06-06-2010 Meeting Minutes for Northern Wisconsin NORML

6-06-2010 Northern WI NORML Meeting Minutes
Board members arrived at 11am – the library originally said that we had to have the meeting early today, but when we got here, they said there was nothing else scheduled until 4pm. Since none of the other members arrived we decided to wait to start the meeting until 11:30. Until then, we discussed whether we should add a poll to the website. We also need to capture user information on the website. Jessica will work on both.
We first discussed Ripon and Brat Frys. We are thinking that it might be best to try and have one in July and also in August so that we can afford to hold a THC expo at the Ripon Public Library – we are thinking that we should hold it in September.
We should try to publicize the Demo Derby that Laura is entering in the Waushara County Fair. We should talk about advertising opportunities, and still need a male driver.
We should find out the dates of all of the labor day parades. Jan mentioned that Harvest Fest in Green Lake is the last weekend in September.
We discussed whether we should do something in October for Halloween – should we go trick or treating and hand out healthy hemp candy and a flyer to the parents? (of course you would not want to give it to the kids simply because it might anger the parents).
We covered the topics on the meeting agenda and ended the meeting at noon.