vs Alex Dallman (R)
- AD 4 and 6 Behnke, Steffen, Schmidt and let’s go Benson!
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 42: McCarville (D) vs Witherspoon (R)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- AD 46: Fitzgerald (D) vs Quimby (R)
- AD 47 Primary: Maldonado (D) vs Udell (D)
- AD 48: Andrew Hysell (D) vs Lisa Rubrich (R)
- AD 5 Sampson (D) to challenge Goeben (R)
- AD 5: Karen Kirsch (D) vs Lee Whiting (R)
- AD 50: Jenna Jacobson (D) vs Richard Johnson (R)
- AD 51 Harlow (D) and Grabe (D) race to challenge Novak (R)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Garbe (D)
- AD 51: Todd Novak (R) vs Elizabeth Grabe (D)
- AD 52: Incumbent Lee Snodgrass (D) vs Chad Cooke (R)
- AD 54: Incumbent Lori Palmeri (D) vs Tim Paterson
- AD 55 Primary: Gustafson (R), Schraa (R) and Kehoe (D)
- AD 55: Gustafson (R) vs Kehoe (D)
- AD 56: David “Kratom” Murphy (R) vs Emily Tseffos (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- AD 61: LuAnn Bird (D) vs Bob Donovan (R)
- AD 65 Primary: Flood (D) vs DeSmidt (D)
- AD 65: DeSmidt (D) vs Gonzalez (R)
- AD 66: Incumbent Neubauer (D) vs DeGroot (R)
- AD 71: Miresse (D) vs Pahmeier (R)
- AD 73: Angela Stroud (D) vs Frank Kostka (R)
- AD 74: Chanz Green (R) vs Jeanne Bruce (D)
- AD 77: Renuka Mayadev (D) is Unopposed
- AD 8 Primary: Ortiz-Velez (D) vs Murguia (D)
- AD 85: Patrick Snyder (R) vs Yee Leng Xiong (D)
- AD 86: Incumbent John Spiros (R) vs John Small (D)
- AD 88: Welch (D) vs Franklin (R)
- AD 89: Ryan Spaude (D) vs Patrick Buckley (R)
- AD 9: Priscilla Prado (D) vs Ryan Antczak (R)
- AD 90: Amaad Rivera Wagner (D) vs Jessica Henderson (R)
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- AD 94: Incumbent Doyle (D) vs Huebsch (R)
- AD 95: Incumbent Billings (D) vs Schnitzler (R)
- AD 96 Primary: Johnson (D) vs Campbell (D)
- AD 96: Oldenberg (R) vs Johnson
- AD 98 Primary: Pridemore (R), Piwowarczyk (R), Schmechel (D)
- AD3 Tusler vs Bodden primary, who to face winner?
- Adults See Alcohol, Cigarettes Riskier Than Marijuana
- Alan DeYoung (D) to challenge Chuck Wichgers (R)
- Alciro Deacon (R) vs LaTonya Johnson (D) for Senate 6
- Alex Dallman, Green Lake County GOP Chairman Announces Run For 41st State Assembly
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Americans for Safe Access Director begins petition drive in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
- Angel Sanchez (R) Assembly District 8 Candidate Statements
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Ask your Wisconsin State Senator and State Assembly Representative to Sponsor or Co-Sponsor A Medical Cannabis Act
- Assembly District 11 Democratic Candidate Cannabis Interviews
- Assembly District 14 Republican Candidates Marijuana Interviews
- Assembly District 17 Democrat Candidate Positions on Cannabis
- Assembly District 26 in Sheboygan up for grabs
- Assembly District 29 Candidate Positions on Marijuana
- Assembly District 42 chases off the GOP
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Assembly District 48: Democrat Candidates views about cannabis reform
- Assembly District 55 Republican Candidates Position on Marijuana
- Assembly Rep. Gordon Hintz Townhall March 19 Cancelled
- ASSIGNMENT 13: Legalize marijuana in Wisconsin? Activists look to puff up support following election
- August Schutz (D) vs Robert Wittke (R)
- Beth Drew (R) to challenge Don Vruwink (D) for AD 43
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Bipartisan Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced
- Bird (D) vs Donovan (R) in 61st AD rematch
- Bob Marley Birthday Bash with TUGG and Natty Nation at Cavalier in La Crosse Feb 13
- Brady Coulthard (D) – Assembly District 14
- Budget Cuts Could Force Wisconsin to Decriminalize 25 grams or less by July 1, 2013
- Caden Berg (D) and Joe Plouff (D) want to challenge Rep. Clint Moses (R)
- Can Goyke find his Republican? Vos, Loudenbeck and Kerkman “Just Say No”
- Can Rep. Steve Doyle defend his turf AD94
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Candidates for Assembly District 89 Views on Marijuana Reform: Nygren (R), Rich (R), Jaeger (D)
- Candidates in the 89th Assembly District Special Election
- Candidates, others outline health challenges as reported by Portage Daily Register
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Chapter Founder and Wisconsin NORML Member Interviewed about the MORE ACT
- Charlene Charlie Warner (D) to challenge Warren Petryk
- Charles Walker (R) to challenge Jodi Emerson (D) for AD 91
- Chris Kapsner (D) to challenge Rob Summerfield (R)
- Christian Saldivar (D) Assembly District 9 Candidate Statements
- Christian Saldivar (D) to challenge Marisabel Cabrera (D) in primary
- City of Antigo passes ordinance to decriminalize small amount of marijuana
- City of Appleton Marijuana Resolution Meeting October 14th
- City of Berlin discusses legalizing recreational marijuana
- Closing the Drug War Box
- Colorado cannabis job market and state tax revenue
- Congress Votes To Protect Legal Marijuana, now onto the Senate
- Congress: Over 25 Percent Of House Members Sign On To Marijuana Banking Act
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Congressional District 5 Republican Primary: Fitzgerald vs DeTemple
- Congressman Mike Gallagher says Wisconsin needs to legalize cannabis and don’t wait for the feds to do it
- Conley (D) in AD 44 retires, Roe and Myers announce
- Crystal Miller (R) to challenge Tod Ohnstad (D) for AD 65
- Dan Kapanke (R) vs Brad Pfaff (D) for Senate 32
- Dan Schierl (D) vs Rachael Cabral-Guevara (R) for AD 55
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- David Dahlke (R) to challenge Dave Considine (D) for AD 81
- Deb Andraca (D) to challenge Jim Ott (R)
- Deb Silvers (D) to challenge Kevin Petersen (R)
- Decade of Excellence – Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of NORML
- Decriminalization bill just introduced
- Democrat Rep. Gordon Hintz statements about cannabis reform
- Democrat State Assembly Candidates – 2020 Cannabis Support Summary
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Diana Lawrence (D) to challenge David Murphy (R) for AD 56
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- DOJ Launches New Data Dashboards
- Don Herman (R-Oshkosh) Candidate Position on Marijuana
- Don Herman (R) to challenge Gordon Hintz (D) for AD 54
- Donate to help bring Law Enforcement Against Prohibition to Wisconsin
- Double veto by Mayor is overridden by La Crosse City Council for marijuana decriminalization.
