10-05-2010 Northern NORML Wisconsin Meeting Minutes
10-5-2010 Northern Wisconsin NORML Meeting Minutes
We need to get a checkbook and complete all of our paperwork.
After that we need to set up 2checkout.com in order to receive credit card donations – this is far cheaper and easier than getting a full blown Merchant Account.
Board Member Positions:
These should be interchangeable whenever possible – the Executive Director and the Vice Executive Director should be able to fill in for each other in meetings, media interviews, etc.
Titles of board members aren’t really as important as the fact that we are all a team. We are going to eventually get business cards made up that have NO names on them so that any NORML member could carry them with them in any situation.
We will need to turn our membership rosters over to National NORML soon and get the rest of that paperwork finished up.
Information for the business cards:
Northern Wisconsin NORML
We have not yet decided if we should have weekly meetings next year, or move to Monthly or twice a month meetings.
We discussed methods by which people find our meetings and find out about Jay and NORML.
Our two new members that showed up (from Redgranite) (Dave who commented on Narin’s blog today and his wife) had some great input to add to the discussion.
Feingold – not going to take a stance
Rob Taylor – constitutional candidate – he would eliminate the DEA.
Langer for Governor – Monday Oct 11 Wisconsin Public Radio @ 4pm
remember to steal MP3 file from first interview with Langer – upload to youtube and our website.
Barrett – flip flops based on public sentiment – has said he would, and would not
We like Jim Langer – he went from saying “I don’t know anything about the subject” to doing research and endorsing it on WPR.
Julie Lassa and Sherriff Peterson were reported as killing the Medical bill and presumably the Industrial bill. Through an open records search they’ve uncovered emails and other communications between Marshfield Clinic, Lassa, and Peterson. You can’t blame one person because one person can’t make or change a law – but you can certainly take it as an indication of how the opposition is operating behind the scenes.
Jay would like to request Ballweg’s open records – he would like to price the open records request and find out what it would cost – this would send a message to Joan Ballweg that we are serious about the issue, and to see what the process of requesting open records is.
Email Randall & Brit – send them a higher res image of our logo – the one I used on spreadshirt – for the pendants
Jay also mentioned stickers – clear stickers, lighters, etc etc etc
Jay discussed how even though Madison draws more people to Harvest Fest, the number of people who take action after that event are lower than the amount of participation that our members engage in – numbers aren’t everything – the main draw for so many people to go to Madison seems to be that they smoke pot in the streets.
Jay would like to do something like taking a field trip to the biodeisel factory, something that will be both newsworthy, and educate at the same time.