Call To Action: Support AB 220 to Legalize Cannabis

Representative Melissa Sargent has introduced AB 220 to legalize the adult use of medical and recreational cannabis in Wisconsin. If this bill is ever to make it out of committee it needs your support. If you would like to read the details of the bill you can do so by clicking here.
Below we have created a letter you can send to your elected officials asking them to support this bill. Please take a moment to send the letter. I know sometimes it seems like a waste of time but your voice does matter and the more of us that use our voice, the louder our voice will be. Now is not the time to sit on our haunches and remain silent. We need to stop focusing on a referendum that was not binding and focus on the challenges ahead. Waiting around to “vote them out” doesn’t work either because you can only make a single vote in a single district. Even if you vote out one anti-cannabis Senator or Representative what about the rest of them that may not get voted out? Change takes dedication and persistence. Nothing happens with a single action. It requires that you remain vigilant and stay the course. Thank you for your time and your contributions in working toward the change we want to see!