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- Dr. Kristin Lyerly (D) to challenge John Macco (R)
- Drew Kirsteatter (R) vs Kristina Shelton (D) for AD 90
- Drug war editorial indicates a patient approach more effective than criminal enforcement
- Drugged Driving: Wisconsin law enforcement prepares for Michigan’s legalization of marijuana
- DuWayne Severson (R) vs Sue Conley (D) for AD 44
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- EBHPP Capitol Briefing: What the Evidence Says (and Doesn’t) About Medical Marijuana
- Ed Hibsch (R) to challenge Tip McGuire (D) for AD 64
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Elizabeth Lochner-Abel (D) to challenge Amy Loundenbeck
- Emily Berge (D) to challenge Jesse James (R)
- Emily Siegrist (D) to challenge Dan Knodl (R) for AD 24
- Emily Voight (D) to challenge Ron Tusler (R)
- English teacher finds inspiration in students
- Erik Brooks (D) to challenge Jessie Rodriguez (R) for AD 21
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Fond du Lac County Committee Approves Placing Marijuana Referendum on April Ballot
- Fond du Lac drug users opting for jail to avoid probation and treatment programs
- FRONTLINE: The Pot Repbulic
- GOP Assembly Rep Todd Novak 2019 Spring Budget Survey Marijuana Reform Results
- Green Bay & AD 90 will get new face
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- Highest question for Obama on Twitter is about legalization of marijuana
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent overlap under new maps
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Interview with Barney Farnk on MSNBC on June 24th
- Is Shannon Zimmerman (R) Safe in AD30
- Isthmus thinks the grass should be greener
- Jeff Johnson (D) to challenge Patrick Snyder (R) for AD 85
- Jessica Katzenmeyer (D) to challenge Joe Sanfelippo (R)
- Jim Sensenbrenner September 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Joel Jacobsen (D) vs Robin Vos (R)
- John Ellenson (D) vs David Armstrong (R) for AD 75
- Jonathon Hansen (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R) for Senate 30
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Josefine Jaynes (D): Assembly District 96 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- Julie Schroeder (D) to challenge Jeremy Thiesfeldt (R)
- Katherine Gaulke (D) to challenge Tyler August (R)
- Kathy Hinkfuss (D) vs Dave Steffen (R)
- Kenosha Residents for Cannabis Reform Spring Candidate Guide 2024
- Kerry Trask (D) to challenge Paul Tittl (R) for AD 25
- Kim Delorit Jensen (D) to challenge Joel Kitchens (R)
- Kim Smith (D) to challenge Sondy Pope (D) in primary for the 80th Assembly
- Kirk Bangstad (D) to challenge Rob Swearingen (R)
- Kriss Marion (D) to challenge Todd Novak (R)
- Kristina Shelton for State Assembly – District 90 Candidate Cannabis Statements
- La Crosse attempts to reform marijuana laws again
- La Crosse County Board puts marijuana referendum on ballot
- La Crosse marijuana reform draws heat from police
- Lawmakers across Washington Co. discuss what’s needed to fight growing instances of substance abuse
- Legislative candidates Swearingen, Meier, emphasize differences
- Leroy Brown (I) 94th Assembly District Candidate Cannabis Statement
- LRB-2858/1: relating to: medical cannabis, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
- LRB-5228 Bipartisan Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana circulated for co-sponsorship
- LTE: Duane Shukoski is right for AD 53
- LTE: Marijuana use shouldn’t be criminal
- Magnafici retires, Duke and Kline announce
- Marijuana advocate will challenge Ballweg for District 41
- Marijuana is safer than alcohol, reader says (Waushara Argus Edited Version)
- Marijuana referendum on Nov. 6 ballot a no-go for Fond du Lac County residents
- Marijuana Report on the Senators Up For Election in 2022
- Mark Kiley (D) to challenge Shae Sortwell (R)
- Mark Waldon (D) to challenge Tony Kurtz (R)
- Mary Lynne Donohue (D) to challenge Terry Katsma (R)
- Mason Becker (D) to challenge Cody Horlacher (R)
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- Medical marijuana already allowed by several states
- Medical Marijuana Committee Members 2019-20 Smoke the Vote Grades
- Medical Marijuana debate grows closer to home
- Meeting will explore truth about Cannabis plant
- Melisa Arndt (D) to challenge Jon Plumer (R) for AD 42
- Melissa Winker (D) to challenge Barbara Dittrich (R)
- Members of Congress to Introduce Historic Legislation Ending Marijuana Prohibition
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- Monona, WI: Where the Fine for Marijuana Possession is Now $1
- National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws celebrates 40 years
- NCBC report: Has the U.S. Gone to Pot?
- Neal Plotkin (D) to challenge Alberta Darling (R) for Senate 8
- New 89th Assembly District Competitive
- New medical marijuana rules for New Mexico aimed to cure pot shortage?
- New Milwaukee City Attorney asked to stop cannabis prosecutions by ACLU and WJI
- No prison for former Marquette County deputy Daniel Card
- NORML Jay hits the Wisconsin Public Airways
- NORML Launches “Smoke the Vote” To Prepare For 2020 Election
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- NORML Members Take DC by Storm
- NORML Smoke the Vote Guide Inaccurate
- Northern Wisconsin NORML participates in the first Willie Nelson Teapot Party Meetups
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Occupations of Wisconsin Senators and Assembly Reps and stance on cannabis reform
- Orlando Owens (R) vs Dora Drake (D) for AD 11
- Oshkosh shelves petition to cut pot fines despite advocates meeting signature goal
- Patients’ Lawsuit Forces Federal Gov’t to Answer 9-Year-Old Medical Marijuana Rescheduling Petition
- Patrick Hull (R) Candidate for 76 Assembly Interview on Cannabis
- Paul Piotrowski (D) to challenge Patrick Testin (R) for Senate 24
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Petri to visit Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Watertown, Juneau, Manitowoc, Chilton, Menasha, Winneconne, Friendship, Wautoma, Montello and Green Lake Jan 29th-Feb 3rd
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Phil Anderson (R) to challenge Jimmy Anderson (D) for AD 47
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Police say legal marijuana impacting drug traffickers
- Police will ask Appleton retailers to eradicate drug paraphernalia
- Popular Mechanics Article A New Billion Dollar Crop
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Press Conference Schedule for LRB-0188, Legalizing Marijuana in Wisconsin
- Press Conference: Building Unity for Just Budget
- Press Release: 2024 Election Coverage
- Primary Battles of the 2024 Election
- Prohibition and Legalization Economics 101 Discussed on WPR Ben Merens
- Reefer Madison: Majority of City Council proposes easing local marijuana laws
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Gae Magnafici Assembly District 28 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep John Spiros (R-Marshfield) pre-2018 election marijuana Q & A
- Rep Krug and Snyder hint of Republican medical marijuana bill this session
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep Zimmerman shuts down marijuana legislation prior to introduction
- Rep. Billings should be more supportive of marijuana reform
- Rep. District 36 Jeffrey Mursau Assembly 2019 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Rep. Sortwell authors Jury Nullification Bill
- Rep. Swearingen visits the Florence County Sheriff to talk Marijuana
