Introducing NORML AmyBeth: Mom, Wife, Student, Leader and Activist
Hi I am Amy I am a proud mother of 3 great kids and a wife to a loving husband. I am also a PTO secretary and school volunteer and a full time Marketing student; my dream is to work in Charity Fundraising. I was a Girl Scout leader for 2 years. As a leader I emphasized the importance of volunteering and helping those less fortunate then themselves. After the Haiti and Japan Earthquakes we raised funds for Save the Children and for a Girl Scout Troop in Japan.
In August 2011 our lives turned into a nightmare my husband was arrested for manufacturing marijuana. I am also being charged party to a crime because I did not turn him in. We are facing 4 felonies and a misdemeanor. I resigned as a leader because I did not want to bring any negative attention to GS. I understand that it is illegal but I believe it shouldn’t be! Our family was ripped apart for 16 very long days, my children torn from our loving home and now for the next year we are unexpectedly visited by social services. I quiver at the thought of families being torn apart as mine was, just because someone grew some weed. We are still going through court; it has been a long stressful process, especially since I have never been in trouble with the law.
I was a teen mom. I had my oldest after I turned 18 she is now 10 and is the top reader in her class, and a straight “A” student except for a “B” in science. My youngest daughter has ADHD and Oppositional Defiance disorder. Life as a parent was very hard with her until we put her on meds; she has done a complete turn around from last school year. I was very hesitant about putting her on meds hoping she would mature we waited until she was in first grade to start taking medical action. She has had nothing but great reports from her teachers. My son just turned 3 and is already potty trained has been for over a year! Our kids are our life and we do whatever is necessary for them. I wouldn’t say I am a perfect parent, but I am not a neglectful one.
Since my name is now tainted I decided to do something positive with it, which is why I became an activist. I heard about NORML just after my husband was arrested. I think it is great there people are taking a stand for what they believe in. I believe that marijuana should be legalized, for both medicinal purposes and recreational use. I think that there are more pressing issues that the government should be focusing on. Like the rapists and sex offenders who receive lesser sentencing than a non violent drug dealer. Which completely disgusts me, there are people suffering everyday because of some sick pervert who couldn’t keep his hands to himself.