Last Call for Signature Sheets before Lobby Day
Last chance to collect signatures prior to our next Lobby Day on February 15th, 2018 in Madison and before time runs out in the 2017-2018 Legislation Cycle.
The Signature Page is for active Wisconsin Legislation regarding Recreational, Medical, Decriminalization and CBD production.
We need as many of these signed and in our hands prior to our next Lobby Day in Madison. Lobbyists and Activists will be delivering them to elected officials throughout the day. These signed forms help them set up meetings and get face to face time with elected officials.
There will be a link to the Target Districts below also, but any city, village or town Wisconsin can sign and should. If you plan to join us in Madison on February 15th or need the signature form emailed to you, please email us directly at or call 920-931-4207
Here is a printable PDF of the active legislation signature page:
Here is our forum and some information about the signature page:
Here are the Target Districts for the Medical Marijuana Bills:
If you cannot collect signature pages in your community, you can still encourage people to contact their elected officials online. Here are the links to the Action Alerts on each piece of legislation. (Remember, our signature form has all active legislation on one form, one signature needed and helps us get in the office vs the online email goes to the elected official via email.)
Please volunteer and collect a few signature pages and forward them onto our chapter at PO BOX 542, Ripon WI 54971
Here are the links to active legislation action alert links:
CBD Production:
Medical Ballot Question: