Ed Hibsch (R) to challenge Tip McGuire (D) for AD 64
Assembly District 64 (MAP) is in parts of Kenosha and Racine County. November 2018, 88% of Kenosha County voters supported an advisory referendum to legalize medical marijuana.

Rep. McGuire (D) did not co-sponsor the “Erpenbach/Testin/Taylor Medical Marijuana Bill AB570.
Rep. McGuire does hold a seat on the Assembly Committee of State Affairs which will be the committee to handle medical marijuana for 2019-2020 legislative session.
We must mention the Republican legislative attempt to create a medical marijuana program (AB750). We found that Rep. Tip McGuire did not join his Senator Bob Wirch (D-Somers) in co-sponsoring AB750. If Rep. McGuire sponsored either of these pieces of legislation the committee would tip from opposed to supportive, in theory. For being one of only Democrats on the Committee to NOT sponsor a bill this session, we grade Rep. Tip McGuire a D+ but with an extra credit assignment due yet this session, Rep. McGuire could tip the scales and get and A for effort by achieving a public hearing on medical marijuana in the committee he is a member of.
Position on Medical Marijuana: Newly elected Assembly District 64 Rep Tip McGuire (D-Kenosha) is making marijuana news again. In his primary candidate statements in Fall 2018, McGuire seemed like he was a medical marijuana supporter stating:
This later statement came in December 2019
“The Republican caucus remains in the majority in the Assembly and Senate, and it is unclear whether there is enough political will within their caucus to take action and help Wisconsin patients,” said state Rep. Tip McGuire, D-Kenosha. “Government should not get in the way of a doctor prescribing what is best for their patient.”
Contact: Email: Rep.McGuire@legis.wisconsin.gov
Web: https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/2019/legislators/assembly/2075
Phone: 608-266-5504

On September 16, 2020, WisconsinEye senior producer Steve Walters interviewed Ed Hibsch (R-Kenosha) who is running for the 64th Assembly District in the upcoming general election.
In the interview, Ed opens his answer to the WI EYE marijuana question by saying “Definitely opposed to recreational marijuana, seen too many bad effects from the states that have gone that route.” He closes that portion of the interview by addressing medical marijuana by saying “Am open to medicinal use of marijuana, he has actually seen the benefits of it through a relative who has gone that route it is like night and day. I do believe there are medicinal benefits and that would be a way to go, but we also have also be very very careful and how it is controlled and managed and make sure not just everyone can get a medical marijuana card and basically have the same effect has having it legal recreationally. So I favor medical marijuana use but strictly controlled.“
Follow Ed’s Campaign on Facebook, no website.
General Election Nov 3, 2020
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