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  1. We need to catch up to the rest of the states that have progressed into the future. Let’s get it together wisconsin

  2. Stupid people with little brains running from legal pot. If pot is so bad why have you not stopped the bad drug from being on every block in our State. Becouse its harmless and you already know that. so why dont you stupid fuck heads due what we want . the people of this State. JUST REMEMBER, we employ your stupid asses. So give us what we want. NOT WHAT THE
    HELL YOU WANT. Its not about you , its about us . we the people.

  3. This should be up to the people to decide!!! We cannot vote for select candidates we have to vote red or blue which is bullshit!! We the people in Wisconsin are getting screwed. Tourists are going to states where it’s legal we are losing money there too. Not to mention Wisconsinites going to surrounding states to buy it. The people don’t want to be part of the Wisconsin weed trap!!

  4. Legal marijuana for medical use is an obvious solution to pain, for so many of us. It will be an enormous resource for the state and it will prevent addiction to opioids, usually prescribed for severe pain, like mine.
    The state will have funds, like never before. Have you seen Denver lately? That city looks so refreshing and new, hence the benefits for all.
    Please think about the enormous population that would benefit from legalizing marijuana in Wisconsin.

  5. Latest update 4-9-2021.. refresh your browser if you been here before… the support charts and graphs have changed again.. one Republican Senator (Roth) and two Republican Assembly Rep (Brooks and Tauchen) were moved from the “Opposed” column to “limited medical”.

    One unknown/committed Republican Assembly Rep (Callahan) was moved into the “opposed” category.

    If we assume the 7 Democratic incumbents in the assembly that have not sponsored any bills ever as supporters for adult use, the support graph for Adult Use/Medical in the Assembly would have higher support then the prohibitionists votes in the Assembly….. just saying….. we should see at least 7 new names as co-sponsors this session with these people alone, not to mention the newly elected officials.

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