Light Up Your Activism and Drop a $4.20 Money Bomb to N.O.R.M.L.
Light up your activism
and drop the $4.20 Money Bomb!
Join Northern Wisconsin NORML today and help Legalize 4:2012
Serving the Fox Valley, Northern, Central Wisconsin and where needed.
Click Here for the printable version of the membership form.
Print the form, fill it out and bring it to a meeting or event, or send it to us via snail mail.
Northern Wisconsin NORML
ATTN: Membership
PO BOX 542
Ripon, WI 54971
Join NORML right now via PayPal!
Normally when you join our regional chapter at the minimum donation level of $10 you also receive a 1 year trial membership to National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws and that has not changed.
Each donation or membership at the $4.20 level during the $4.20 Money Bomb from April 1st – April 20th, 2012 will receive a special $4.20 Money Bomb Activist Kit.
Our goal is to have a new membership blitz, spread awareness for the organization and solidify our 2012 planning, so please share this with the people you know, post on your social networking profiles, come to a meeting/event, get active and become financial contributor to Northern Wisconsin NORML today!
None of us is as strong as all of us. Please consider joining us so we can try to make a change. Be the change you want to see in the world!
If not us, who? If not now, when?