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Report: Many Commercially Marketed CBD Products Tainted with Psychoactive Adulterants
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Assembly Rep John Jagler swayed to YES on medical marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. John Macco calls out Fitzgerald on Medical Marijuana
- Republican Assembly Rep. Mark Born co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Candidate Assembly 28 Gae Magnafici View on Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Jesse James campaign interview supports medical marijuana
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican Chuck Wichgers does not support marijuana reform
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican Kathleen Bernier hints towards support of recreational and adult use marijuana
- Republican led medical marijuana bill expected in Wisconsin
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republican State Assembly Candidates – 2020 Cannabis Support Summary
- Republican Zimmerman and Stafsholt hash out marijuana reform
- Republicans Steineke, Murphy and Rohrkaste chime in on medical marijuana
- Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical cannabis
- Rhinelander leader Rep Rob Swearingen weigh in on governor’s proposed marijuana reforms
- Richard Sarnwick (D) to challenge Gary Tauchen (R)
- Rob Ochoa (R) to challenge Adam Neylon (R) in primary for the 98th seat
- Rob Summerfield looking at marijuana reform
- Rob Swearingen and the Tavern League playing ball
- Rock County marijuana possession fines slashed
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Samuel Anderson (R) vs Samba Baldeh (D) for AD 48
- Sara Rodriguez (D) to challenge Rob Hutton (R) for AD 13
- Sarah Yacoub (D) to challenge Shannon Zimmerman (R)
- Sargent (D), McKinney (D) and Barker (R) Senate 16 Candidate Marijuana Positions
- SB507 / AB570 Medical Marijuana Legislation for 2019-20
- Selthofner seeks office
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senate 14: Ballweg (R) vs Keyeski (D)
- Senate 18: Alfheim (D) Carman (D) Phillips (R) Yang (R)
- Senate 20 Primary: Feyen (R) vs Ramthun (R) with Rapp (D)
- Senate 26 Candidate Kelda Roys Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate 26 Candidate Nada Elmikashfi Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate 28: Bradley (R) vs Lach (D)
- Senate 32 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana
- Senate 8: Stroebel (R) vs Habush Sinykin (D)
- Senate District 28 Candidates Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate District 30 Candidates Views on Marijuana Reform
- Senate District 6 Democrat Candidates Position on Marijuana Reform
- Senate Districts not up for election in 2024
- Senate Republicans elect leadership for 2021-22 session
- Senator Agard Retires, who will lead?
- Senator Alberta Darling (R) fails again
- Senator Bernier and Rep Jesse James March Meetings
- Senator Feyen has conditions for backing medical pot
- Senator Fitzgerald’s district shows support for marijuana
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Senator Olsen expected to address medical marijuana activists at December 21st meeting
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senator Roger Roth does not want to talk about marijuana until 2025
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Senators not up for re-election likely to continue prohibition in 2021-22
- Shaun Murphy-Lopez (D) to challenge Travis Tranel (R)
- Sheriff, Clerk of Courts will run unopposed in November
- Show-Me Cannabis: New organization launched in support of ending cannabis prohibition
- Simon Moesch (D) or Richard Sarnwick (D) vs Gary Tauchen (R)
- Smoke the Vote Scorecard Video Summary
- So Long, and Thanks for all the Activism
- Stafsholt (R) and Link (R) Battle Primary to Face Schachtner (D) in Senate 10
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- State Rep. Evan Goyke (18th District) on legalizing marijuana
- State Senate 26 Candidate Interviews
- State Senate Leaders Fitzgerald (R) and Bewley (D) Reflect on 2019
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Supreme Moore Omokunde (D) vs Abie Eisenbach (R) for AD 17
- Survey: Employers’ Attitudes Shifting Regarding Drug Testing for Cannabis
- Syliva Ortiz-Velez (D) Assembly District 8 Candidate Statements
- Tawny Gustina (R) to challenge Mark Spreitzer (D) for AD 45
- Terry Lyon (R) Cannabis Campaign Statements
- Testin, Kurtz Predict Wisconsin Will Be Top Hemp Producer Within a Decade
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ellis Dee Smoke Shop
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Thumb Alternatives
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Web Design, serving the USA
- The Cannabis Fair featured Awards and Announcements
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Thousands turn out for first Wisconsin Cannabis Expo in Milwaukee
- Tittl, LeMahieu talk medical marijuana
- TMJ4 Sound Off’s about medical marijuana in Wisconsin
- Tony Evers to propose pot decriminalization in budget
- Too High To Fail hit Wisconsin Public Radio
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Top Ten Assembly Races in 2024
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Uncontested Senate Races for Nov 2020 are good and bad
- UPDATE: Monona reduces marijuana possession charges
- Victoria Fueger (R)to challenge Dianne Hesselbein (D) for AD 79
- Virtual Public Hearing July 23 – Industrial Hemp
- Volunteers Needed for Field Work in Shawano County
- We’ll drink to that – Article by Steve Prestegard
- Wi Cannabis Expo Planned for Feb 8, 2020
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- Will Paul Tittl (R) face a primary challenger
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
- Will Wisconsin Hemp Heros champion marijuana reform?
- William “Will” Leverson (R) to challenge Greta Neubauer (D) for AD 66
- Winnebago County Marijuana Referendum for Nov 2020 gains traction
- WisCannabis: A Virtual Town Hall 4/23
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin awards Charlotte Figi posthumous citation
- Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Sign Up
- Wisconsin GOP lawmakers consider bill to boost local prosecution of marijuana possession cases
- Wisconsin labeled fertile ground for marijuana reform, despite rapid Republican Agenda
- Wisconsin NORML Lobby Day in Madison – March 1st, 2017
- Wisconsin State Senate Candidates for 2020: How they broke down on adult use and medical
- Wisconsin: Legislature Asked To Clarify Patchwork Of Marijuana Laws
- WisconsinEye Candidate Interviews Lack Marijuana Question
- Wood County Activism Alert
- Wood County Spring 2019 Marijuana Referendum Results
- Zero Tolerance for marijuana in Wisconsin Dells
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- 2019 Year in Review according to our blog content
- A NORML Life DVD Documentary and video trailer
- Cannabis Reform Lobby Day is Feb. 21, 2019
- Crime and Courts: Marijuana gets a trade association, but Wisconsin needs a lobbyist
- Did hemp help Abraham Lincoln?
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- Federal Drug Agency Head Calls For Expanded Medical Marijuana Research Supply
- Federal Legislation To Facilitate Interstate Marijuana Commerce Introduced
- Federal: Bipartisan Coalition Introduces the Marijuana Businesses Access to Banking Act of 2015
- Gallup: Record Number Of Americans Say They Have Tried Marijuana
- House Committee on Small Business Holds Hearing On Cannabis
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- It’s our 5th Anniversary!
