NORML to Welcome Teapot Party Founder Willie Nelson to Wisconsin
Willie Nelson……the living legend singer-songwriter, musician, performer, actor and American icon is on the road again! Join Willie and Family for a night of his iconic hits at The Riverside Theater on March 15th, 2011. Show starts at 8pm.
The local chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (SE Wisconsin NORML) is planned to “Welcome Willie to Wisconsin”. “Excellent Grassroots Idea and a giant thank you to SE Wisconsin NORML members for organizing the event” stated the Wisconsin Teapot Party. “Part of Willie Nelson’s message last fall with the Teapot Party initiative was to unite and encourage networking with organizations supporting reform. We celebrated the 40th anniversary of NORML on March 2nd in Wisconsin and look forward to to this event.”
The SE Wisconsin NORML Facebook Event “Teapot Party Founder Welcome from SE Wisconsin NORML” states:
We are glad to announce our first outing as a group. Southeast Wisconsin NORML welcomes Willie Nelson and fans to the Riverside theater in Milwaukee, WI. We plan to begin assembling outside the Papst/Riverside Theatre to greet Willie Nelson and everyone coming to the show. This is a public outreach event, in which SE Wisconsin NORML members and supporters will have a friendly crowd to work with and help grow both education on what can be done about cannabis reform in Wisconsin. More information will become available as it we confirm plans for this event.
Please share your ideas for this event, sample fliers to hand out and signs. We are welcome your ideas on things we should do to help welcome the National Teapot Party Founder, Willie Nelson to town.
This is an All Ages event and so is the show afterward. If you are able to attend we recommend getting tickets now for the show asap at:
Since our regularly scheduled meeting falls the day prior to this event, our regularly scheduled chapter meeting will NOT be held 3/14/2011. The next scheduled chapter meeting is on Monday, March 28th.