Executive Director of Northern Wisconsin NORML interviewed on The Cannabis Agenda
Executive Director for the Northern Wisconsin Chapter of The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), Jay Selthofner was back on The Cannabis Agenda Episode #39 “Scratch and Sniff Marijuana” with a rehash of his cannabis campaign for Wisconsin State Assembly and other news from Wisconsin. The podcast aired Sunday evening on November 21st, 2010 and provides insight into the Selthofner campaign, pot politics and the upcoming Spring Election.
Included in the interview, Selthofner discusses his capturing 9% of the the vote in his campaign as an Independent Candidate, Joel Winning’s campaign for Supreme Court in Wisconsin and a recap of just how high of the Independent candidate scored on Wisconsin’s Super Tuesday Fall Election. The Cannabis Agenda also discussed how not supporting marijuana reform is affecting outcomes more than supporting marijuana reform. The campaign of Senator Julie Lassa (D-Wisconsin) who recently lost against Republican Sean Duffy in her bid for a congressional seat was discussed as a possible example.
Hey, it’s organic! The Cannabis Agenda is worth the entire listen as they are covering marijuana reform from international coast to coast and topics from states in between.
Selthofner has been featured on The Cannabis Agenda during the campaign for Wisconsin State Assembly and on past shows promoting Northern Wisconsin NORML. You can listen to his interviews archived on www.JaySelthofner.com/ca or to get up to speed and educated on news from The United States and around the world, listen to the past podcasts of The Cannabis Agenda here.