Ask Obama about cannabis jobs via Twitter Townhall Meeting July 6th.
The Facebook Pages HR 2306: Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011 and NORML are asking for our collective help:
President Obama will be hosting a “Twitter Townhall Meeting” on July 6th. If only we knew of a policy he could endorse that would create a new legal, regulated job creating market… You know the drill by now. Tweet at #AskObama & #CannabisJobs:
Why can’t we discuss legalizing cannabis to create jobs and save millions annually on enforcement? #AskObama #CannabisJobs
The President of the United States will answer your questions about the economy and jobs live via webcast from the White House streaming live on July 6th, 2011 at 2:00PM EDT and 11:00am PDT.
Link to Ask Obama On Twitter:
Please also follow Northern Wisconsin NORML on Twitter at:!/northernwinorml