- January 12th marks the first meeting of the year
- Justice For All
- Last Call for Signature Sheets before Lobby Day
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- Milwaukee Area to kick off 2011 with a new NORML chapter
- Milwaukee: Mayor Signs Ordinance Making Marijuana Possession Offenses A $50 Fine
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws celebrates 40 years
- NORML Launches “Smoke the Vote” To Prepare For 2020 Election
- NORML Meeting announced for Thursday August 9th in Appleton
- NORML Members Take DC by Storm
- NORML Smoke the Vote Guide Inaccurate
- Obama Administration Removes PHS Review Requirement For Marijuana Research Studies
- Outreach Meeting and Expo scheduled in Marinette
- Public Meeting August 10th, 2015 coordinates with NORML membership drive
- Registration for Webinar on June 30th
- Report: Many Commercially Marketed CBD Products Tainted with Psychoactive Adulterants
- Saint Of The Green
- Senators Vote For Marijuana Banking Reform
- Smoke the Vote Scorecard Video Summary
- Social Media Activism Storm: Assembly Speaker Robin Vos
- Social Media Activism Storm: Attorney General Josh Kaul
- Social Media Activism Storm: State Senator Alberta Darling
- Social Media Activism Storm: State Senator Scott Fitzgerald
- Social Media Activism Storm: Wisconsin State Assembly Member Joe Sanfelippo
- Survey: Employers’ Attitudes Shifting Regarding Drug Testing for Cannabis
- Wisconsin Holds Statewide NORML meetings week of Sept 12th
- Wisconsin NORML Lobby Day in Madison – March 1st, 2017
- Wisconsin: Legislature Asked To Clarify Patchwork Of Marijuana Laws
- Wood County: Vote YES On April 2nd, 2019!
NORML Women's Alliance
- 2019 Year in Review according to our blog content
- Introducing NORML AmyBeth: Mom, Wife, Student, Leader and Activist
- January 12th marks the first meeting of the year
- Last Call for Signature Sheets before Lobby Day
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- NORML Smoke the Vote Guide Inaccurate
- Sister to Sister
Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 02-06-2020 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
- 08-10-2015 Meeting Minutes for Northern WI NORML
- 2019 Year in Review according to our blog content
- 2020 – A Year In Review
- A Heart Felt Thanks To Those In Our Legislature Working For Change
- A Visit To Colorado’s Booming Cannabis Industry
- Action Alert: Sign the Petition to Give SB 377 a Public Hearing
- Activism 101: Why Is Letter Writing Important?
- Call To Action: Support AB 220 to Legalize Cannabis
- Cannabis and Brain Development
- Decade of Excellence – Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of NORML
- Donate to your local NORML chapter
- Federal Legislation To Facilitate Interstate Marijuana Commerce Introduced
- GOP Assembly Rep Michael Schraa 2019 Spring Survey Results
- House Committee on Small Business Holds Hearing On Cannabis
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- I Support Cannabusiness
- Introduction to a Field Activist NORML Sarah
- It’s our 5th Anniversary!
- Last Call for Signature Sheets before Lobby Day
- Listen: The West Side, March 25, 2019
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced in Wisconsin
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- NORML Members Take DC by Storm
- NORML Smoke the Vote Guide Inaccurate
- Police say legal marijuana impacting drug traffickers
- Police will ask Appleton retailers to eradicate drug paraphernalia
- Representative Scott Allen Circulates Letter Advocating Cannabis Research
- Scott Fitzgerald will run for Congress
- Sister to Sister
- So Long, and Thanks for all the Activism
- The MORE Act HR 3884 / S.2227
- Wisconsin NORML Lobby Day in Madison – March 1st, 2017
- Wisconsin: Legislature Asked To Clarify Patchwork Of Marijuana Laws
- Wood County: Vote YES On April 2nd, 2019!
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Candidates for Assembly District 89 Views on Marijuana Reform: Nygren (R), Rich (R), Jaeger (D)
- Candidates in the 89th Assembly District Special Election
- Congressman Mike Gallagher says Wisconsin needs to legalize cannabis and don’t wait for the feds to do it
- Ed Vocke (D) vs Mary Felzkowski (R) for Senate District 12
- Jonathon Hansen (D) vs Eric Wimberger (R) for Senate 30
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Representative Jeffrey Mursau Assembly District 36 (R – Crivitz) talks to police about pot
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Richard Sarnwick (D) to challenge Gary Tauchen (R)
- Senate District 30 Candidates Views on Marijuana Reform
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Simon Moesch (D) or Richard Sarnwick (D) vs Gary Tauchen (R)
Oneida County
- AD 34: Rob Swearingen (R) vs Dennis Nitzel (D)
- AD 35: Callahan (R) vs McCrank (D)
- Kirk Bangstad (D) to challenge Rob Swearingen (R)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Senate 12: Incumbent Felzkowski (R) vs Rich (D)
- Senator Tiffany opposing decriminalization of marijuana
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- ‘The Insiders’ discuss Wisconsin tribes’ push to legalize medical marijuana
- Activist thoughts for an anti-activist world
- DWI court saves
- Editorial from retired cop enforces retired surgeons stance on marijuana
- Editorial questions if Wisconsin will ever see Green Acres of medical marijuana
- Egg Harbor, Sturgeon Bay approve marijuana referendum questions
- Happy “After” Hemp Week
- Insights, observations and comments by NORML Rich
- Introducing NORML AmyBeth: Mom, Wife, Student, Leader and Activist
- LTE: Marijuana use shouldn’t be criminal
- LTE: Vote Democrat, legalize medical marijuana
- Meet NORML Aaron
- My Memorial Day
- NORML Jay hits the Wisconsin Public Airways
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Paul Armentano: Wisconsin’s marijuana impairment laws need a fix
- Posting links with great information……completely NORML!
- Ravaged by Drug Prohibition
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. Swearingen visits the Florence County Sheriff to talk Marijuana
- Retired Surgeon editorial on alcohol and marijuana
- Senator Van Wanggaard editorial on marijuana reform
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- Support behind closed doors more NORML than you know.
- Tax and Cannabis
- Teachers or Weed, That is the Question…
- What is Weed? A Plant of Moderation for the Nation
- Wisconsin – A Hub for Cannabis Innovation by Rep. Sargent
- Wisconsin is ripe for marijuana reform says marijuana activist
- AD 54: Incumbent Lori Palmeri (D) vs Tim Paterson
- Decriminalize Cannabis Petition Drive in Oshkosh
- Decriminalize Oshkosh Campaign to Resume this Fall
- Heads vs. Feds: The Debate to Legalize Marijuana comes to UW-Oshkosh and UW-Fox Valley
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Oshkosh shelves petition to cut pot fines despite advocates meeting signature goal
- Press Release: Protest the current federal and Wisconsin marijuana laws in Oshkosh, WI on 7-29-11
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
Outagamie County
- 53rd Assembly District Analysis
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- Activists plan to visit Congressman Petri during April 2012 Town Hall Meetings
- AD 2: Sortwell (R) vs Saunders (D)
- AD 5 Sampson (D) to challenge Goeben (R)
- AD 52: Incumbent Lee Snodgrass (D) vs Chad Cooke (R)
- AD 53: Shukoski (D) vs Kaufert (R)
- AD 55 Primary: Gustafson (R), Schraa (R) and Kehoe (D)
- AD 55: Gustafson (R) vs Kehoe (D)
- AD 56: David “Kratom” Murphy (R) vs Emily Tseffos (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- Amanda Stuck (D) to challenge Mike Gallagher (R) for Congressional Seat
- Appleton Area Rally to Target Senator Roger Roth
- Appleton Meeting Feb 6, 2020
- Assembly District 55 Republican Candidates Position on Marijuana
- But is it NORML?
