GOP Assembly Rep Rob Swearingen 2019 Spring Budget Survey Marijuana Reform Results
Republican Rob Swearingen from Rhinelander is a GOP Assembly Rep with a Spring/Budget Survey with a question about marijuana for you, the constituents that live within the following area:
Wisconsin’s 34th Assembly District encompasses Oneida, Vilas, Florence, and a portion of Forest County. The district is located in northern Wisconsin, along the border of Wisconsin and Michigan.
Here was the question:
Legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes has been proposed. Law enforcement, educators and the medical community oppose legalization. Which best describes your views on marijuana legalization?
I do not support any legalization of marijuana use
I support limited medical legalization only
I support full decriminalization of marijuana for recreational or medical use
NORML David from Oneida County contacted the office of Assembly Rep. Swearingen to obtain the results and forwarded them onto us:
And here are the results:
36% of respondents do not support any marijuana legalization.
41% of respondents support medical marijuana legalization only.
22% of respondents support all marijuana legalization.
If your Assembly Representative is Republican, they may have had a Spring/Budget Survey also. We had many of these Reps with surveys up that contained the marijuana question listed as past events on our Facebook Page found here:
If your GOP Assembly Rep had a survey and you know the results, please contact us and we will publish them also! Our email for the chapter is