Rally planned for Green Bay May 26th & May 29th

Sean, a field activist with Northern WI NORML is back to work in in his community. Sean is working in the Green Bay area under the direction the Brown County Field Director Brian. If you are interested in joining the growing team of activists, do not hesitate to contact the chapter at NorthernWiNORML@gmail.com or visit the Field Activist Section of their website.
During this street side rally in Green Bay on Saturday May 26th and 29th, the chapter has decided to award the person who shows up with the best sign a free membership and/or T-shirt/Activist Kit combo package. The rallies are planned to start at 2pm and last till approximately 5pm. Sean will be judging the winner once the pictures are posted on the Northern Wisconsin NORML Facebook Page. So make sure you show up and bring your camera or make sure Sean takes a picture of you and your sign!
Here is the post and link to the facebook event on the 26th: http://www.facebook.com/events/465594823467653/
We will be meeting on the corner of Main and Webster staying there for a little while then marching past the courthouse to Broadway across the Walnut street bridge, things to bring:
-Water, it’ll be hot.
-Petitions, they can be printed from here: https://www.northernwinorml.org/pyo/; there is one for state medical, ending federal prohibition, and legalizing hemp (we are currently in desperate need of all three).
-Signs, the only rule is no signs that say “Honk for….” this will cause the police to stop and interfere.
-$5, if you are interested in making a donation for an activist kit.
Also if dress nicely if possible (button up shirts, khakis/khaki shorts, dress, etc. ) a positive public image is important for any cause to make real impact, if you can’t that is also fine too.
Bring anyone that is interested!!!
See ya guys out there!
Here is the post and Facebook Event for the Rally on the 29th: http://www.facebook.com/events/370035846390890/
Going out on Mason and Main St. on Tuesday the 26th. Going to be out there around 2pm and will at least stay there until 4 or 5. If you are wanting to join us please join this event and let me (Brian Halsey) know about it. I have a few extra signs and will have some petition forms. But I strongly encourage you to make your own sign (Cardboard, whatever you want to use IDK) and print some signature forms for us to use (Both signed and unsigned help)
Please Please Please while out there try to keep your feet moving and please don’t cause a ruckus and abide by ALL pedestrian laws, Walk/no walking signs and lights) and DO NOT……….I repeat DO NOT bring anything on your person or in the car. Please avoid from making “Honk For” signs and other signs that are going to cause a ruckus. These are to avoid ANY and ALL police confrontation. We abide by their laws they leave us along and let us exercise our rights 🙂