- City of Appleton Marijuana Resolution Meeting October 14th
- Congressman Mike Gallagher says Wisconsin needs to legalize cannabis and don’t wait for the feds to do it
- Dan Schierl (D) vs Rachael Cabral-Guevara (R) for AD 55
- Democrat Lee Snodgrass view on marijuana
- Diana Lawrence (D) to challenge David Murphy (R) for AD 56
- Emily Voight (D) to challenge Ron Tusler (R)
- Eric Beach (R) vs Lee Snodgrass (D) for 57th Assembly District
- Fellowship and Meeting set for Appleton on Thursday February 9th
- Heads vs. Feds: The Debate to Legalize Marijuana comes to UW-Oshkosh and UW-Fox Valley
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Join the NORML Monthly Meeting in Appleton on November 8th, 2012
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Law Enforcement Against Prohibition comes to Lawrence University May 17th
- LTE: Duane Shukoski is right for AD 53
- Pizza, Pot and Politics Event Oct 5th
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Snodgrass receives Cannabis Legislation Leader Award
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republicans Steineke, Murphy and Rohrkaste chime in on medical marijuana
- Richard Sarnwick (D) to challenge Gary Tauchen (R)
- Senate 18: Alfheim (D) Carman (D) Phillips (R) Yang (R)
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senator Roger Roth 2018 Marijuana Statements
- Senator Roger Roth does not want to talk about marijuana until 2025
- Senator Roger Roth rejects facts about marijuana
- Senator Roth ignores 20 years of marijuana data and insists on 10 more
- Signature contest ending at next meeting on August 17th
- Simon Moesch (D) or Richard Sarnwick (D) vs Gary Tauchen (R)
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
- Volunteers Needed for Field Work in Shawano County
Ozaukee County
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- AD 22: Melotik (R) vs Glasstein (D)
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Deb Andraca (D) to challenge Jim Ott (R)
- Emily Siegrist (D) to challenge Dan Knodl (R) for AD 24
- Neal Plotkin (D) to challenge Alberta Darling (R) for Senate 8
- Senate 20 Primary: Feyen (R) vs Ramthun (R) with Rapp (D)
- Senate 8: Stroebel (R) vs Habush Sinykin (D)
- Top 5 Senate Races of 2024
Pierce County
- AD 30: Zimmerman (R) vs Page (D)
- Charlene Charlie Warner (D) to challenge Warren Petryk
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Is Shannon Zimmerman (R) Safe in AD30
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Press Release: Wausau NORML Meeting
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Sarah Yacoub (D) to challenge Shannon Zimmerman (R)
- Senate 10: Incumbent Stafsholt (R) vs Hambleton (D)
- Stafsholt (R) and Link (R) Battle Primary to Face Schachtner (D) in Senate 10
- Activist Poem – Green Blues
- Been Around – Tribute Poem to Ben Masel
- Don’t Hassle The “Thof”
- Frosty The Grow-man
- Harvest Fest 2011 Schedule of Events at a Glance
- Jimmy and The Man
- Justice For All
- King Of Pain
- Saint Of The Green
- Seed Spangled Banner
- The Devil Came Up To Michigan
- The Joke’s On Everyone
- This Bill This Time / JRMMA
- Victim Of The Insane – Medical Marijuana Poem
- What is Weed? A Plant of Moderation for the Nation
- Ya Brah
- 2017-2018 Medical Marijuana Hopes Killed by Wisconsin Republicans
- 2018 Wisconsin Fall Election – Uncontested Seats
- 2020 Print Your Own Petition Form Available
- 2nd Assembly Candidate Shae Sortwell speaks about marijuana reform
- 33rd Assembly Rep Cory Horlacher Marijuana Survey
- 4th Assembly Rep David Steffen Marijuana Survey
- 6th Assembly District: Q&A with Republican Gary Tauchen of Bonduel
- 72nd Assembly Rep Scott Krug Marijuana Survey
- Aaron Wojciechowski (D) vs Dan Feyen (R) for Senate District 18
- Abigail Lowery (D) vs Stephen W. Ratzlaff, Jr (I) vs John Jagler (R)
- AD 64: Incumbent McGuire (D) vs Hibsch (R)
- Amy Loudenbeck, Mark Spreitzer, Andy Jorgensen, Deb Kolste, Dan Kilkenny, Brian Fitzgerald, and Janis Ringhand Candidate Forum
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Baldwin vs Lee, 2nd Congressional District in Wisconsin on marijuana at least
- Bi-partisan led decriminalization does not attract Republican co-sponsors
- Bipartisan Medical Cannabis Bill Introduced
- Budget Cuts Could Force Wisconsin to Decriminalize 25 grams or less by July 1, 2013
- Campaign 2018: Rep. Mary Felzkowski (R) Incumbent Candidate for 35th Assembly District
- Candidate Barbara Dittrich supports CBD but opposes products with THC
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Cannabis Reform Lobby Day is Feb. 21, 2019
- Chapter Founder urges supporters to call their elected officials to co-sponsor by Dec 22
- Colorado cannabis job market and state tax revenue
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman March 2020 Town Hall Meetings – Cancelled
- Council member from Berlin expects high turnout for November meetings
- Democrat Rep. Gordon Hintz statements about cannabis reform
- Democrat Senator Bewley elected second in command
- Democrats Fred Kessler and LaKeshia Myers marijuana statements
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- Did You Know: War on Drugs Edition
- Donations Needed for the Friends of Jay Selthofner Campaign Fund!
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- EBHPP Capitol Briefing: What the Evidence Says (and Doesn’t) About Medical Marijuana
- Elizabeth Lochner-Abel (D) to challenge Amy Loundenbeck
- Emily Berge (D) to challenge Jesse James (R)
- Eric Beach (R) vs Lee Snodgrass (D) for 57th Assembly District
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Florence County Opposition Resolution to state marijuana reform
- Green Lake man announces candidacy for 41st District
- Hemp sales to generate big money for public companies
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- Incumbent Assembly Republican Murphy signals support for medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Dale Kooyenga shows sympathy for medical cannabis
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- Incumbent Republican Stafsholt indicates supporting medical marijuana
- Is Rep Dittrich flip flopping her stance on THC?
- Izzy Nevarez (D) to challenge Mark Born (R)
- Jessica Katzenmeyer (D) to challenge Joe Sanfelippo (R)
- Jim Sensenbrenner September 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- John Nygren 2019 Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Juror Education Card can be an effective marijuana activists tool
- Justice for Marijuana Consumers promises Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate
- Keep BUD in the Budget!
- Keep the online Twitter Petition going, tweet President Obama to pardon medical marijuana prisoners.
- Kriss Marion (D) to challenge Todd Novak (R)
- La Crosse marijuana reform draws heat from police
- Legislative candidates Swearingen, Meier, emphasize differences
- Legislators back industrial hemp bill
- Letter to the editor: Rezkalla and Rozar weigh in on marijuana
- Listen: The West Side, March 25, 2019
- Mark Kiley (D) to challenge Shae Sortwell (R)
- Mark Waldon (D) to challenge Tony Kurtz (R)
- Mason Becker (D) to challenge Cody Horlacher (R)
- Medical Marijuana Committee Members 2019-20 Smoke the Vote Grades
- Medical Marijuana Senate and Assembly Committee Information
- Melissa Winker (D) to challenge Barbara Dittrich (R)
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- NORML Jay hits the Wisconsin Public Airways
- NORML Launches “Smoke the Vote” To Prepare For 2020 Election
- Occupations of Wisconsin Senators and Assembly Reps and stance on cannabis reform
- Patients Out of Time: Resolution to De-Schedule Cannabis
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Petri to visit Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Watertown, Juneau, Manitowoc, Chilton, Menasha, Winneconne, Friendship, Wautoma, Montello and Green Lake Jan 29th-Feb 3rd
- Potential Outlooks for the Assembly in 2025
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Prohibition and Legalization Economics 101 Discussed on WPR Ben Merens
- Public Enemy Number One
- Reader believes we need a change in leadership
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Gae Magnafici Assembly District 28 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep John Nygren and Sen Alberta Darling gut marijuana reform from budget
- Rep John Nygren does not support marijuana reform under any conditions!
- Rep John Spiros (R-Marshfield) pre-2018 election marijuana Q & A
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep Romaine Quinn (R-Barron) Spring Survey Results
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) Fall Survey
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. John Spiros 86th Assembly District Spring Marijuana Survey
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Romaine Quinn co-authors Republican version of medial marijuana for Wisconsin
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Shae Sortwell leading the way on common sense marijuana reform
- Rep. Sortwell authors Jury Nullification Bill
- Rep. Swearingen visits the Florence County Sheriff to talk Marijuana
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Republican Assembly Rep Jesse James co-sponsors medical marijuana bill
- Republican Assembly Rep. Shannon Zimmerman District Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Candidate Assembly 28 Gae Magnafici View on Marijuana
- Republican Candidate Jesse James campaign interview supports medical marijuana
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican Felzkowski Hints at Supporting Decrminalization.
- Republican from Neenah Rohrkaste answers marijuana reform question
- Republican Incumbent John Macco considers medical marijuana
- Republican Jeremy Thiesfeldt 2018 Campaign Statements on Marijuana
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Michael Schraa 2018 campaign statement on marijuana reform
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Republicans Jarchow, Bernier, Kitchens, Kooyenga, Tittle and Schraa push marijuana decriminalization
- Republicans Steineke, Murphy and Rohrkaste chime in on medical marijuana
- Resolution to forbid Robin Vos from claiming he supports medical cannabis
- Rob Summerfield looking at marijuana reform
- Rob Swearingen and the Tavern League playing ball
- Saint Of The Green
- See Jay Selthofner speak at the League of Women Voters Candidate Forum tonight!
- Sen Bewley, Rep Quinn and Rep Milroy Weigh In On Marijuana Legalization
- Senator Marklein and Rep Kurtz do not understand marijuana reform
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senator Patrick Testin Dec 16, 2019 Listening Sessions
- Senator Roger Roth does not want to talk about marijuana until 2025
- Senator Roger Roth rejects facts about marijuana
- Senator Roth ignores 20 years of marijuana data and insists on 10 more
- Senator Stroebel: “Decriminalization is Legalization”
- Senators not up for re-election likely to continue prohibition in 2021-22
- Shaun Murphy-Lopez (D) to challenge Travis Tranel (R)
- Signs indicate marijuana reform is coming to Wisconsin
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- Spend resources with wisdom
- State balks at legalizing marijuana and Rep. McGuire could tip the committee
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Thank Republican Petri for his vote on HR 5326 and urge his continued support of cannabis reform
- Thank You to Representative Robin Vos
- Thiesfeldt opposes legalization, wants FDA approved medical marijuana
- Tip McGuire campaign statements on marijuana laws
- Uncontested Senate Races for Nov 2020 are good and bad
- Uncontested Wisconsin Assembly Races in 2020
- Virginia Republican Delegate pushing for decriminalization of marijuana
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Vote Absentee in 2020!
- What is Weed? A Plant of Moderation for the Nation
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- Will the real Joel Kitchens please stand up!
- Will Wisconsin Hemp Heros champion marijuana reform?
- Wisconsin – A Hub for Cannabis Innovation by Rep. Sargent
- Wisconsin 2021-22 State Assembly and Senate marijuana support graphs
- Wisconsin awards Charlotte Figi posthumous citation
- Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Sign Up
- Wisconsin is ripe for marijuana reform says marijuana activist
- Wisconsin Legislative Scorecard 2017
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Polk County
- Kim Butler (D) challenges Gae Magnafici (R)
- Primary in 7th Congressional District Special Election Feb 18, 2020
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Stafsholt (R) and Link (R) Battle Primary to Face Schachtner (D) in Senate 10
- Tricia Zunker (D) to challenge Tom Tiffany (R) for Congressional Seat
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
- 33rd Assembly Rep Cory Horlacher Marijuana Survey
- 4th Assembly Rep David Steffen Marijuana Survey
- Egg Harbor, Sturgeon Bay approve marijuana referendum questions
- GOP Assembly Rep Rob Swearingen 2019 Spring Budget Survey Marijuana Reform Results
- GOP Assembly Rep Todd Novak 2019 Spring Budget Survey Marijuana Reform Results
- Marathon County Board to Vote on Placing Medicinal Marijuana Question on November Election Ballot
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- NCBC report: Has the U.S. Gone to Pot?
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Potential Outlooks for the Senate in 2025
- Rep Gae Magnafici Assembly District 28 Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Barbara Dittrich of District 38 2019 Marijuana Survey Question Results
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Gordon Hintz (D-Oshkosh) Fall Survey
- Rep. Jesse James (R-Altoona) Spring Marijuana Question Survey
- Rep. John Spiros 86th Assembly District Spring Marijuana Survey
- Rep. Patrick Snyder (R-Schofield) Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Samantha Kerkman Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Republican Jon Plumer 2019 Spring Survey Marijuana Question Results
- Ripon Wisconsin is high with support
- Ripon Wisconsin marijuana poll indicates public support
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237
- Survey: Employers’ Attitudes Shifting Regarding Drug Testing for Cannabis
- Take a moment to take the Northern WI NORML poll
- Take the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Poll on legalizing recreational marijuana
- The Topix Online Poll: Do you support the legalization of marijuana?
