Search Results for: Spring Survey

Representative Steve Doyle Minority Caucus Vice-Chair Assembly District 94 (D - Onalaska)
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Did Democrat Rep Doyle Dump Cannabis Reform

A whole bunch of signature pages were turned in from the La Crosse area. Most of them had been signed at Tree Huggers Co-op. We are training Dillon at Tree Huggers as a field activist and have upcoming meetings and event followed by a concert in La Crosse on Feb 13 where you can come…

2019 Northern Wisconsin NORML Year in Review
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2019 Year in Review according to our blog content

January we saw many editorials by members and the hint of a Republican medical marijuana bill and Lobby Day: February we did some main stream media interviews, saw more Republicans hashing out marijuana reform (some good and some bad reports) March: More main stream media coverage, support from law enforcement and some movement…

Representative Michael Schraa Assembly District 53 (R - Oshkosh)
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Michael Schraa from Oshkosh co-authors Republican medical marijuana legislation.

Rep. Michael Schraa is a Republican from Oshkosh and we have been working in his district forever and a day on the issue. With 99 Assembly Districts and not even all Democrats being up to speed on marijuana reform, education is constant, education is critical and education is key. Schraa is not a newcomer to…

Action Alert
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Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237

Support Assembly Bill 236 / Senate Bill 237 Regarding firearms and confidentiality of medical marijuana patients. Assembly Bill 236 is assigned to the 2019 Assembly Committee on State Affairs chaired by Republican Rob Swearingen from Rhinelander. Swearingen recently had negative public statements regarding marijuana reform archived here. Recent polling in his district shows that 63% of…