Senators not up for re-election likely to continue prohibition in 2021-22
In the Executive Summary of the Smoke the Vote Candidate Scorecard and Voter Guide we learned that of the 33 Senators in Wisconsin, half are up for election each cycle. In November 2020 the “even” numbered Senate Districts are up for election.
16 of the 33 Senate Seats are up for election in November 2020. Of those 16 seats, 7 (44%) are currently held by a Republican who received a Failing Grade; 2 of those Failing Incumbent Republicans will not be on the ballot in 2020. (Luther Olsen retired and Tom Tiffany is seeking the 7th Congressional Seat). Also 4 Democrat Incumbents with high grades will be absent on the ballot in 2020 as Miller, Taylor, Schilling and Hanson all leave the Senate. So although elections are not certain, we know we will probably see some new faces in the Senate.
But what faces will remain? That is the focus of this blog article. Of the remaining 17 Senators (11 Republicans + 6 Democrats) not up for election this cycle means we will almost for certain deal with most of them next session. Of those 11 Republicans, we had one only 1 ‘A’ / passing grade and the remaining 10 Senators receiving ‘F’ Failing grades. It does not sound good saying 10 out of 33 people needed are already a NO to marijuana reform, but that just might be the case……
Of the 6 Democrats remaining; 5 received passing grades (2 ‘A’ and 3 ‘B’ and 1 ‘D’).
Maybe it helps if we name names and leave links to their voter scorecard.
Senate District 1 (R) Andre Jacque Grade: F
Senate District 3 (D) Tim Carpenter, Grade: B-
Senate District 5 (R) Dale Kooyenga, Grade: D+
Senate District 7 (D) Chris Larsen, Grade: A+
Senate District 9 (R) Devin LeMahieu, Grade: F
Senate District 11 (R) Stephen Nass, Grade: F
Senate District 13 (R) Scott Fitzgerald, Grade: F; he is seeking a Congressional Seat in November 2020,
Senate District 15 (D) Janis Ringhand, Grade: B-
Senate District 17 (R) Howard Marklein, Grade: F
Senate District 19 (R) Roger Roth, Grade: F (Poised to take Fitzgerald’s lead on the Just Say No Campaign)
Senate District 21 (R) Van Wanggaard, Grade: F
Senate District 23 (R) Kathy Bernier, Grade: A-
Senate District 25 (D) Janet Bewley, Grade: D-
Senate District 27 (D) Jon Erpenbach, Grade: B
Senate District 29 (R) Jerry Petrowski, Grade: F
Senate District 31 (D) Jeff Smith, Grade: A
Senate District 33 (R) Chris Kapenga, Grade: F
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