- Wisconsin Legislative Scorecard 2017
- Wood County Spring 2019 Marijuana Referendum Results
Portage County
- 72nd Assembly Rep Scott Krug Marijuana Survey
- AD 71: Miresse (D) vs Pahmeier (R)
- Congressional District 3 Primary: Neumann (D) to challenge Ron Kind (D)
- Northern Wisconsin NORML polls population
- Paul Piotrowski (D) to challenge Patrick Testin (R) for Senate 24
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Senate 24: Patrick Testin (R) vs Collin McNamara
- Senator Patrick Testin Dec 16, 2019 Listening Sessions
- Wausau Area looking to become more NORML
- Wausau gets set for NORML on Wed November 9th
Press Releases
- 2015 Joint State Tour Promotional Flyer
- 2020 Print Your Own Petition Form Available
- 31st Assembly District Rep. Amy Loudenbeck December in District Office Hours
- 6th Congressional Candidates Cannabis Scorecards
- A December to Remember with statewide NORML meetings and events
- AB 772 / SB 702 THC Testing Reform Bill Introduced
- ACLU of Wisconsin Candidate Questionnaires
- Appleton Area Rally to Target Senator Roger Roth
- Appleton Meeting Feb 6, 2020
- Ask our Elected Representatives: Form the Wisconsin Cannabis Caucus
- Baked Sale “Pie By The Slice” at From The Land Festival
- Bob Marley Birthday Bash with TUGG and Natty Nation at Cavalier in La Crosse Feb 13
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Cannabis News And Brews planned in Two Rivers on December 14, 2019
- Chapter Co-Founder helps make the WI/MN Libertarian Convention a little more NORML
- City of Appleton Marijuana Resolution Meeting October 14th
- Coffee with Rep. Scott Allen from Waukesha scheduled for March 12th
- Congressman Glenn Grothman February 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Dana Beal Sentencing Hearing on Sept 20th
- Decade of Excellence – Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of NORML
- Decriminalize Cannabis Petition Drive in Oshkosh
- DOJ Launches New Data Dashboards
- Donate to your local NORML chapter
- Download Cannabis Advocacy Activity Book
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- Free 420 Concert in the Park in Green Lake Wisconsin Press Release
- Governor Walker Signs Farm Freedom Act into Law
- Haunted House Group Outing Planned for Sat October 27th, 2012
- Heads vs. Feds: The Debate to Legalize Marijuana comes to UW-Oshkosh and UW-Fox Valley
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- House Members Pass Historic Legislation Legitimizing Retail Cannabis Sales
- Howards Grove, Cedar Grove and Sheboygan Listening Session Nov 4
- Incumbent Republican Pat Snyder statements on medical marijuana
- January 12th marks the first meeting of the year
- Jessica Katzenmeyer (D) to challenge Joe Sanfelippo (R)
- Jim Sensenbrenner July 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Jim Sensenbrenner September 2019 Town Hall Meetings
- Joni Anderson (D) vs winner of Republican Primary in Senate District 14
- Keep BUD in the Budget!
- Listen: The West Side, March 25, 2019
- Lobby Day Set for September 15th, 2015
- LRB-5228 Bipartisan Bill to Decriminalize Marijuana circulated for co-sponsorship
- Marathon County Board to Vote on Placing Medicinal Marijuana Question on November Election Ballot
- Medical Cannabis Meeting at Bad River Casino
- Melissa Winker (D) to challenge Barbara Dittrich (R)
- Members of Congress to Introduce Historic Legislation Ending Marijuana Prohibition
- Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.
- Michigan NORML 1st Quarter Meeting 2012
- Milwaukee marijuana supporters set second meeting date for January 17th
- Milwaukee Press Club Marijuana Forum Planned for Feb 3, 2020
- New Milwaukee City Attorney asked to stop cannabis prosecutions by ACLU and WJI
- New Website Tracks Politicians and Celebrities Who Support Legalizing Marijuana
- NORML Launches “Smoke the Vote” To Prepare For 2020 Election
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- Oct 17-18, 2015 event to include pie by the slice with hemp seed sprinkles
- Patients’ Lawsuit Forces Federal Gov’t to Answer 9-Year-Old Medical Marijuana Rescheduling Petition
- Petri to visit Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Watertown, Juneau, Manitowoc, Chilton, Menasha, Winneconne, Friendship, Wautoma, Montello and Green Lake Jan 29th-Feb 3rd
- Pie By The Slice Booth is more than a baked sale
- Press Conference Expected Oct 3rd, 2013 for the Wisconsin Medical Cannabis Act
- Press Conference Schedule for LRB-0188, Legalizing Marijuana in Wisconsin
- Press Release: 2024 Election Coverage
- Press Release: Bringing It Home Industrial Hemp Documentary screen to be held Nov 9th, 2013 at Appleton, Wisconsin Public Library
- Press Release: Forum on Legalizing Marijuana
- Press Release: New Executive Director and Media Contact
- Press Release: Participants Needed for Medical Marijuana Migration and Relocation Research
- Press Release: Protest the current federal and Wisconsin marijuana laws in Oshkosh, WI on 7-29-11
- Press Release: THC Tour comes to Wausau June 7th, 2014
- Press Release: Tues, Oct 11th, 2011, 5:00pm Awareness March for support of Industrial Hemp Cannabis
- Public Meeting August 10th, 2015 coordinates with NORML membership drive
- Registration for Webinar on June 30th
- Rep Amy Loudenbeck January 2020 Walworth County Office Hours
- Rep Bob Kulp Assembly District 69 Announces Retirement, co-sponsors medical marijuana
- Rep Mary Felzkowski announces bid for 12th State Senate
- Rep Pat Snyder sponsors bill to create medical marijuana program
- Rep. Edming Spring Marijuana Survey Results
- Rep. Mark Born March/April In District Office Hours
- Rep. Mary Felzkowski Dec 2019 Tomahawk, Merrill and Antigo Meetings
- Rep. Shae Sortwell De Pere Listening Session March 9
- Rep. Sortwell authors Jury Nullification Bill
- Rep. Spreitzer and Sen. Ringhand Announce Brodhead Listening Session Feb 4
- Rep. Tittl and Senator LeMahieu Hilbert and Manitowoc Meetings March 16th
- Rep. Tittl, Sen. LeMahieu Listening Sessions in Manitowoc and Chilton Nov 4
- Report: Many Commercially Marketed CBD Products Tainted with Psychoactive Adulterants
- Republican Candidate Tate Barber early marijuana statement
- Republican legislation has been pre-filed for the 2020 legislative session
- Republican Medical Marijuana Bill receives committee assignments
- Republican Senator Kathy Bernier statement on medical marijuana LRB-5095/1
- Round Table Discussion in West Allis – Marijuana Legalization
- Schedule for THC Tour at UW-Oshkosh
- Senator Marklein February 2020 Listening Sessions / Phone Blitz
- Senator Olsen expected to address medical marijuana activists at December 21st meeting
- Senator Olsen retires and Rep Ballweg pounces on first dibs
- Senator Patrick Testin Dec 16, 2019 Listening Sessions
- September 2015 Meeting, Sign Making and Pizza
- Show-Me Cannabis: New organization launched in support of ending cannabis prohibition
- Sign up for Email Action Alerts
- Smoke the Vote Scorecard Video Summary
- Smoke The Vote: Governor Evers, Grade B+
- So Long, and Thanks for all the Activism
- Southeastern Wisconsin marijuana activists set to meet on January 31, 2011.
