05-08-2014 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML
Northern Wisconsin NORML Board Meeting for May 8th, 2014
Meeting called to order at 5:52 pm.
Roll Call for Board of Directors: Danielle, Jay, Jessica, Linda.
Not present: Jason
There will not be a live video broadcast of the meeting tonight.
April 2014 Treasurer’s Report:
Beginning Bal $512.36, PayPal $559.49, Spreadshirt $33.92 (2 sales in March/2 in April), Contributions $338, Expenses $74.99
Field Activist Reports from the Field:
4 New Members, 5 Renewing Members
Website Analytics:
Visits 1084, Unique Visitors 937, Pageviews 1829, Pages / Visit: 1.69, Avg. Visit Duration 1:19, % New Visits 82.93%
12 month: Visits 13,421, Unique Visitors 11,287, Pageviews 22,170, Pages / Visit: 1.65, Avg. Visit Duration 1:32, % New Visits 83.44%
Old Business:
Gene: Business Card Update, please send proof to Jay and we will order ASAP. Does anyone have any Freedom Cards stashed? If not, order
Anyone have success with bracelets/merchandising, sharing/caring experiences?
Elections tonight for the following Board positions:
Executive Director: is the spokesperson for the organization. The Director presides at all meetings, and promotes an effective liaison with other organizations, politicians, the media, the public, and the national office of NORML.
Assistant Director: serves as Acting Director when the Director is unable to do so, and assists the Director in his or her duties.
Secretary: keeps and safeguards both open and closed membership rosters, takes the minutes of meetings, and initiates all press releases. Where viable the Secretary is responsible for sending updates of the membership rosters, minutes from the meetings, newspaper clips, press releases, and periodic Movement Update Forms to the national office of NORML.
Treasurer: is responsible for accounting, banking and disbursement of funds. Accounting should include expense and income reports by category on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.
Field Director: Special projects, fund raising, new member recruitment and to handle special duties and situations not covered above.
Election Results:
Jay nominated Gene, Executive Director. Jessica seconded. All present agreed. Motion Carried.
Jay nominated Jason, Assisted Executive Director. Jessie seconded. All agreed. Motion Carried.
Jay nominated Jessica, Secretary. Lucas seconded. All present agreed. Motion Carried.
Jessie nominated Jay, Treasurer. Lucas Seconded. All present agreed. Motion Carried.
Jay nominated John, Field Director. Jessie Seconded. All present agreed. Motion Carried.
New Business
When responding or communicating via a shared account, should we try to identify who is communicating by signing off or adding our signature/name to the response. (Facebook messages to the shared profile and/or page; shared gmail) etc?
Update from Rich: June 7th, 2014 from 2-4pm Wausau Public Library, THC Tour. Press Release, Flyers. Rich may take road trip to flyer the area. Jay is trying to find local volunteers and have a few that want follow up after our info ready. Jim Maas also helping. Anyone in the wausau area, please contact Rich for more info.
Other Ideas:
Archiving news and information on website.
More social media awareness and cross promotion, ie (cannabis forums?)
Membership drive (maybe contest)
Update Introductory Activist Guide/Membership form for 2014
Signature Form Update, legislation session dead, just use a general form of support for the summer? maybe signature contest for the summer also?
The meeting was adjourned at 7 pm.
Check the calendar of events often and support when and where you can! Statewide events are listed: https://www.northernwinorml.org/calendar/