Are our elected officials missing hemp history week?
Are our elected officials missing hemp history week?
A recent letter to the editor printed in the Ripon Commonwealth Press Newspapers and Berlin Journal Newspapers.
May 2nd – 8th marks the second annual Hemp History Week, which
celebrates the health benefits and sustainability of the hemp plant.
Hemp is not marijuana and before the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, hemp
cannabis had a long and distinguished history in America. Industrial
hemp is grown from non-psychoactive strains of the Cannabis plant and
consuming hemp products will not get you high.
The United States of America is the only industrialized nation in
which it is illegal to cultivate this plant. As a nation, we import
all our hemp and hemp goods. As a nation, we are missing out on
multiple job opportunities and domestically manufactured products.
Hemp is jobs! Hemp should be made in America!
Products made from hemp fiber include paper, textiles, bio-plastics,
construction materials, kitty litter and fuel. From non-dairy
beverages, baked goods and cereals, to ice cream, waffles, and protein
powder, hemp is gaining momentum in the marketplace. Like soy, hemp
is a source of high quality protein and contains all nine essential
amino acids.
Hemp is a sustainable crop that can be grown without pesticides,
herbicides or fungicides and replenishes the soil while taking very
few nutrients. This diverse crop also suppresses weeds naturally
because of the fast growth of its canopy. The deep roots anchor and
aerate soil, reduce erosion, stabilize and enrich the soil. Hemp has
farm value even if no part of the plant is sold.
Am I missing something or are our elected officials?
Patiently waiting.
Jay Selthofner