Don Herman (R-Oshkosh) Candidate Position on Marijuana
Assembly District 54 is in Winnebago County, consisting primarily the City of Oshkosh, Town of Algoma and Town of Oshkosh.
Back in June, Republican Don Herman from Oshkosh had an early statement about marijuana reform. Recently my hemp business Heritage Hemp Farm had a booth next to his at the Oshkosh Farmers Market and confirmed what constituents are saying about Herman, he supports reform. Here is the quote he gave me “Since I’ve never actually smoked marijuana I don’t have a lot of knowledge of it what it does to the body but I don’t see any reason why can’t be legalized as long as its controlled like alcohol with restrictions of smoking it with age and have health inspectors set up a system so it regulated so nobody sells tainted product.“
On July 13, 2020, WisconsinEye senior producer Steve Walters interviewed Don Herman (R-Oshkosh) who is running for the 54th Assembly District in the upcoming partisan primary election. During the interview he was asked about marijuana reform, he again expresses his support of the issue of ending prohibition of marijuana for responsible adults in Wisconsin. The video below is cued to start at that segment of the interview.
Learn more about the campaign of Don Herman on his campaign Facebook page.
Don Herman will face Pete Kohlhoff in the Republican Primary Election on Tuesday August 11, 2020. There was no video archived of canddiate Kohlhoff at WI EYE as of 8/4/2020 and no public stance of marijuana reform was found for Kohlhoff.
The winner of the Republican Primary will face a candidate who supports marijuana reform in Incumbent Gordon Hintz (D) on November 3rd, 2020.
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