- Sturgeon Bay: Vote YES On April 2nd!
- Tell AG Kaul to Stop Prosecuting Minor Marijuana Possession Cases
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor 3 Tall Pines
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Crown Extracts
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Thumb Alternatives
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Green Web Design, serving the USA
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Ignite Dispensary & Cigar
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Kirk Everson from Everson & Richards, LLP Law Offices
- Thank You to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor Original Shirtface
- Thank you to 2024 Election Coverage Sponsor R. Cole Hemp
- The Industrial Hemp Farming Act Press Release
- Virtual Public Hearing July 23 – Industrial Hemp
- Visit Rep. Scott Krug in Wisconsin Rapids Dec 16
- Wi Cannabis Expo Planned for Feb 8, 2020
- WI Election Commission Offers Tips for Voting
- WI State Senator Scott Fitzgerald opposes Medical Cannabis despite voters wishes.
- Winnebago County Marijuana Referendum for Nov 2020 gains traction
- WisCannabis: A Virtual Town Hall 4/23
- Wisconsin – A Hub for Cannabis Innovation by Rep. Sargent
- Wisconsin Cannabis Activist Sign Up
- Wisconsin State Cannabis Lobby Day, SAVE THE DATE! January 16th, 2013
- Wood County: Vote YES On April 2nd, 2019!
- Zunker (D) vs Tiffany (R) for 7th Congressional Special Election May 12, 2020
Primary Battle
- 85 & 87 Assembly District and Snyder (R) moves
- AD 1 Swagel to primary Kitchens, Paplham to face winner
- AD 11 Primary: Taylor (D) vs Heredia (D)
- AD 13 Primary: Michalski (R) vs Granger (R), winner to face Vining (D)
- AD 14: Tenorio (D) vs Engstrand (R) vs Shevey (I)
- AD 19 Primary: Clancy (D) vs Anderson (D)
- AD 27 Katsma (R) leaves, Brill (R) enters
- AD 33: Robin Vos (R), Kelly Clark (I), Alan Kupsik (D)
- AD 37 Primary : Born (R) vs Rydzewski (R); Bates awaits
- AD 4 and 6 Behnke, Steffen, Schmidt and let’s go Benson!
- AD 40: DeSanto (D) vs Helmer (R)
- AD 43: Scott Johnson (R) vs Brienne Brown (D)
- AD 47 Primary: Maldonado (D) vs Udell (D)
- AD 55 Primary: Gustafson (R), Schraa (R) and Kehoe (D)
- AD 55: Gustafson (R) vs Kehoe (D)
- AD 57 Primary: Peterson (R) vs Wilson (R), Caves (D) and Testin (I) on deck
- AD 61: LuAnn Bird (D) vs Bob Donovan (R)
- AD 65 Primary: Flood (D) vs DeSmidt (D)
- AD 65: DeSmidt (D) vs Gonzalez (R)
- AD 69 Primary: Hurd (R) vs Lori Voss (R) winner to face Halls (D) Kelley (I)
- AD 8 Primary: Ortiz-Velez (D) vs Murguia (D)
- AD 82 Allen (R), Reilly (D) vs D’Amico (D)
- AD 85: Patrick Snyder (R) vs Yee Leng Xiong (D)
- AD 92: Clint Moses (R) vs Joe Plouff (D)
- AD 93 Primary: Phelps (D) vs Butler (D), Rolbiecki (R) on deck
- AD 93: Christian Phelps (D) vs James Rolbiecki (R)
- AD 96 Primary: Johnson (D) vs Campbell (D)
- AD 96: Oldenberg (R) vs Johnson
- AD 98 Primary: Pridemore (R), Piwowarczyk (R), Schmechel (D)
- AD3 Tusler vs Bodden primary, who to face winner?
- Assembly District 43 Is Missing Who
- Bird (D) vs Donovan (R) in 61st AD rematch
- Brady Coulthard (D) – Assembly District 14
- Caden Berg (D) and Joe Plouff (D) want to challenge Rep. Clint Moses (R)
- Congress: Three Democrats race to face Fitzgerald
- Conley (D) in AD 44 retires, Roe and Myers announce
- Dave Considine (D) retires, DeSanto, Cook and Kunicki announce
- Magnafici retires, Duke and Kline announce
- Pfannerstill vs Dittrich Primary Election
- Primary Battles of the 2024 Election
- Senate 18: Alfheim (D) Carman (D) Phillips (R) Yang (R)
- Senate 20 Primary: Feyen (R) vs Ramthun (R) with Rapp (D)
- Will Paul Tittl (R) face a primary challenger
Public Relations
- “Antigone,” a documentary in progress, Includes Wisconsin Sentencing Hearing of Dana Beal
- 2020 Print Your Own Petition Form Available
- Bob Marley Birthday Bash with TUGG and Natty Nation at Cavalier in La Crosse Feb 13
- Can Goyke find his Republican? Vos, Loudenbeck and Kerkman “Just Say No”
- Candidates for Assembly District 41 Views on Marijuana Reform
- Candidates for Assembly District 89 Views on Marijuana Reform: Nygren (R), Rich (R), Jaeger (D)
- Congressman Glenn Grothman January 2020 Town Hall Meetings
- Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform
- DOJ Launches New Data Dashboards
- Door County Support for Medical Cannabis Resolution 2018-88
- Earn your Cannabis Advocacy Certificate
- EBHPP Capitol Briefing: What the Evidence Says (and Doesn’t) About Medical Marijuana
- Effective Tabling Tips
- Executive Summary: Wisconsin Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide
- GOP Assembly Rep Rob Swearingen 2019 Spring Budget Survey Marijuana Reform Results
- Help needed: Candidate Research and Data Entry
- How NORML should I be?
- Jessica Katzenmeyer (D) to challenge Joe Sanfelippo (R)
- Juror Education Card can be an effective marijuana activists tool
- Keep BUD in the Budget!
- La Crosse marijuana reform draws heat from police
- Marijuana leads to cure for food pantry shortages
- May NORML Survey Regarding COVID-19
- Mitigating The COVID-19 Crisis By Evolving Cannabis Policies
- New Milwaukee City Attorney asked to stop cannabis prosecutions by ACLU and WJI
- NORML Launches “Smoke the Vote” To Prepare For 2020 Election
- NORML Meeting in Oshkosh on Tues Oct. 11th
- NORML to table at Slighlty Stoopid concert in Milwuakee
- Occupations of Wisconsin Senators and Assembly Reps and stance on cannabis reform
- Outreach Meeting and Expo scheduled in Marinette
- Petition to Schedule Medical Marijuana Bills for a Public Hearing
- Pie By The Slice Booth is more than a baked sale
- Press Release: Bringing It Home Industrial Hemp Documentary screen to be held Nov 9th, 2013 at Appleton, Wisconsin Public Library
- Press Release: New Executive Director and Media Contact
- Press Release: Participants Needed for Medical Marijuana Migration and Relocation Research
- Press Release: THC Tour comes to Wausau June 7th, 2014
- Radical Rant – The Drug War Racial Disparity in Pictures with Wisconsin Example