Become A Part Of The Change!
At this moment, we have an unprecedented opportunity to facilitate positive changes in Wisconsin cannabis laws. Public support of both medical and recreational cannabis is at an all time high, as supported by a recent non-binding resolution during our last elections.
While there are a lot of positive things happening and a lot of buzz surrounding the issue, there is still a lot of work that must be done. Even with mounting public support, the topic is slow to gain support within the legislature.
Northern Wisconsin NORML is a group of people just like you, working together toward a common goal and we are always looking for passionate people to become part of the change we are trying to create. Becoming a member of Northern Wisconsin NORML is a great way to help the cause. You’re yearly membership helps fund activism and public educational efforts. You can also volunteer your time, creativity and skills to activism and public outreach or even become involved in the political side of things.
I’m going to make an offer to anyone within Northern Wisconsin NORML’s region who wishes to become a member or make a donation. I will match the first $420.00 received in donations or memberships. In order for me to match these donations and memberships, they must be received through the links I am providing below. We have been wishing things would change for long enough. Now is the time to work for change.
To join Northern Wisconsin NORML please click here.
To donate to Northern Wisconsin NORML please click here.