Wisconsin Medical Society may adopt new medical marijuana guidelines
Many readers are learning about ordinance 23.20 in Madison, the medical marijuana referendum in Dane County that passed in 2010 and the 961.32 exemption in the Wisconsin Unif0rmed Controlled Substances Act and are fired up!
Reports from Wisconsin NORML and Madison NORML Examiner Gary Storck indicate that the Wisconsin Medical Society may adopt the American Medical Associations recently changed (2009) guideline/position on marijuana. The vote has a chance of landing on April 20th, 2012 during the annual meeting held at Madison’s Monona Terrace Convention Center on April 20-21.
It looks like the past couple years of protesting, letters to the editors, attending the controlled substance board meetings and individual lobbying efforts paid off. Good work team!
The following is the AMA guidelines:
“CSAPH REPORT 3 – USE OF CANNABIS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES The Council on Science and Public Health recommends that the following statement be adopted in lieu of Resolutions 910 (I-08), 921 (I-08), and 229 (A-09) and the remainder of the report be filed. Our American Medical Association (AMA) urges that marijuana’s status as a federal Schedule I controlled substance be reviewed with the goal of facilitating the conduct of clinical research and development of cannabinoid-based medicines. This should not be viewed as an endorsement of state-based medical cannabis programs, the legalization of marijuana, or that scientific evidence on the therapeutic use of cannabis meets the current standards for a prescription drug product. (New HOD Policy)”
Source: Examiner.com Wisconsin Medical Society plans vote on AMA MMJ resolution at annual meeting – Madison norml | Examiner.comhttp://www.examiner.com/norml-in-madison/wisconsin-medical-society-plans-vote-on-ama-mmj-resolution-at-annual-meeting#ixzz1rnU6HK00
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