Action Alert: Sign the Petition to Give SB 377 a Public Hearing
SB 377 is an important piece of legislation wasting away in committee in the Wisconsin Senate. It is a bill that is identical to AB 220 which is currently wasting away in committee at the Assembly level. The Senate committee is comprised of the worst possible group of people to move this bill in the proper direction so we really need your help persuading them to do the right thing. We need to let them know we want the chance to be heard on this bill.
This bill was assigned to the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety. The members of this committee are:
- Senator Wanggaard (Chair)
- Senator Jacque (Vice-Chair)
- Senator Darling
- Senator Risser
- Senator L. Taylor
Please share this petition with everyone you know. This is a statewide petition and it doesn’t matter if anyone who signed the petition is in the committee members district or not. Thank you for your efforts to bring common sense to Wisconsin’s cannabis laws. Your activism is needed and appreciated.