NORML teams up with DNR to promote free fishing weekend June 4th
WHAT: Potluck Picnic and Free Fishing Weekend Event
WHEN: Saturday June 4th, 2011 from 12:00pm – 4:20pm (Rain Date is Sunday June 5th 12-4)
WHERE: Green Lake – Dartford Millpond Playground Park
WHY: Create Awareness of Free Fishing Weekend in Wisconsin
WHO: Open to general public and all ages welcome, children must be accompanied by an adult.
Bring your fishing gear, a dish to pass and your knowledge for the 2nd Annual Potluck Picnic and Awareness Day. Playground Park on the Dartford Mill Pond in Green Lake Wisconsin came alive Saturday June 4th as Northern Wisconsin NORML, statewide activists and supporters for the reform of marijuana, cannabis and hemp laws gather to celebrate and create awareness for free fishing weekend.
The Wisconsin Department of National resources allows residents to “Fish for Free” the first weekend in June, where no license is required to angle. The DNR provided lead-free lures, stickers, literature, and a variety of fishing related giveaways as part of the state wide fishing day. Local fishing clubs and merchants also donated time and resources to bring this day together in 2010 and we expect the same to happen this year.
“Stop in at our potluck picnic for fishing, food, and fellowship – music, too! Activities include fishing demonstrations, tips from experienced anglers, a tackle box review, knot-tying demonstrations, and casting. Fishing poles and bait will be available for use. Prizes for participating kids!” Do you love to fish? To assist with this community awareness event, please contact Jay at 920-410-2920 or via email at, thank you.